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when it is no longer specifically relevant to the immediate context of its origin
Literature is Language
critics believe that there has to be enough language in a work for it to be considered literature
literal or face value meaning
additional figurative meaning
writer offers familiar, common things in an odd unorthodox way, also known as ostranenie
Literature is Fictional
something in them lets readers know they are different from real life
Invented Material
authors make up or imagine some or all of the material.
Stylized Material
the artistic control the writer exercises over the work.
Literature is True
even though they are "fictional" they have the capacity of being "true"
Factual Accuracy
can be true to the facts
Directly Stated Ideas
directly states an idea in the text using a sentence
Typical Characters, Probable Actions
fictional characters that exhibit similar traits of real life people
Literature as an Expression
an expression of the individuals who compose it
another kind of truth conveyed by literature is the experience of reality
Literature is Aesthetic
aesthetic quality of literature
Order and Form
literary conventions such as metaphor, plot, symbolism, irony, suspense, & poetic language
Literature is Intertextual
relates to other works of literature, incorporates established literary conventions
Literary Genre
rich source of meaning for the interpretation of individual works
21st Century Literature
any literary work written by contemporary authors and published from the 2000s to the present
- presence of a narrator
- features a telling of made-up events
events of a narrative, emphasis on causality
narrative of events arranged in their time sequence
Freytag Pyramid Purpose
to present causal relationship or connections of events in a narrative
conflict that sets plot in motion
Rising Action
interconnection of events in a story
turning point of the story
Falling Action
events and complications start falling into place
point at which conflict is resolved
Happy Ending
everything ends well and all is resolved
Tragic Ending
doesnt end pleasantly, readers contemplate the complexities of life
way characters are introduced and developed
Flat Characters
only one or two personality traits, often recognizable as stereotypes
Round Characters
multiple personality traits, harder to understand and more like real people
Static Characters
remain the same throughout a work
Dynamic Characters
grow throughout story, sometimes through a self-realized epiphany
Point of View
narrators relationship to the world of the work
Third Person Omniscient
narrator from "outside" the story world tells the story
Third Person Limited
perspective is limited to the mind of one character
Objective Point of View
refer to characters in third person and display omniscient knowledge but does not enter characters mind
First Person Point of View
character is narrator
where and when the story takes place
contrast between appearance and reality
object that has meaning beyond itself
Public Symbols
conventional and symbols most people would recognize
Private Symbols
unique to an individual work
underlying message or idea in a text, not directly stated