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The Enlightenment (1700s)
science, progress, individual
Emergence of Sociology: Factors and Time Frame
Emergence of Sociology: Intellectual Factors
The Enlightenment (1700s)
Science, progress, individual
The Counter-Enlightenment (end of 1700s)
Too much individual = anarchy! Keep Institutions!
Differentiation of Social Sciences within the University
History, economics, psychology, and anthropology
^^18/19th century thinkers wanted to analyze the remarkable change occurring around them with these 3 factors in mind: economic, social, political
Emergence of Sociology: Economic Factors
Expansion of Commerce & Markets – b/c of population growth
Industrialization – new machinery, smokestacks, pollution
Emergence of Sociology: Social Factors
Urbanization – ppl left farms → cities to work in factories
Made more sense for farmers – became a source of reliable/steady income (farming is unpredictable)
Decline of Local Communities – cities rise w/ urbanization
Emergence of Sociology: Political Factors
Rise of bureaucratic nation states
City states – ex. Florence, Rome
Decline in the power of the Church
Rising in importance. Individuals matter whether they’re female or male.
Result of intellectual, economic, social, & political factors affecting society
As the economic, social & political change in Europe became more dramatic in the 19th century…
Industrial revolution
French Revolution
Birth of nation states
Decline of the Church’s power
… There was an interest in assessing that social change scientifically, based on the 17th & 18th century Enlightenment thinking.
Science - all aspects of life subject to the same critical examination as nature
The individual is capable of understanding and making decisions (intellectual independence)
The world “progress”
Enlightenment Thinking
Emphasized reason, science, and individualism as primary sources of authority and progress. Promotes intellectual independence.
When did Sociology emerge as a field of study?
Sociology became the specialized form of assessing social change, drawing from social science disciplines that emerged earlier (history, economics, anthro, psych)
Key Questions addressed by early sociology
What are the mechanics [physics] of society: how does it “work”?
What causes society to change/progress?
How are individuals related to each other and to society?
Do individuals shape society (AGENCY), or does society shape individuals (STRUCTURE)
What is the best way to study society?
Nominees for “First Sociologist”
Saint-Simon (1760-1825)
Comte (1978-1857)
Martineau (1802-1876)
Marx (1818-1883)
Saint-Simon (1760-1825)
Father/founder of French Sociology
The evolution of society is the progressive triumph of “association” over “antagonism” – his response for the question How does society progress? – he notices that progress happens when ppl cooperate
3 stages of history **just need to know there were three stages of history
Polytheism – slavery
Theism – feudalism
Positivism – industrialism
Socialist: the whole of society ought to strive towards the amelioration (improvement) of the poorest class
Feminist - full of equality for women
Comte (1978-1857)
3 stages of history - Evolution of world views & society **just know there were 3 stages
Coined the term “sociology” - Queen of the Sciences
Martineau (1802-1876)
Sociological method - developed principles and methods of empirical social research
Translated Comte
Wide-ranging interests
Class, religion, suicide, national character, domestic relations, women’s status, criminology, and interrelations between institutions & individuals
Marx (1818-1883)
“Historical Materialism” - the basis of social change is conflict about production
Progression in production moves history FORWARD – believes producing is the fundamental things of human beings
Marx is the touchstone for all subsequent sociological work
Enlightenment thinker