Nominal (data)
discrete categories
Ordinal (data)
relative amounts
Interval (data)
actual amounts without ‘0’
Ratio (data)
actual amounts with ‘0’
3 Measures of Central Tendency (M,M,M)
2 Measures of Dispersion
Standard Deviation
3 Measures of Effect Size (ES,d,r)
Cohen’s d
Eta-squared Effect Size (small, medium, large) (values)
small = .01
medium = .06
large = .14
F, r, p, and eta-squared with increased sample size
F = increases
r = no change
p = decreases
eta-squared = no change
Descriptive Statistics (definition)
summarize the data from a sample
Inferential Statistics (definition)
generalize the sample results to the population
Sample (purpose)
to represent a population so sample results can be inferred to the population
What does “statistically significant” mean?
means that you are sure, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the difference you observed is not a fluke
What does “p<.05” mean?
probability is less than 5% that you would get a result this extreme by chance if the null hypothesis were true
3 Caveats Regarding Statistical Significance Effects
not necessarily large effects
may have no practical significance
may not be in expected direction
4 Components of a Null Hypothesis
no effect
type of relationship/mean difference
specifies the variables
specifies the population and sample
4 Components of a Research Hypothesis
type of relationship/mean difference
direction/pattern (+/-; pattern of means)
specifies the variables
specifies the population and sample
3 Outcomes for Statistical Analysis
retain the null
reject the null AND pattern/direction matches research hypothesis
reject the null AND pattern/direction does not match research hypothesis