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Ex: Just some ailments can also put paid to your chances of performing at your top level.
put paid to sth
stop or destroy sth, esp what sb plans or wants to do
~ put spoke in one’s wheel
Ex: I am deeply indebted to my family for all their help.
indebted (to sb) (for sth)
grateful to sb for helping u
~ obliged
Ex: Scientists have discovered a new strain of antibiotic bacteria which is much more dangerous.
a ptc type or quality (plant, animal/disease caused by bacteria, etc.)
This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use.
He passed the exam with ease.
I just fall over myself to live a life of ease after the exam.
lack of difficulty
the state of feeling relaxed or comfortable without worries, problems
Ex: When you stretch a muscle, stretch receptors in the muscle detect the change in length and send signals to the brain to prevent overstretching or injury.
stretch receptor
thụ thể căng giãn (inform how much muscle is stretching)
ống niệu
Ex: Bladder (bàng quang) is something sitting in the pelvis
khung xương chậu
cơ bàng quang
spinal cord
tủy sống (truyền tín hiệu giữa não và cơ thể)
sacral region
vùng xương cùng. (kiểm soát chức năng bàng quang, ruột và một số cơ quan sinh dục.)
(y học) vỡ
make an agreement or good relations between ppl/countries end
Can you give me a cast-iron guarantee that the work will be completed on time?
There are few cast-iron certainties in this situation.
cast-iron guarantee, alibi etc
that can be trusted completely.
Ex: When the right opportunity comes along, she'll take it.
come along
arrive; appear
Ex: The scene where Scar holds up a skull is an allusion to Hamlet
sth said/written that is intended to make u think of a ptc person/thing
She screwed up her eyes and tried to read the sign.
I could tell that he’s not satisfied by the way he screwed up his face.
screw up one's face/eyes
nhăn mặt/mắt
Ex: Repetitive work can become soul-destroying after a while, even for those called “workhorse”
(job/activities) so boring that it makes u very unhappy
~ platitudinous
Ex: Bro was definitely the man of the hour then.
of the hour
important at a ptc time, esp the present time
Ex: Even though he was struggling financially, he made light of his problems to avoid worrying his family.
make light of
treat sth as not being important and not serious
~ play down, downplay
Ex: The concert ended and the crowd disassembled.
move apart and go away in different directions
unacknowledged feelings
Her contribution to the research went largely unacknowledged.
not receiving the thanks/praise that is deserved
that ppl are not aware of
The doctor gave a positive prognosis, saying the patient would recover fully in a few months.
The prognosis is for more people to work part-time in the future.
a judgement abt how sth is likely to develop in the future
~ harbinger
Ex: programs in dietetics and in domestic science.
dinh dưỡng học
Ex: The DJ created a mashup of two popular songs, blending their beats perfectly.
sự kết hợp (create new song, video/program, etc.)
They like this approach because it fits in with their own preconceptions.
Many people have a preconception that video games are bad for kids, but they can improve problem-solving skills.
a conception before u have enough information/ experience
~ presumption, bias
Ex: Fast food tends towards high fat and carbohydrate content and lack of essential nutrients like vitamins and fiber (chất xơ).
chất đường bột (sugar, tinh bột)
Ex: I don't want to give him any spurious illusions, I won’t mince my words.
a false idea/belief, esp abt sb/a situation
~ fallacy
to act in a fit of anger/rage/temper/pique
a short period of very strong feeling
The only way to negotiate the muddy hillside is on foot.
Up to 10 000 vehicles a day negotiate this narrow, winding road.
negotiate sth
manage to travel along a difficult route
~ traverse
Ex: The car crash claimed three lives.
claim sth
(disaster/accident, etc.) cause sb’s death
Ex: Only after a good night’s sleep will I be able to think with clarity.
He has shown great clarity of mind.
the ability to think clearly and not be confused
~ lucidity
the quality of being clear and easy to understand or see/hear
One major problem did present itself, though.
As soon as the opportunity presented itself, she would get another job.
Thankfully, a solution presented itself to him surprisingly soon.
present itself to sb
(opportunity, solution, etc.) suddenly appear
~ come along
Ex: It happened—whether by accident or design—that the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone.
by accident or design
vo tinh hay dan dung
My take on this is that we draw a line at such actions.
We'd love to hear your take on this issue.
take (on sth)
an opinion about sth
~ estimation
We keep our valuables under lock and key.
I will not rest until the murderer is under lock and key.
(keep/put sth - be) under lock and key
locked up safely somewhere; in prison
~ imprison
Ex: , but live and let live, I always
live and let live
used to say that you should be tolerance towards others’ opinions.