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Discrete lesions within the thyroid gland that are radiologically distinct from the surrounding tissue
What percentage of palpable nodules are benign?
colloid, multinodular goiter, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Cyst (simple, hemorrhagic), Follicular adenomas
What are the benign types of thyroid nodules?
Colloid nodule
What type of thyroid nodule is this - most common type, solid, well-defined, and usually non-functional?
Multinodular goiter
What type of thyroid nodule is this - nodules may be solid or cystic; occasionally hyperfunctional
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
What type of thyroid nodule is this - autoimmune, diffuse changes in thyroid due to inflammation and fibrosis
What type of thyroid nodule is this - fluid filled can be simple (fluid only) OR complex (some solid parts)
follicular adenoma
What type of thyroid nodule is this - typically well encapsulated, solid, round, and well circumscribed
papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, anaplastic carcinoma, primary thyroid lymphoma, metastatic disease (secondary lesions)
What are the malignant thyroid nodules?
papillary carcinoma
What type of thyroid nodule is this - most common type of thyroid cancer (80%) and metastasizes via the lymphatics?
Follicular carcinoma
What type of thyroid nodule is this - 10-15% of thyroid cancers, good prognosis BUT higher chance of spreading (bones and lungs)?
Medullary thyroid cancer
What type of thyroid nodule is this - 4% of thyroid cancers; arises from C cells (parafollicular cells), metastasizes early, and is associated with MEN 2?
Anaplastic carcinoma
What type of thyroid nodule is this - rare, aggressive, 2% of thyroid cancers and the patient presents with rapidly enlarging mass and compressive symptoms?
primary thyroid lymphoma
What type of thyroid nodule is this - rare, associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
lung, breast, kidney, melonoma
Which other cancers commonly metastasize to the thyroid
family hx of goiter, older women, soft, multinodular, high antibody titers, cystic on US, hot nodule on RAIU
What are some orange flags (low index of suspicion) for thyroid cacner?
Graves, toxic multinodular goiter, toxic adenoma
When evaluating for hyperthyroidism using RAIU what is associated with a high RAIU
thyroiditis, iodine overload, exogenous thyroid hormone use
When evaluating for hyperthyroidism using RAIU what is associated with a low RAIU
hx of radiation, young adults, family hx, elevated calcitonin, solid on U/S, cold nodule on RAIU, dark (hypoechoic) on U/S, irregular margins, microcalcifications, taller than wide, extrathyroidal extension, hard fixed nodule, vocal cord paralysis
Red flags for malignancy of thyroid nodules
Hx and physical, TSH, Free T4/T3, thyroid antibodies, U/S
Work up plan for thyroid nodules
wack on U/S, bigger than 1 cm
When is a FNA biopsy indicated for thyroid nodules?
The Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathlogy (TBSRTC)
What is the rating system for FNA thyroid biopsies?
TBSRTC ratings for malignancy
TBSRTC for undetermined
TBSRTC for benign nodules
TBSRTC for nondiagnostic/nonsatisfactory
Women (3x)
What patient population is more likely to get thyroid cancer
total thyroidectomy (1+cm tumor), central neck dissection if lymphadenopathy is present
Treatment plan for papillary thyroid carcinoma
total thyroidectomy, RAI therapy if metastatic
Treatment plan for follicular thyroid carcinoma
Gameplan for small well differentiated cancers
total thyroidectomy
Game plan for larger tumors (1cm +) or more aggressive cancers
high risk patients, those with evidence of remaining thyroid tissue
Who gets radioactive iodine therapy after thyroidectomy?
levothyroxine forever (monitor levels and U/S)
If you remove the thyroid, you give the patient
10 year survival rate for papillary carcinoma
10 year survival rate of follicular carcinoma
5 year survival rate of sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma
Poor if not detected early
Prognosis of hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma (MEN2)
1 year survival rate for anaplastic carcinoma