Div 1 - Bonus Part 2

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Q:This prayer is composed of the words of the Annunciation addressed to the Blessed Virgin by the angel Gabriel, and of the words of Mary's cousin Elizabeth, and a supplication added by the Church.

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RC Challenge, Division 1, Bonus Part 2

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Q:This prayer is composed of the words of the Annunciation addressed to the Blessed Virgin by the angel Gabriel, and of the words of Mary's cousin Elizabeth, and a supplication added by the Church.

A: What is the Hail Mary?

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Q:These are the 5 Joyful Mysteries of the rosary.

A: What are: (1) The Annunciation (2) The Visitation (3) The Birth of Christ (The Nativity) (4) The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. (5) The Finding of Jesus in the Temple?

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Q:These are the 5 Glorious Mysteries of the rosary.

A: What are: (1) Jesus Rises from the Dead. (2) Jesus Ascends into Heaven. (3) The Holy Spirit Descends upon the Apostles. (4) Mary is Assumed into Heaven (The Assumption) (5) Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth?

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Q:This mystery describes the visit made by the Blessed Mother of Christ to her cousin, Elizabeth, while Mary was with Child, as recorded in the Gospels.

A: What is the Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation of Mary.

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Q:This medal was struck after the apparitions of St. Catherine Laboure in 1830.

A: What is the Miraculous Medal?

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Q:The Third Commandment declares we must "Keep Holy the Sabbath." We obey this commandment by following this precept of the Church.

A: What is "attend Mass on Sundays and other holy days of obligation."

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Q:This sacred Marian shrine is located in Portugal.

A: What is Fatima?

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Q:This is possession of a human person by the devil.

A: What is diabolic possession?

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Q:This saint founded the Society of Jesus.

A: Who is Saint Ignatius of Loyola?

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Q:This revered Franciscan established nine missions in California.

A: Who is Blessed Junipero Serra?

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Q:It was to this person that the Virgin Mary declared herself as the Immaculate Conception.

A: Who is St. Bernadette (Soubirous)?

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Q:The Church has dedicated the month of May in honor of this person.

A: Who is Mary, the Mother of God?

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Q:Catholics believe that this condition existed of Mary before and after the birth of Jesus, but Protestants think that it contradicts the idea of her as a mother.

A: What is Mary's perpetual virginity?

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Q:A portrait of the Blessed Virgin appeared on the mantle of this Mexican peasant.

A: Who is Saint Juan Diego?

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Q:These were the month and year of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima.

A: What is May 1917?

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Q:The Blessed Virgin requested that this prayer be inserted between the mysteries in reciting the rosary.

A: What is: "0 My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy?"

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Q:These commandments forbid coveting.

A: What are the Ninth & Tenth Commandments?

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Q:Saying, "I am not worthy to die as my Lord did," he asked to be crucified upside down.

A: Who is St. Peter?

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Q:It was here that the Blessed Virgin appeared in 1858 in France to St. Bernadette.

A: What is Lourdes?

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Q:Other than God Himself, our greatest help against the temptations presented by the devil.

A: Who is the Blessed Virgin? (Mary our Mother).

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Q:The fact that Mary was conceived without original sin is this dogma.

A: What is the Immaculate Conception?

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Q:This pope solemnly defined the Assumption of the Blessed Mother as dogma in 1950.

A: Who is Pope Pius XII?

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Q:This Person gave us The Lord's Prayer.

A: Who is Jesus?

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Q:This person is truly God and truly Man.

A: Who is Jesus Christ?

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Q:This person was always God but he was not always man. He became man at the Incarnation, and will remain God and man forever.

A: Who is Jesus Christ?

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Q:This is considered the moment that the Son of God became man?

A: What is the moment Mary agreed to become His Mother or " Incarnation?"

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Q:They are known as Jesus' Father and foster father.

A: Who is God and Saint Joseph?

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Q:This miracle of Jesus was doubted by Thomas the Apostle.

A: What is His Resurrection from the dead.

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Q:This term refers to the sufferings of Jesus before His death.

A: What is the Passion?

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Q:This Person is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

A: Who is Jesus?

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Q:This is the feast day on which is celebrated the Nativity of Jesus Christ.

A: What is Christmas?

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Q:She had her first apparition of Our Blessed Mother on February 11, 1858.

A: Who is Saint Bernadette?

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Q:These are the meanings of the words Jesus and Christ.

A: What are "the Savior" and "Messiah?"

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Q:All the apostles were present at this event which occurred 40 days after Christ died.

A: What is the Ascension?

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Q:By order of Pilate, the four letters I.N.R.I. were placed on Christ's Cross and they stand for this.

A: What is: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews? or What is: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum?

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Q:These words were used by Christ to describe Himself as a response to those who don't know how to get to the Father's "House."

A: What are: "I am the way, the truth, and the life?" (Jn. 14:6).

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Q:The Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, true God and true Man.

A: Who is Jesus Christ?

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Q:These wounds of head, heart, hands and feet, inflicted on Our Lord during His passion and death, are sometimes offered to "victim souls" to make reparation for sin.

A: What is the stigmata?

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Q:At this event God said. "This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased."

A: What is the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River?

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Q:After Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, these came to attend Christ.

A: Who are angels?

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Q:This mystery teaches that Jesus is truly Divine and Human.

A: What is the mystery of the Incarnation?

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Q:This is the reason for the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross.

A: What is sin?

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Q:These are the words the priest speaks during absolution.

A: What are the words: "I absolve you from your sins, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit?"

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Q:This is a person "appointed in order to aid the deacon and to minister to the priest."

A: What is an acolyte?

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Q:A legal term for an accident that occurs without the cause or foreknowledge of man.

A: What is an Act of God?

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Q:On this day we commemorate Christ's passion and death.

A: What is Good Friday?

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Q:This is the feast day which we celebrate to commemorate Jesus' visible departure from the world 40 days after Easter.

A: What is the Feast of the Ascension?

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Q:This is imprinted on our soul at Confirmation.

A: What is a character?

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Q:This devotion to the Eucharistic Christ in the Roman Rite consists of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance, or a pyx, adoration of the faithful, hymns, the blessing where the priest makes the Sign of the Cross with the Blessed Sacrament over the people, and recitation of Divine Praises.

A: What is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament?

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Q:These are the holy days of obligation in the United States.

A: What are all the Sundays of the year, January lst (the Solemnity of Mary), the Feast of the Ascension (40 days after Easter), the Feast of the Assumption (August 15th), All Saints Day (November lst), the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8th), and Christmas Day December 25th)? (CanadA: Sundays, Christmas, New Year's)

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Q:This sacramental, consisting of two small pieces of cloth, is fastened by strings and worn around the neck in front and back.

A: What is a scapular?

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Q:This sacramental reminds us of our Baptism.

A: What is holy water?

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Q:This is the part of the Mass where the priest explains the Word of God.

A: What is the homily?

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Q:This is something done or accepted to make up for sin.

A: What is penance?

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Q:This person acts for Jesus in the sacrament of Penance.

A: Who is the priest?

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Q:This means "releasing," that is, we are set free (or absolved) from our sins.

A: What is absolution or when the priest absolves us from our sins?

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Q:This is the most joyous season of the Church year.

A: What is Easter?

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Q:The Last Supper was held on this day of the week.

A: What is Thursday?

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Q:Each sacrament has matter and form. These are the four sacraments that use Chrism or Holy Oil as their matter.

A: What are: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction (or Anointing of the Sick)?

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Q:This is the sacrament of God's forgiveness.

A: What is Penance, Reconciliation or Confession?

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Q:This man climbed a tree to see Jesus because he was too short.

A: Who is Zaccheus?

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Q:These are the names given the three types of holy oils used in the Church's worship today.

A: What are chrism, oil of the sick, and oil of the catechumens?

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Q:The place, usually in the center of the sanctuary, in which the Blessed Sacrament is contained.

A: What is the tabernacle?

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Q:This name is given the special vessel for presenting the Eucharistic Host for adoration by the faithful.

A: What is the Monstrance?

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Q:This event marked the beginning of God's work of salvation in Christ.

A: What is the Incarnation (or the Annunciation)?

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Q:'This is considered the birthday of the Church, the day the Holy Spirit was sent to earth.

A: What is Pentecost?

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Q:This is the light that is kept burning above or before ore the tabernacle in which the Blessed Sacrament is reserved.

A: What is the sanctuary lamp?

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Q:An outward sign instituted by Christ, to give grace.

A: What is a sacrament?

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Q:The introductory rites of a solemn "Novus Ordo" Mass are these four prayers.

A: What are: 1. Entrance Antiphon - 2. Penitential Rites - 3. Gloria - 4. Opening Prayer?

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Q: "Amen" in Hebrew means this.

A: What is: "So be it?"

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Q:At the beginning of the Gospel, the priest and the congregation trace this symbol on their forehead, lips and breast.

A: What is the Sign of the Cross?

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Q:This is the part of the Mass when the priest teaches and talks about the Readings and the Gospel.

A: What is the homily (or sermon)?

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Q:In the offertory of a Solemn Mass, the priest incenses these with a Sign of the Cross.

A: What is the bread and wine?

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Q:This the English translation of the Latin words, "Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus."

A: What is "Holy, Holy Holy?"

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Q:This is the most solemn moment of the Mass.

A: What is the consecration?

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Q:This is the part of the Mass which Christ instituted at the Last Supper.

A: What is the consecration?

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Q:This is the supreme act of worship in the Church of Christ.

A: What is the Mass?

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Q:This sweet odour, along with the chanting of the Mass represents prayers rising to God.

A: What is incense?

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Q:This is what "Mea Culpa," means on English.

A: What is "through my Fault?"

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Q:Jesus asked St. Peter this many times, "Simon, son of John doest thou love Me?"

A: What is three times?

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Q:These are the matter and form of the sacrament of Baptism.

A: What are: 1. Matter (pouring) - 2. Form ("I Baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of Holy Spirit?")

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Q:These are a record of what Jesus wants us to believe and do in order to be saved and reach Heaven as well as an account of how, out of great Love He died for us.

A: What are the Gospels?

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Q:Instituted by Christ and administered by His Church, these are the ordinary means of obtaining grace.

A: What are sacraments?

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Q:A plenary indulgence is attached to this special blessing.

A: What is an Apostolic blessing or Papal blessing?

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Q:A day preceding certain feasts (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost). It is a day of preparation, and sometimes involves some penance.

A: What is a vigil?

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Q:This is the moment of forgiveness in the sacrament of Reconciliation. (Penance)

A: What is absolution?

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Q:This is the oil used in the sacrament of Holy Orders.

A: What is chrism?

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Q:This is recommended to help a person prepare for confession.

A: What is the examination of conscience?

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Q:This is the recommended age for a child to receive First Holy Communion.

A: What is the age of reason? (around 7 years of age).

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Q:This is the only day in the Church's year on which Mass is not offered.

A: What is Good Friday?

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Q:This is the official language of the traditional Roman Rite Mass.

A: What is Latin?

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Q:A short rectangular piece of white cloth, worn beneath the alb to cover the shoulders with two ends tied at the waist of the priest.

A: What is the amice?

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Q:This is a table which has been specially dedicated to God for the offering of sacrifice.

A: What is an altar?

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Q:They are two small vessels that contain the water and wine to be used at Mass.

A: What are the cruets?

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Q:This is the light that is kept burning near the tabernacle in which the Blessed Sacrament is reserved.

A: What is the sanctuary lamp?

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Q:Jesus is kept in this place, so we can visit Him in the church.

A: What is the tabernacle?

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Q:This is a sacrifice and a sacrament.

A: What is the Holy Eucharist?

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Q:This is a sacred cup in which the wine becomes the true Blood of Christ at the consecration.

A: What is the chalice?

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Q:St. Thomas Aquinas spoke of these as the instruments God uses in causing in us or communicating to us the graces of salvation.

A: What are the sacraments?

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Q:Through this sacrament a baptized person is sealed with the Holy Spirit.

A: What is Confirmation?

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