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Antecedent Boundary
A boundary line established before a large population or significant cultural landscape exists in an area, typically drawn along physical features.
A political system in which one person holds absolute power, typically with no legal opposition.
Berlin Conference
A meeting held in 1884-1885 where European powers divided Africa into colonies without regard for indigenous cultures.
Centripetal Force
A force that pulls people together, promoting unity within a country.
Centrifugal Force
A force that pushes people apart, leading to division within a state.
The policy or practice of acquiring control over another country and exploiting it economically.
Compact State
A state where the distance from the center to any boundary is relatively equal.
A form of government in which the people have the power to make decisions through voting.
The transfer of power from a central government to regional or local governments.
Elongated State
A state with a long, narrow shape, which can pose challenges for governance.
EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone)
An area extending 200 nautical miles from a coastal state with special rights over marine resources.
A small territory completely surrounded by another country with unique cultural characteristics.
European Union (EU)
A political and economic union of European countries that cooperate on various issues.
A part of a country that is geographically separated from the main part of the country.
Fragmented State
A state that consists of multiple, disconnected pieces of territory.
A system of government where power is shared between a central authority and smaller political units.
A region at the edge of a settled area, characterized by sparsely populated land.
The manipulation of electoral district boundaries to favor a specific political party.
A policy of extending a nation's power through colonization or military force.
A political movement advocating for the annexation of territories based on ethnic claims.
Landlocked State
A state with no access to the ocean, limiting trade and transportation options.
Law of the Sea
International law that governs the rights of nations regarding oceans and their resources.
A very small sovereign state, often with a tiny population.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
A military alliance formed in 1949 for mutual defense against external threats.
OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)
An organization of oil-producing countries coordinating petroleum production policies.
Perforated State
A state that completely surrounds another country.
Prorupted State
A state with a large extension or protrusion to gain access to resources.
Relic Boundary
A former boundary that no longer functions but holds historical significance.
The principle that peoples have the right to choose their own political status.
The authority of a state to govern itself without outside interference.
Subsequent Boundaries
Boundaries drawn after the settlement of a region, reflecting cultural factors.
Supranational Organization
An organization that transcends national boundaries, composed of multiple member states.
The way individuals or groups claim and defend a territory.
Unitary State
A state where most power resides in a central government.
United Nations
An international organization established to promote peace and cooperation.
Brandt Line
A socio-economic divide between wealthy North and poorer South countries.
A business owned and operated by its members who share in profits.
Core-Periphery Concept
A model describing unequal economic relationships between developed and less-developed countries.
Dependency Theory
A theory suggesting that developing countries are dependent on developed countries.
Fair Trade
A movement aimed at ensuring fair prices for producers in developing countries.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Investment made by an individual or company in business interests in another country.
GDI (Gender Development Index)
A measure of gender equality based on life expectancy, education, and income.
GII (Gender Inequality Index)
An index measuring gender inequalities in health, empowerment, and labor market.
GNI (Gross National Income)
The aggregate value of the gross balances of primary incomes for all sectors.
HDI (Human Development Index)
A composite index measuring average achievements in health, education, and standard of living.
IHDI (Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index)
An adjusted version of HDI accounting for inequality in various dimensions.
Informal Sector
Economic activities not regulated by the government or included in statistics.
International Division of Labor
The specialization of countries in producing certain goods and services.
Literacy Rate
The percentage of a population that can read and write in at least one language.
Maternal Mortality Rate
The number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births due to pregnancy complications.
Financial services provided to low-income individuals or communities.
Primary Sector
The part of the economy dealing with extraction and harvesting of natural resources.
The efficiency of producing goods and services, measured as output per input.
Quaternary Sector
The part of the economy involving knowledge-based activities, such as IT and research.
Quinary Sector
The sector focused on decision-making, services, and specialized knowledge.
Secondary Sector
The part of the economy involved in manufacturing and construction.
Tertiary Sector
The part of the economy providing services, including retail and entertainment.
World Bank
An international financial institution providing loans to low and middle-income countries.
World Systems Theory
A perspective viewing the world as a complex system of interconnected countries.