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released by the hypothalamus and stimulates the pituitary
released by the pituitary and stimulates testosterone production in interstitial cells of testes and estrogen production in ovaries
released by the pituitary and stimulates sperm production in seminiferous tubule of testes and ripening of follicles in ovaries
The male reproductive system relies on a negative feedback loop, meaning that as _______ rises above a certain level, the hypothalamus and pituitary are triggered to stop producing GnRH, FSH, and LH.
susceptible to attack by antibodies once in the female vagina.
menstrual cycle
They are normal if the hormonal events occur in the proper sequence.
How do the estrogen levels and cervical mucus change during the follicular phase, and what do these changes indicate?
Increasing estrogen levels cause cervical mucus to become friendlier, indicating preparation for ovulation.
How does the follicular phase contribute to the overall variability in menstrual cycle length?
The length of the follicular phase varies significantly, influencing the total cycle length.
follicular phase
It is the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
parts of the destructive phase (menses)
The breakdown of the endometrium
Contractions of the uterine myometrium
Low levels of progesterone and estrogen
hormones corresponds to the most likely physiological cause of PMS symptoms?
Decreased estrogen: carbohydrate metabolism, intensified craving for sweets
sex during menstruation
it can lead to a decrease in uterine cramping if the female experiences orgasm.
menstruation in erotophilic (sex positive) cultures
Rite of passage into womanhood
When is a female most likely to be fertile?
Cervical os is soft and open
How can hormonal imbalances affect fertility in both males and females?
In females, hormonal imbalances can disrupt ovulation, while in males, they can lead to abnormal sperm production.
Which factor can lead to infertility due to an ovulation disorder in women?
Excessive production of thyroid hormone
As suggested by the "________ hypothesis," the cessation of the menstrual cycle while a female is at full physical capacity allows her to devote precious time and resources (namely food and knowledge) to their adult children, which in turn allows them to be better parents.
grandmother hypothesis
According to testosterone supplementation research, which of the following statements is true?
It is effective only in males who show below normal levels of testosterone, and even then it still carries risks.
whats recommended for males to optimize the health of their sperm
limit excessive alcohol intake
avoid sources of radiation
limit exposer to toxins in the enviornment such as gas fumes and pesticides
reliable signs ot pregnancy
Heagars signs include a softened uterus and changes in color of the labia and cervix
very high levels of hCG in the blood
detection of a fetal heartbeat using an ultrasound
A single fertilized cell (ovum) that begins the process of development.
A multi-celled structure that contains an inner cell mass and an outer membrane that will develop into the placenta.
Inner Cell Mass
The group of cells within the blastocyst that will develop into an embryo.
The outer layer of the blastocyst that contributes to placenta formation.
The fluid-filled cavity within the blastocyst that surrounds the inner cell mass.
At about day 26, what will the chorionic villi do after sprouting from the blastocyst's outer membrane?
Make contact with the maternal blood supply
Which of the following causes morning sickness when levels begin to rise?
What does a pregnant female tend to experience during the first trimester?
Great fatigue
In the early part of the second trimester, the pregnant female will begin to feel kicks from her fetus. What is this called?
During the second trimester, the majority of pregnant women receive which of the following tests?
quad test
During the second trimester, which of the following is not experienced by most pregnant females and/or their partners?
Increased fatigue and nausea
During the third trimester, a pregnant female will periodically experience a tightening sensation in her lower abdomen. What are these practice uterine contractions called?
Braxton Hicks
What usually happens with sex in pregnant couples during the third trimester of pregnancy?
It continues and even benefits if the couple experiments with positions.
which factor is the most predictive of neonatal survival rates?
The number of weeks the fetus spends in utero
How do epidurals potentially affect the fetus during childbirth?
They might cause short-term fetal heart rate abnormalities.
Which of the following is NOT a common experience for a mother who gave birth in the past week?
Pregnancy weight is mostly gone by the end of the week.
Depressed mood following birth…….
Can be exacerbated if the mother lacks emotional and social support
Scientists find that most women don't show measurable symptoms of PMS
Women are most likely to become pregnant if they have sex 2 days before ovulation
Having regular orgasms can help prevent menstrual cramping
The endometrium is built and maintained primarily during the ____ stage of menstruation.
According to the textbook: Angelica doesn't feel like she'll be successful in her math class, because she believes "girls are bad at math." This causes her anxiety which makes her underperform in the math class. This phenomenon is termed...
stereotype threat
According to the documentary we watched about intersex people: The documentary discusses Dr. John Money's theory about gender. What did his theory posit?
Gender is mostly about nurture and how one is raised - FALSE
____medical procedure performed during labor has the highest risk of serious and long-lasting complications?
When experiencing premenstrual syndrome (PMS), someone may experience oily skin and pimples primarily due to...
Unmasked androgen
what are ways to optimize pregnancy
Measuring the temperature of the vagina daily to check for signs of ovulation
Avoiding contamination of the vagina with lubricants or douches that may impede sperm
Having sex once a day, everyday
From the talk with Kelly (trans woman): Why did Kelly sue her school district?
Her insurance would not cover gender affirming medication
_____trimester has the most pregnancy symptoms (e.g., headaches, fatigue, morning sickness)?
1st trimester
According to the textbook: Approximitely 15% of known pregnancies end in a miscarriage, with the vast majority being due to ____, which is when a blastocyst spontaneously aborts soon after implantation.
chemical pregnancy
According to the documentary we watched about intersex people: The medical model for treating intersex babies, which was developed in the 1950s, recommended what treatment for most people born intersex?
Surgical intervention
In studies where an attractive, male confederate goes up to a female stranger and offers to have sex with her, what percentage of female participants agree to have sex?
true regarding sexual activity during the postpartum period in women who nurse their infants?
Can result in milk release and ejection during orgasm and nipple stimulation
Chromosomal gender
XX or XY genes
Hormonal gender
testosterone vs. estrogen
Genital gender
penis vs. vulva
Gonadal gender
testicles vs. ovaries
Assigned gender
assigned by society
Gender identity
felt gender
At 7 weeks, both girls and boys have
Gonads (inside body)
Homologous organs
arising from the same tissue
when genitals are ambiguous - in-between female and male
ex: Micro-penis,Enlarged clitoris
Androgen-insensitivity syndrome
Cause: testosterone
Lack of body hair
Female-like genitalia
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Causes: Testosterone over-production
Enlarged clitoris
Altered growth (growth
Menstrual irregularities (interrupted ovulation)
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
XXY chromosomes
Long limbs - underdeveloped motor
Enlarged breasts/hips
Fertility issues
Learning disorders
About____ of people are born intersex
As common as red hair
Many people don’t fit a _____
binary model
ex) Native American tribes commonly recognized two-spirit people
Janet Hyde conducted a
“meta-analyses” of gender differences in sexuality
Examining data spanning decades (1960s – present)
Examining large, inter national datasets
men and women dont differ in: Age of first having sex
Both average 18 years old
men and women dont differ in: number of sexual partners
Both average around 5 partners
men and women dont differ in: No average differences in...
Sexual frequency
Sexual satisfaction
Beliefs about masturbation, oral sex, etc.
Men gender differences
Men masturbate 50% more than women
Men use porn 2 – 3x more often than
Largest difference: Men are more likely to
20% of men have affairs
13% of women do too
“Do you wish to have sex with more than
one person per month?”
Women = 3% said “Yes”
Men = 25% said “Yes”
“How long would you want to date someone before having sex?”
Women: 3 months
Men: 1 week
“Attractive” confederates walked up to opposite-sex strangers and said... “I have been noticing you around campus. I find you to be very attractive. Would you go to bed with me tonight?”
75% of men accepted the offer
About 40% were already in a relationship
0% of women accepted the offer
This explanation posits that as cultures change, so should gender differences
as cultures become more gender equal, women...
Masturbate more
Have more sexual partners
Have more casual sex
Women may commonly ____ sexual partners, affairs, masturbation, etc.
Sometimes researchers use “bogus pipeline” (fake lie detector)...
Women report same amount of masturbation as men
Women reported 30% more porn use
gender differences are most rooted in
Humans likely evolved to be sexually similar to
F & M
show equal interest in sex
both engage w/ multiple partner sex
offspring raised by the entire tribe
No recognition of paternity
ejaculation ranges from 15-200 million sperm
produce 5,000 sperm each second
Only 10 - 15% of sperm are viable
Most sperm are immobile or deformed
Why are so many sperm needed for fertilization
half drain out of vagina after sex
many killed by acidity of vagina
Only 1% make it through the cervix
Half of those enter the wrong fallopian tube
Only 1% of the remaining reach the egg
In end, only 1 in 500,000 sperm make it
to the egg!
Sperm competition
human males compete w/ their sperm
produce more to out number other males
shovel shape of penis evacuates competitors sperm
Necessitates “thrusting”
Some animals produce “gladiator” sperm
sperm count decreases dramatically over time
Dropped 60% over last 40 years
Likely caused by endocrine disruptors
Blocking testosterone channels
the 3 Ps: plastics, pesticides, pollution
other causes of sperm count
1. Obesity
2. Poor diet (vitamin deficiency)
3. Stress
4. Psychiatric medications
5. Smoking, drinking, drugs
What boosts sperm count
Exercise (especially weightlifting)
Vitamin supplements
Getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night
Repairs cellular damage
Ejaculate regularly (at least once a week)
Menarche - first menstruation
typically occurs around age 12 ( 1st few months are inviable)
occurring earlier; Similar pattern in male puberty (spermarche)
Menarche age predicted by leptin
Hormone stored in body fat
Tied with body weight
Overweight à Early menarche
Underweight à Late menarche
Follicular Phase
oocytes (immature eggs)
develop into ovum (mature egg) in ovaries
Occurs between days 6 and 14 (of 28-day cycle)
when egg fertilization can occur
Egg begins traveling down fallopian tube
Creates 12 – 24 hours of fertility
cant tell when a women is ovulating - its “covert”
encourages pair bonding
Males must “mate guard” at
all times Or risk raising another man’s
subtle signs of ovulation
Increased redness ( lips, cheeks, breasts)
increase pheromone production
prefer “manlier” men - high testosterone
how to know your ovulating
Temperature method
Use vaginal thermometer every morning
Slight rise in temperature (0.5OF) occurs 2 – 3 days after ovulation
Cervical mucus method
Luteal Phase
endometrium builds up to support fertilized egg
Endometrium – tissue generated in uterus
estrogen and progesterone drops preparing for menstruation
if egg remains unfertilized,endometrium is “sloughed” off
Exits vagina over the course of 3 – 7 days
Alternatives to pads and tampons
mensural cup - healthy, reusable, money saver
Period panties - easy to wash, reduce money
menstrual cramping
Prostaglandin (hormone) causes uterine contractions
Dislodges endometrium during menstruation
common in women under age 25
Dysmenorrhea treatments
Anti-inflammatory meds
E.g., Motrin, Aleve
Regular orgasms strengthen and stretch uterine muscles
Decreasing cramping
endometrium grows outside of womb
Causes painful cramps, sex, bowel movements 1 – 2 weeks around period
Must be treated by a doctor as soon as possible
ovaries hurt when they ovulate, not cramp-like pain but a
very sharp pain
Premenstrual syndrome
psychological/physical symptoms occurring 1 – 3 days before menses