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what is a wetland
a land area in which water covers the soil either seasonally or all year round
3 types of wetlands
how to wetlands help prevent flooding
they absorb and store the flood water, slowing the waterflow
ramsar convention, why is it important
international treaty towards the conservation and wise use of wetlands
it’s important because it is a global towards protecting and promoting the sustainable use of wetlands
what major factor determines something as a wetland
the area has to be saturated switch water either permanently or seasonally
how do wetlands improve water quality
they act as a filter, removing the excess nutrients, sediments, and other contaminants
main threats to wetlands
unsustainable development of housing
invasive species
climate change
famous wetland + its importance
okavango delta in botswana
it’s signifacnt due to its vast biodiversity.
it provides a habitat for various speacies
how do beavers influence wetland systems
they constructed dams which make ponds. these slow the waterflow down.
what is wetland restoration
it’s the repair of a degraded wetland’s charecteristics to return its natural functions