Medial clavicle, anterior manubrium
Mastoid process
Occipital & Superior thyroid a.
spinal accessory & branches of cervical plexus
unilat contraction: lat ipsilat flx head, contralat head rot w/ chin cranially
bilat contraction: head flx, raise thorax, raise chin
Trapezius - O
EOP, Nuchal lines, lig nuchae, S Process C7 - T12
Trapezius - I
Upper - post bord lat 1/3 clavicle
Middle - acromion process & lat spine of scap
Lower - Spine of scap
Trapezius - F
Suspension of Shld Girdle
Upper - elevate scap & clavicle (shld girdle), assist in up rot, neck/skull ext
Middle - retraction, stabilizes scap for abd, ext
Lower - depress scap, assist up rot, assist retract
Trapezius - N
CN XI & Ventral Rami C3 & 4
Trapezius - A
Transverse cervical a. (tz) *forms subtrapezial plexus
Levator Scapulae - O
T Process C1-4
Levator Scapulae - I
Vert border & sup angle of scap
Levator Scapulae - F
Elevates scap, assist in down rot, lat flx & ext of neck
Levator Scapulae - N
Dorsal scapular n. (C5) & branches of cerv plexus
Levator Scapulae - A
Dorsal scapular & transverse cervical a.
Splenius - O
Lig nuchae & S Process of C7-T6
Splenius - I
Cervicis - post tubercles of C2-3 transv process
Capitis - mastoid process & sup nuchal line
Splenius - F
Ext, lat flx, and rot head & neck
Splenius - N
Dorsal rami of cerv spinal n.
Splenius - A
Occip & transverse cervical a.
Scalene Anterior - O
Ant tubs of upper cerv vb
Scalene Ante - I
Scalene tub of rib I
Scalene Ante - F
Elevate thorax, flx nect, & ipsilat lat flx neck
Scalene Ante - N
Brachial plexus (C5-7)
Scalene Ante - A
Ascending cervical a.
Scalene Med - O
Post tub of cerv vb
Scalene med - I
Tubercle of rib I
Scalene med - F
elevate thorax, flx neck, ipsilat lat flx neck
Scalene med - N
Brachial plexus (C3-8)
Scalene med - A
Ascending cervical a.
Scalene post - O
usually fused to med
Post tub of lower cerv vb
Scalene post - I
Second rib
Scalene post - F
Elevate thorax, flx neck, ipsilat lat flx neck
Scalene post - N
Brachial plexus (C7-8)
Scalene post - A
Ascending cervical a.
Longus Colli - O
Transv process of upper cev vb
Longus Colli - I
Bodies & transv process of cerv & upper thoracic vb, including atlas
Longus Colli - F
flx head/neck, lat flx head/neck, ipsilat rot
Longus Colli - N
Ventral rami of cerv spinal n.
Longus Colli - A
Vertebral & Ascending a.
Longus capitis - O
transv process of upper cerv vb
Longus capitis - I
occip bone, basilar surface
Longus capitis - F
Ipsilat lat flx & & rot of head/neck, flx of head/neck
Longus capitis - N
ventral rami of cervical spinal n.
Longus capitis - A
Vertebral & ascending cervical a.
Rectus Capitis Anterior - O
lat mass C1
Rectus Capitis Anterior - I
Basilar surface of occip bone, ante to f magnum
Rectus Capitis Anterior - F
Ipsilat flx & rot of head
Rectus Capitis Anterior - N
C1 & 2
Rectus Capitis Anterior - A
Vertebral & ascending pharyngeal a.
Rectus capitis lateralis - O
Transv process of C1
Rectus capitis lateralis - I
Basilar surface of occip bone, lat to f magnum
Rectus capitis lateralis - F
Ipsilat lat flx head
Rectus capitis lateralis - N
C1 & 2
Rectus capitis lateralis - A
Vertebral, occip, and ascending pharyngeal a
Platysma - O
Pectoral & deltoid fascia
Platysma - I
Infe border of mandible, fascia and superficial m. of face
Platysma - F
Depress jaw & lower lip, contract skin over ante neck
Platysma - N
Platysma - A
Facial & Suprascapular a.
Sternohyoid - O
Manubrium, post surfaceq
Sternohyoid - I
Hyoid bone
Sternohyoid - F
depress hyoid bone
Sternohyoid - N
Ansa cervicalis
Sternohyoid - A
Superior thyroid and lingual a
Omohyoid - O
Sup border of scap
Omohyoid - I
hyoid bone
Omohyoid - F
depress hyoid
Omohyoid - N
Ansa cervicalis
Omohyoid - A
Sup thyroid & lingual a.
two bellies - intertendon anchors to clavicle
Sternothyroid - O
Manubrium, post bord
Sternothyroid - I
Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Sternothyroid - F
depress thyroid cartilage
Sternothyroid - N
Ansa cervicalis
Sternothyroid - A
Sup thyroid a.
Thyrohyoid - O
Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid - I
Thyrohyoid - F
Depress hyoid
Thyrohyoid - N
Thyrohyoid - A
Sup thyroid a
Digastric (post belly) - O
Mastoid process
Digastric (post belly) - I
Digastric (post belly) - F
elevate hyoid, depress mandible
Digastric (post belly) - N
Digastric (post belly) - A
Facial & occipital a.
Digastric (ante belly) - O
Digastric (ante belly) - I
digastric foss of mandible
Digastric (ante belly) - F
elevates hyoid, depress mandible
Digastric (ante belly) - N
Digastric (ante belly) - A
Facial & occipital a.
Mylohyoid - O
Mylohyoid line of mandible
Mylohyoid - I
Midline raphe & hyoid bone
Mylohyoid - F
raises hyoid and depress mandible
Mylohyoid - N
Mylohyoid - A
Lingual and facial a
Stylohyoid - O
Styloid process
Stylohyoid - I
hyoid bone
Stylohyoid - F
raises hyoid
Stylohyoid - N