Feeds Exam 3

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The average body condition score of a mare at foaling should be __________

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The average body condition score of a mare at foaling should be __________


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What feeding scenario for lactating dairy cows would cause the fat content in milk to be reduced?

a reduction in the particle size of the forage used in the diet

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What is the recommended minimum amount of forage that a 1000 lb horse should consume?

10 lb (1% of BW)

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Dairy cows fed a high-concentrate diet will have a HIGHER rumen concentration of _______ than diary cows fed a high-roughage diet

propionic acid

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Adding fat to the supplement of a horse will cause the protein to calorie ratio to _________


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The essential amino acid requirements per unit of energy are lowest for which of the following?

exercising horses

lactating mares

late pregnant mares

nursing foals

exercising horses

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A low concentration of blood _________ in lactating dairy cows is associated with milk fever


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T/F: Feeding forages that are too high in potassium to dry dairy cows can increase the incidence of milk fever


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What is the correct ranking of physiological priorities (highest to lowest) for phase III lactating cows?

reproduction > growth > maintenance > lactation

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What is the correct ranking of physiological priorities (highest to lowest) for phase II lactating cows?

reproduction > lactation > growth > maintenance

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What is the correct ranking of physiological priorities (highest to lowest) for phase I lactating cows?

lactating > reproduction > growth > maintenance

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Which of the following forages are generally safe to feed to horses without potential toxicity problems?

sorghum hay

fescue hay

bermudagrass hay

kleingrass hay

bermudagrass hay

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T/F: compared to corn, wheat is MORE likely to cause milk fat depression in dairy cows


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Which group of pigs has a lower dietary requirement for essential amino acids?

non-paylean fed pigs

paylean fed pigs

non-paylean fed pigs

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What amino acids are considered to be essential amino acids in a swine diet?

lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan

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What is relative lysine value?

concentration of lysine in the protein for a given feed, compared to that of SBM

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What is the most commonly used energy feed in finishing hog rations in the US?


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Which of the following grain sources would most likely cause milk fat depression in lactating dairy cows?


whole corn

steam-flaked corn

rolled oats

steam-flaked corn

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Which feed would have the “best” roughage value for use in lactating dairy cow rations?

long-stem alfalfa hay

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The metabolic precursor for the synthesis of milk fat is?

acetic acid

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During the 1st stage of milk production dairy cows are typically in a _________ energy balance situation, whereas during the 3rd stage of production cows are typically in a _________ energy balance situation

negative; positive

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During the 2nd stage of lactation ________ has the highest physiological priority, while _________ has the lowest physiological priority

reproduction; maintenance

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Feeding fat to pigs will _________ feed intake and ________ the heat increment

decrease; decrease

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For lactating diary cow producing 80 lbs of milk in the 1st phase of lactation, which physiological function will require the most feed energy?


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Of the total feed required to produce hogs (conception to slaughter), what proportion is used by market hogs (weaning to slaughter)?


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Roughage value is a measure of ________

time a cow chews per kg of feed

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Which 2 nutrients are causing the most problems with regards to environmental concerns of concentrated animal feeding operations?

nitrogen and phosphorus

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For a horse exercising at a moderate level, its DE requirement would be ____% higher compared to a mature idle horse


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T/F: Including fat in a pig’s diet will reduce the heat increment


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T/F: In formulating grain mixed for pigs, one should maintain at least 1:1 Ca:P ratio


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T/F: The proportion of available lysine is lower in cottonseed meal than in soybean meal


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T/F: Effective fiber is the property of a feed that causes a cow to chew


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T/F: Protein requirements are higher for large-frame growing steers than small-frame growing steers


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T/F: Including phytase enzyme in a pig’s diet will reduce the total phosphorus needed in the diet


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T/F: The acetic acid concentration will increase as the proportion of grain in the diet decreases


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T/F: Urea contains 45% nitrogen and 6.25% crude protein equivalence


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Which of the following protein supplements has the LOWEST relative lysine value?

cottonseed meal

fish meal

corn gluten meal

peanut meal

canola meal

corn gluten meal

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Which of the following protein supplements has the HIGHEST relative lysine value?

cottonseed meal

fish meal

corn gluten meal

peanut meal

canola meal

fish meal

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What is the correct range for the Ca:P ratio for diets fed to horses and pigs?

1:1 to 1.5:1

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The protein:calorie ratio requirement is highest for:

mature exercising horses

lactating mares

late-gestation pregnant mares

weanling horses

lactating mares

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You have formulated a high-grain feedlot ration that contains 2% urea. What is the total crude protein equivalent value of this ration?

5.6% crude protein equivalents

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In horses, amino acids from microbial protein synthesized from urea will be absorbed from the ________

will not be absorbed

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Assuming optimal microbial fermentation conditions, 1 lb of urea has the potential to be converted into _____ lbs of microbial protein


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During phase V, it is recommended that the ration be formulated for the correct dietary cation anion balance (DCAB) to help prevent milk fever. What 4 nutrients are used to calculate DCAB?

sodium, potassium, sulfur, chloride

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What are the 2 strategies used to prevent milk fever in dairy cows?

  1. feed low-calcium diets during the dry period (period IV)

  2. feed a negative DCAB during the transition period (period V)

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What are 2 effective nutritional management strategies that can be used to prevent ketosis in dairy cows?

supplement cows with extra niacin during phase I

limit energy intake during phase IV to ensure that cows are not too fat at calving

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The rule of thumb in feeding supplements to horses to prevent digestive upsets is not to feed more than _____ of the horses body weight per meal


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Urea is best used in ______ diets with lots of ________

high-grain; starch CHO

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Urea is best used in diets that have more ________


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Which situation would urea be most effectively used in ruminant diets?

ruminants fed high-grain diets

ruminants fed high-roughage diets

high-grain diet

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Which situation would urea be most effectively used in ruminant diets?

ruminants fed diets with fish meal

ruminants fed diets with soybean meal

diet with fish meal

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Mixing oat grain in with a commercial feed supplement (1:1 oats/supplement) that was formulated to meet requirements for growing horses will cause the Ca:P ratio to _____


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List 5 strategies that can be used to reduce environmental impact of excess manure nitrogen from pig production operations

  1. formulate diets based on EAA requirements rather than CP

  2. formulate diets based on bioavailable EAA rather than total EAA

  3. use synthetic EAA to meet EAA requirements, but with less total CP in the diet

  4. use paylean

  5. use GMO corn or SBM with increased protein quality

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List 5 strategies that can be used to reduce environmental impact of excess manure phosphorus from pig production operations

  1. do not formulate diets to contain excess phosphorus

  2. formulate diets based on bioavailable phosphorus rather than total phosphorus

  3. use feeds with higher bioavailability of phosphorus

  4. use feed additives containing phytase enzyme to increase the bioavailability of phytate P and reduce fecal P losses

  5. use GMO corn or SBM that express phytase to enable increased absorption of P

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What nutritional strategies can be used to reduce environmental impact of excess manure in both nitrogen and phosphorus form pig production operations?

implement phase feeding or split-sex feeding management systems, use GMO corn or SBM

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Which class of horse would have the lowest CP:DE or Lysine:DE ratios?

mature or exercising horse

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Which class of horse would have the highest CP:DE or Lysine:DE ratios?

nursing or weanling horse/lactating mares

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List 2 b-complex vitamins that are most likely to be deficient in horses

thiamine and biotin

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List 3 factors that influence the net energy requirements for growth in growing lambs

  1. frame size

  2. body weight

  3. rate of gain per day

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Factors that cause the proportion of fat in the growth to increase will ______ NEg requirements


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Assuming that corn gluten meal and fish meal have equal protein concentrations, and similar RUP values, which of these feeds would be best to include in a dairy cow diet to ensure that amino acid requirements are being met?

fish meal

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Which ewes are most susceptible to getting pregnancy toxemia?

late pregnant ewes with twin fetuses

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Which ewes have the highest CP to energy ratio?

early lactating ewes nursing twin lambs

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Heat increment is highest for _________, intermediate for ________, and lowest for _________ in dairy cows

fiber; starch; fat

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ME from roughages ________ heat increment so the NE value ________ in dairy cows

increases; decreases

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ME from grains _______ heat increment so the NE value ________ in dairy cows

decreases; increases

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ME from rendered fat ________ heat increment so the NE value _________

extremely decreases; extremely increases

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What affects the NE value of feeds?

nutrient composition, physiological function of the animal

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Feeds high in fiber have ______ fecal, methane, and HI losses compared to feeds high in starch


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HI associated with ME use is ______ in growing animals


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HI associated with ME use is _______ in lactating animals


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Heat increment is highest when ME is used for _______ and lowest when used for __________

growth; maintenance/lactation

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ME used for growth ________ HI so the NEg value ________

increases; decreases

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ME used for maintenance _________ HI so the NEm value ________

decreases; increases

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ME for lactation ________ HI so the NEl value _________

decreases; increases

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T/F: Corn grain has a HIGHER net energy value for maintenance, lactation, and growth than poor-quality hay


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How can one successfully meet nutrient demands of a high-producing dairy cow?

rely on cow’s increase in appetite (higher DM intake), increase the nutrient density of the lactation diet, rely on mobilization of cow’s body tissue

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What is phase 1 of dairy cow production?

early lactation 0-10 weeks, peak milk production occurring between weeks 3-6, cow in negative energy balance

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What is phase 2 of dairy cow production?

mid lactation 10-24 weeks, milk yield starts to decrease, peak DMI between weeks 11-13, cow in neutral energy balance

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What is phase 3 of dairy cow production?

late lactation > 24 weeks, milk yield still decreasing, cow regains body tissue reserves, cow in positive energy balance

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What is phase 4 of dairy cow production?

dry period 5-8 weeks, late pregnancy with rapid fetal growth, cow in positive energy balance

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What is phase 5 of dairy cow production?

transition period 2-3 weeks, dry period, late pregnancy but cow preparing for lactation, cow in positive energy balance

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The dilemma in feeding lactating dairy cows is that feeding a _______ diet will enable more milk production, but too much dietary _______ may damage ______ and ________ due to inadequate intake of dietary _______

high-grain; starch; rumen papillae; depress milk fat; fiber

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High roughage diets cause an increase in _______

saliva production, rumination time, and rumen pH

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In high grain diets, there are ______ microbes, a ________ rumen pH, and more of which VFA?

more starch-loving; lower; propionate

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In high forage diets, there are _________ microbes, a ________ rumen pH, and more of which VFA?

more fiber-loving; higher; acetate

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How does an inadequate dietary fiber level depress milk fat synthesis?

decreased rumination time, saliva production, rumen buffer production, rumen pH, dietary fiber digestion, and acetic acid production

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Milk fat synthesis as ________ is the metabolic precursor

acetic acid

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To maintain adequate fiber levels in lactating dairy cow diets, diet must have a minimum forage:concentrate ratio of _____, minimum of _____% ADF, and minimum of ______% of BW as forage

40:60; 21; 1-1.5

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Effective fiber of a feed is dependent on _________

particle size, amount of chemical fiber, type of fiber

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What is roughage value determined by and how is it expressed?

amount of time a cow spends chewing; min chewing/unit of feed DM

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Does fine, medium, or coarse particle size of a ration increase rumen pH, acetate production, and milk fat %?


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What are the short-term benefits of including adequate levels of effective fiber in the lactating cow diet?

increased rumination, saliva production, rumen pH, fiber-loving microbes, acetic acid production

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What are the long-term benefits of including adequate levels of effective fiber in the lactating cow diet?

prevents acidosis, maintains integrity of rumen epithelial tissue, prevents rumen burnout

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What factors affect milk composition?

type of grain, grain processing, dietary buffers, dietary fats

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Cows fed grains which have ______ rates of rumen starch fermentation are more likely to have depressed milk fat


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What is the hierarchy for types of grain that are more likely to cause depressed milk fat?

wheat, barley, corn = sorghum

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The ________ a grain is processed the faster the rate of rumen starch fermentation


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What is the hierarchy of grain processes that are more likely to cause depressed milk fat?

steam-flaking, cracked = dry-rolled, whole

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Adding buffers to the diet will ______ rumen pH and help minimize milk fat depression


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