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under normal weather conditions, a driver must use headligths between
a half hour after sunset and a half hour before sunrise
the first rule of a safe and legal turn is
to move into the proper lane well before the turn
the distance a vehicle travles between the time the driver reecognizes a problem and the time they apply the brakes is not known as
reaction distance
when entering an interstate highway from the acceleration lane, you must
keep pace with other traffic or speed limits
in standard passenger car, partial hydroplaning can begin at speeds as low as
35 mph to 50 mph
when driving in a roundabout and if apporached by an emergency vehicle using a siren or a horn or a red/blue flashing light
continue to your exit and then pull to the right
when driving on a road with no centerline where vehicles come from each direction, drivers must
give at least half the road to others going in the opposite direction
if you are changing lanes, preparing to pass, or entering traffic, signal and check for passing traffic by first using your mirros and then
checking your vehicles blind spot
passing on the right is permitted in all of the folowing situations except
when driving in a lane set aside for left turns
if two vehicles enter an intersection that is not controlled by signs/signals, from different roadways at about the same time, then the vehicle _ has the right of way
on the right
if you skid while hydroplaning, you should
release the accelerator
to turn left from one way street to another one way street a driver must begin the turn
from the left lane and make the turn close to the left curb
you must use high beam lighting in all of the following situations except
when there may be people along the side of the road, in construction areas, unfamiliar roads, in fog/snow/ or heavy rain
in fog/snow/ or heavy rain
_ are the most frequent type of crashes on interstates
rear end
when is it legal to use the shoulder of a road for passing another vehicle
you are not legally allowed to pass using the shoulder of a road
when stopped for a traffic violation, which of the following documents must be provided by the driver
insurance license regristration
when a turning lane is provided for vehicles traveling in both directions, drivers must use
extreme caution to make a left turn
passing is not allowed on either side of a highway when
both sides have solid yellow line markings
if your vehicles directional signals fail, use _ until you can have them repaired
hand signals
you must use _ when the sun is shining brightly or when a line of cars following you could obscure your turn signal light
hand signals
on some roadways, some lanes are reserved as transit are used for
buses only
if a pedestrian is in a marked or unmarked crosswalk, you must
stop and wait until the pedestrian has passed
drivers must be aware that children have a minimal perception of car speeds and distances
rines are doubled in all school zones
drivers must not yield to pedestrians in school crosswalks with no school crossing gaurd
when entering a paved thoroughfare from a private road, a driveway, or an unoaved road, you must
come to a complete stop and then give the right of way to pedestians, bicyclists, or vehicles on the road you are entering
when there is water on the roadway, you must redue your speed to avoid
a _ offers you the best possible protection in a car crash and, therefore, is your best defense against drunk drivers
safety seat belt
in an emergency, it is legal to park on the shoulder of the road as far from traffic as possible
it is legal to park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
when parking on a downhill grade, turn your wheels towards the curb
_ are made to stop runaway vehicles safely without injuring drivers and passengers on steep mountain grades
escape ramps
if you want to change several lanes on a multilane highway
change them one at a time
where there are two solid yellow lines in the center, passing is
not permitted in either direction
when you see a pedestrian crossing an unmarked crosswalk where there is no traffic control signal, you should
yield the right of way to the pedestrian
you must avoid driving next to other vehicles on multilane roads because
someone may crowd your lane
a broken yellow line alongside a solid yellow line indicates that
passing is permitted on the side of the broken line but not on the side of the solid line
the danger areas around trucks and buses where crashes are more likely to occur are called
no zones
if you approach a roundabout, always enter to the _ of the central island
when you turn from a high speed, two lane roadway, _ if you have traffic following you
try not to slow down your vehicle too suddenly
driving on the left side on a multi lane highway is legal when you are
avoiding and obstruction turning left passing another vehicle
if you see a yield sign in your driving lane, you must
slow down and stop your vehicle if necessary
when driving a vehicles, unbalanced tires, and low tire pressure can cause
faster tire wear
the most important vehice control device to use during a skid is
the steering wheel
at an uncontrolled T intersection, the vehicle on the through street must yield to the vehicle on the terminating street
divers must yield to pedestrians at unmarked intersections
vehicles entering or crossing a roadway from a private driveway must yield to all oncoming vehicles
vehicles turning left must yield to oncoming traffic
when making a U turn, you must NOT
make it on a curve in the road or near a hill
who has the right of way when more than one driver arrives at a four way stop
the first driver to stop should be the first to go
double solid white lines on the road separate to lanes in traffic
moving in the same direction
to avoid head on collisions when you see an oncoming vehicle on your lane, you must
steer right toward the shoulder or curbline
it is always important to check for more than one track before crossing
never start to cross if there is not room for your vehicle on the far side (railroad crossings)
it is wise to shift gears when crossing railroad tracks
drivers must yield to crossing trains (railroad crossings)
at an intersection where there is no stop sign or traffic signal, drivers must yield to
vehicles coming from the right
when overtaking and passing another vehicle on a two lane road, you should pass
only on the left of the vehicle
backing up is not allowed on freeways or expressways, except
by drivers of emergency vehicles
if you are being tailgated, you must
slow down and encourage the driver behind you to pass
never move beside a motorcycle in the same lane
when driving around bicycles, increase your following distance
motorcycles are entitled to the same full lane width as other vehicles
bicycles and motorcycles move slower and stop slower than expected
unless prohibited, drivers must use the three point turn to
turn around on narrow streets
when following a vehicle at night, always
switch off your highbeam headlights
all trucks and buses have
front, rear, and side blind spots
if you find yourself feeling sleepy while driving, it is best to
pull over and take a nap
what is known as "uncontrolled intersection"
intersections not protected by stop signs, yield signs or traffic lights
a highway work zone ca =n be easily identified by _ immediately preceding the work zone
black on orange sign
drivers must use the left lane on the highway for
if you are overtaking, you must pass on the left at a safe distance, and do NOT _ until the way is clear from the overtaken vehicle
return to the lane
in order to avoid last minute braking or the need to turn, you should
look 12 seconds ahead on the road
with any turning vehicle, the rear wheels follow a _ than the front wheels
shorter path
when meeting or following a vehicle at night, you must change to low beams at least how many feet away?
500 before any oncoming; 300 when following
The wide white lines painted across a traffic lane before you enter an intersection are known as
stop lines
the permitted maximum speed on Nevada rural interstate freeways is
if you see a vehicel in your lane, coming toward you head-on, what should you do ?
veer to the right slow down and sound your horn flash headlights
when passing a stopped emergency vehicle. you must
slow down and move into a nonadjacent lane
a driver must use headlights because of insufficient light and anytime persons vehicles cannot be clearly seen at a distance of
when traffic control light are NOT working you must do what before proceeding through the intersection
come to a full stop
if you double your speed on a highway, your braking distance increases by
4 times
if the headlights of an oncoming vehicle do not allow you to see ahead, you must
look down and to the right of your lane
when yo drive in bad weather conditions, you must do what to drive safely behind a vehicle
increase your following distance
what lanes should you use, when entering and exiting a freeway
acceleration lane when entering;deceleration lane when exiting
who must wear seat belts at all times the vehicle is in motion
driver and all passengers above 6 years old
when driving on a highway, you must look ahead at least how long to watch traffic patterns
20-30 seconds
in school zones, the speed limit is
15 or 25 mph
when entering a roundabout, you must yield the right of way to the traffic already in the circle and move in
a counter clockwise direction
if a freeway entrance is equipped with ramp meters and they are switched on, you must
pull u to the stop line and stop on red
when passing on a two lane road, engage your left signal light at least how many feet ahead in business or residential areas before making a turn
100 feet away
in heavy rainfall, most cars will begin to lose traction and hydroplane between speeds of
35-55 mph
to make safe and legal turns on city streets and on open highways, you must signal your turn at least
100 feet ahead on city streets; 300 feet ahead on open highways
on two lane roads where traffic moves in opposite directions, you may pass on the left only when
a broken yellow line is in your lane
if there is a stop sign at the railroad crossing, you must stop within how many feet from the nearest rail of the railroad
15-50 feet
you must obey signals given by a law enforcement officer even if the officers signals contradict the traffic signals
at an intersection where there is no stop sign, yield sign or oncoming traffic signal, drivers must yield to vehicles coming to the left
the best way to handle a curve is to
slow down before entering the curve
what shouldnt you do when brakes fail while driving
stop the vehicle by colliding head on into a solid object
flag persons are often located on highways and in work zones to do what
stop, slow, or guide traffic safely through construction areas