the flagella from motile cells of domain Eukarya
contain microtubules
_______ in a population is regarded as consistent with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Adapatations enhance the fitness of an organism. Fitness is best measured by quantifying ?
reproductive success
the endospore allows bacterial species to
survive environmental extremes
gram negative bacteria
possess an inner and outer membrane
change in allele frequency due to small sample size
genetic drift
organism cited as classic example of heterochrony
in science, a set of well-tested proportions
advocated a particulate model of inheritance
Gregor Mendel
a membrane-bound organelle
is comprised of circular DNA
presented teological (purpose) arguments to explain the origin of living organisms
William Paley
a model organism used by the Lenski lab to demonstrate evolutionary change (the ability to use citrate) in the lab
escherichia coli
cell wall constituent in domain bacteria
endospore-former that causes gangrene
clostridium perfringens
haploid cells involved in sexual reproduction
a form of gene flow
permits comparison of dimensional changes of traits that are observed during animal development
assertion that requires testing
general term for organism that utilizes oxygen
Darwin mentor and advocate of uniformitarianism
Charles Lyell
States that the argument from design was not open to empirical evidence
David Hume
gliding motility in spirochaetes is now understood to be
by the activity of bacterial flagella
hybrid sterility is one manifestation of
a post-zygotic barrier to reproduction
when Belyaev and his team began a program of fox domestication, they mated only those foxes that showed low aggression towards humans. In the wild, these artificially selected animals would be characterized as
having reduced flush (flight) initiation distance
a proteobacterium that lives in the root nodules of leguminous plants that is capable of nitrogen fixation
facultative anaerobes cannot tolerate oxygen
some form of ________ is present in all cellular organisms
chemoautotrophs obtain their carbon directly from
inorganic sources
diversifying (disruptive) selection acts against
the phenotypic mean individuals (the typical individuals)
William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) cited ______ in arguing that the earth could be no more than 100 million years old
cooling rates by conduction
Heterocytes of Anabaena generally lack thylakoids. Why is this regarded as adaptive?
nitrogenase activity in the heterocyte would be poisoned by oxygen produced by the activity of thylakoids
after a mere ten generations of breeding, Belyaev's domestication program yielded foxes that
barked like dogs, droopy ears, curved tails, produced patchy fur coloration
in order for a trait to be adaptive, it must
maximize the number of offspring produced by the organism
within a Lamarckian framework, the wings of a flightless bird would be best regarded as an example of
evolution by disuse
the functional similarity between the wing of bats and the wing of birds is regarded as
analogy or convergence (similarity) due to shared environmental influences
the ribosomes found in Archaea are directly involved in
protein synthesis
Fleeming Jenkin argued that natural selection would be largely powerless to effect change since
inheritance is blending and, thus, novel traits are unable to sustain a response to selection
HAART raises the genetic barrier to resistance by forcing HIV to simultaneosly acumulate multiple mutations that overcome the effects of multiple anti-retroviral agents
the domain BActerian and the domain Archaea differ in that members of the latter lack
peptidoglycan cell walls
the insertion of genes into a bacterial genome via uptake from the environment
all members of a biological species are reproductively
eukaryotic organisms bear internal membrane systems
natural theology was a largely pre-darwinian approach to the study of the living world which focused on
revealing organismal diversity as a means to florigy the Creator
the range of similarities in the amino acid sequence of hemoglobin across a broad sampling of animal taxa is regarded as evidence of
molecular homology
a change in allele frequency due to a bottleneck event could also be described as a change in allele frequency due to sampling error from the gene pool
kind of symbiosis in which both organisms benefit from the relationship
differential reproductive success is a concise definition of
natural selection
individuals with two alleles of the CCR5-delta32 gene have been shown to
resist infection by HIV
the Juvenile Ape Hypothesis is based on the observation that
humans are unique among the great apes in showing relatively little allometric change during development
a change in the timing and/or pace of developmental phenomena
habitat isolation, temporal isolation and mechanical isolation
pre-zygotic barriers to reproduction
the arrested embryonic development of hind limb buds is cited as evidence of tetrapod ancestry for
polyploidy has been proposed as a mechanism for
sympatric speciation
the devleopment of a hybrid whose fertility can be restored by a back-cross with one of the original parents; result is a new biological species
experiments that involve subdividing an initial population of fruit flies into two separate groups and then growing multiple, successive generations on different sugar compounds were designed to test
allopatric models of speciation
p, q
allele frequencies
p^2, q^2, 2pq
genotypic frequencies
anatoxin binds to the acetylcholine receptor site of ligand-gated ion channels; this binding leads to neurotoxictiy because
anatoxin cannot be removed by acetylcholinesterase
studies of Pitx1 in stickleback embryos and adults have demonstrated that a differential appearance of ventral spines is due to
differences in the regulation of Pitx1 expression
driven by asymmetries in parental investment in the offspring
sexual selection
Darwin acknowledges that he was greatly influenced by
AZT when administered as an anti-retroviral agent to patients who were HIV+ functioned as an agnet of selection favoring those viruses that contained mutations associated with genes that code for the enzyme
reverse transcriptase
sexual processes generally involve ________ , karyogamy and meiosis
molecular evidence revealed that this structure is descended from a plastid
influx of potassium ions from guard cells results in
loss of turgor in the guard cells
gametocytes of plasmodium develop into egg and sperm and then fuse
in the mosquito host
the mature female gametophyte is contained within the mature sporophyte in the
anthophyta (flowering plants)
structural plant tissue that is living at maturity
term for floral part numbers that are typical of dicots
eyespot or the pollen-receptive region of a carpel
water translocation in xylem
structure that bears asexual spores of Ascomycota
human blood parasite; agent of malaria
invasive cell extension associated with parasitic fungi
agent of amoebic dysentery in humans
entamoeba histolytica
programmed cell death
sucrose translocation in phloem
bulk flow
a ciliated protist that bears micronuclei and macronuclei
amoeboid organisms that live in CaCO3 shells
term for floral part numbers that are typical of monocots
houses the male gametophyte in plants that produce seeds
pollen grain
structural plant tissue that is dead at maturity
fibers or sclereids
porphyra (Nori)
site of meiosis that results in spore formation in plants
some members of the kinetoplastids are responsible for _____ and Chagas disease
African Sleeping Sickness
Charles nad Francis Darwin conducted experiments which indicated that hte receptor for ____ resides in the tip of a coleoptile
the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll a is a typical component of the photosynthetic machinery in ALL of the following except
the ascomycota and basidiomycota are distinctive in that
their cells have chitinous walls
these organisms live in glass houses
bacillariophyta (diatoms)
the synergids, polar nuclei (aka central cells), and the egg are part of
the megagametophyte of flowering plants
transpiration is driven by
sun-mediated evaporation
plant spores are produced by
initial CO2 fixation, which is mediated by PEP carboxylase, occurs in the _______ of C4 plants
microspores develop directly into
the presence of two or more nuclei per cell would be typical of at least one prominent stage in all the following except
a number of _______ which include the largest protists, are known to possess vascular tissue
the antheridia of ferns produce ______ through mitotic divisions
in the dicot root, the water-conducting tissue is largely composed of
tracheids or vessel elements
the charophytes share a distinct form of cell division with the embryophytes. This type of cell division involves the development of a system of microtubules termed
a phragmoplast