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Prefixes (conversion)
mega (M)- 10^6
kilo (k)- 10^3
deka (da)- 10
deci (d)- 10^-1
centi (c)- 10^-2
milli (m)- 10^-3
micro (the weird u symbol)- 10^-6
nano (n)- 10^-9
pico (p)- 10^-12
Hydrogen Carbonate (aka bicarbonate)
Hydrogen Phosphate
Dihydrogen Phosphate
hydrogen sulfite (aka bisulfite)
hydrogen sulfate (aka bisulfate)
Chapter 7-11
Visible light
is a type of electromagnetic radiation
Wave properties of electromagnetic radiation
frequency (ν, nu)
cycles per second (1 / s)
wavelength (λ, lambda)
the distance a wave travels in one cycle; the distance between adjacent wave peaks
the height of a wave crest or depth of a trough
Speed of light
3.00x10^8 m/s
amplitude and wavelength
no relationship between the two
Frequency and wavelength
inverse relationship between the frequency of a wave and its wavelength
For waves traveling at the same speed, the shorter the wavelength, the more frequently they pass
frequency/ wavelength formula
v = c/λ
energy and wavelength
Inversely proportional
electromagnetic spectrum (from Low wavelength/ high energy to high wavelength/low energy)
Gamma Rays
Visible range
Visible Range
400-750 nm
“White” light is a mixture of ALL the colors of visible light
wavelength of colors decreasing order: ROY G BIV
color= when object absorbs some of wavelengths of white light but reflects others
When a light wave passes from one medium into another, the speed of the wave changes
Particles of matter do not undergo refraction
White light separates into its component colors when it passes through a prism
Each incoming wave is refracted at a slightly different angle
interaction between waves
Constructive interference
waves interact so they add to make a larger wave
IN phase
Destructive interference
The waves interact so they cancel each other
OUT of phase
NOT refraction
When traveling waves encounter an obstacle or opening in a barrier, they “move” through or around it
Particles do not diffract
either go thru slit or dont
Blackbody radiation
energy radiated by any object or system that absorbs all incident radiation
Black Body Radiation illustrates that temperature is related to energy
Quantum Theory
color/ intensity of emitted light changes as the temperature changes
COLOR is related to n and λ
THUS energy has to be related to frequency and wavelength somehow
made by Max Plank
determined that a hot, glowing object could emit (or absorb) only certain quantities of energy
Energy and Frequency Formula
E = energy of the radiation
n = quantum number; a positive integer (1, 2, 3…)
v = frequency
h= Planks Constant (6.626x10^-34)
Planks Constant
The Quantum Theory of Energy
Any object can emit or absorb ONLY certain quantities of energy
energy is quantized
occurs in fixed quantities rather than continuous
Each fixed quantity of energy is called a quantum
atom changes energy “state” by emitting or absorbing one or more quanta of energy
Energy Changes
ΔE = Δnhv
E = energy of the radiation
n = quantum number; a positive integer (1, 2, 3…)
v = frequency
h= Planks Constant (6/626x10^-34)
Energy Formulas
E = hv = hc /λ
E= hc/ λ
E= hv
V= c/ λ
Threshold Freq. in Wave Model & Real World
Wave model:
intensity is responsible for observed E and e- will break off when it has absorbed enough light of any color
Real world
the e- only breaks free when it is hit w certain color of light (certain v), regardless of brightness
Time Lag in Wave Model & Real World
Wave Model
if the light is dim, less E is absorbed, so the e- should have to spend more time absorbing before it can break free
Real World
current begins to flow immediatley when it is hit w appropriate color of light, again, regardless of brightness
Photon Theory
Threshold Frequency:
intensity represents the number of photons, not the E.
E is related to v, so an e- must absorb a photon of a certain minimum color to break free
Time Lag
photon either has enough energy to free e- in one hit or it doesnt; the e- cannot store energy until it has enough
Line spectrum
series of fine lines at specific frequencies separated by “black spaces”
Each atom of a particular element has its own unique line spectra (aka emission spectra)
Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom
made of ORBITS not orbitals!
The H atom has only certain energy levels, stationary states
The higher the energy level, the farther the orbit is from the nucleus
The atom does not radiate energy while in one of its stationary states
The atom changes to another stationary state ONLY by absorbing or emitting a photon
The energy of the photon (hn) equals the difference between the energies of the two energy states
quantum numbers and electron orbit
n (quantum) positive integer that reps radius of e orbit
lower the n value, the smaller the radius of the orbit, and the lower the energy level
When the electron is in an orbit closer to the nucleus (lower n), more energy is required to move it out of that orbit than when it is in an orbit farther from the nucleus (higher n)
Ground state
When the electron is in the first orbit (n=1), closest to nucleus, H atom is in its lowest (1st) energy level
excited state
if electron in any orbit further from nucleus, atom in excited state
second orbit (n=2) = first excited state, third orbit (n=3) = second excited state etc etc
Absorption & Bohr Model
If a H atom absorbs a photon whose energy equals the difference between lower and higher energy levels, the electron moves to the outer (higher energy) orbit
Emission & Bohr model
If a H atom in a higher energy level (electron in a farther orbit) returns to a lower energy level (electron in a closer orbit), the atom emits a photon whose energy equals the difference between the two levels
Quantum staircase
The energy difference between two consecutive orbits decreases as n increases
absorption & emission = inversely related
Rydberg’s equation: NRG transition problem (constant provided)
used to to solve for the wavelength of a spectral line or energy-level transitions
Limitations of Bohr’s Model
ONLY works for Hydrogen
fails completely when you introduce more than one electron to the system
MAJOR FLAW: assumes electrons move in fixed, defined orbits
Emission Spectrum
Occurs when atoms in an excited state emit photons as they return to a lower energy state
Some elements produce an intense spectral line that is evidence of their presence
Flame tests – performed by placing a granule of an ionic compound or a drop of its solution in a flame
Absorption Spectrum
“opposite” of an emission spectra
Produced when atoms absorb photons of certain wavelengths and become excited
Sodium’s absorption spectrum shows dark lines at the same wavelengths as the yellow-orange lines in sodium's emission spectrum
Theory of Relativity
matter and energy are alternate forms of the same entity
de Broglie Wavelength equation
an equation for the wavelength of any particle of mass m moving at speed u (substituted for c)
Matter behaves as though it moves in waves
An object’s wavelength is inversely proportional to it’s mass and speed
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
impossible to know, simultaneously, the position and momentum of an particle
locations of electrons
dont know exact position of an electron, but can determine where it probably might be
Solving the wave function gives the probability density, a measure of the probability of finding an electron of a particular energy in a particular region of the atom
Quantum numbers and Atomic Orbitals
atomic orbital specified by 4 quantum numbers:
Principal quantum number
Angular momentum quantum number
Magnetic quantum number
spin quantum number
Principal quantum number
positive whole # (1, 2, 3…)
Indicates the relative distance from the nucleus (tells u how far u r from nucleus)
Specifies the energy level
orbital energy (size)
Angular momentum quantum number
integer from 0 to n – 1
shape of the orbital
Magnetic quantum number
integer from –l to +l
Describes the 3D orientation of the orbital in the space around the nucleus (what orientation L is in n state)
Spin Quantum Number
+1/2 or -1/2
direction of e- spin
how to get orbitals from quantum numbers
Energy Levels
The levels (given by n) are divided into sublevels (or subshells), given by the l value
l = 0 is an s sublevel
l = 1 is an p sublevel
l = 2 is an d sublevel
l = 3 is an f sublevel
S Orbital shape
spherical shape w/ nucleus in center
has only ONE ml value
P Orbitals shape
have two regions (lobes) of high probability of finding an electron, one on either side of the nucleus
D Orbitals shape
Pauli Exclusion Principle
each orbital may contain a maximum of 2 electrons, which must have opposite spins
aufbau principle
electrons are always placed in the lowest energy sublevel available
Hund’s rule
when orbitals of equal energy are available, the lowest energy electron configuration has the maximum number of unpaired electrons with parallel spins
S orbital electrons
(l = 0)
max number of e—s = 2
ml = 0, so there is only one atomic orbital
P orbital electrons
(l = 1)
max number of e—s = 6
ml = -1, 0, +1 → three atomic orbitals
d orbital electrons
(l = 2)
max number of e—s = 10
ml = -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 → five atomic orbitals
f orbital electrons
(l = 3)
max number of e—s = 14
ml = -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3 → seven atomic orbitals
Nuclear Charge (Z)
A higher nuclear charge (more protons) increases nucleus-electron attractions, lowering the sublevel energy and stabilizes the atom (lower E = good!)
each electron “feels” presence of others so each electron shields the others from the nuclear charge (charge of the nucleus)
Essentially, each e— is blocking some of the nucleus’s attraction from other nearby e—
**effective nuclear charge (**Zeff)
“full” nuclear charge is reduced to an **effective nuclear charge (**Z____eff), the nuclear charge an electron actually experiences
increases nuclear attraction and decreases shielding
The better an outer electron is at penetrating through the electron cloud of inner electrons, the more attraction it will have for the nucleus
stability of sublevels
s < p < d < f
e configuration
Half-filled exceptions!
Cr (Z=24) → [Ar] 4s2 3d4 → [Ar] 4s13d5
Mo → 5s1 4d5
Cu (Z=29) → [Ar] 4s1 3d10
Ag→ 5s1 d10
Au→ 6s1 4f15 5d10
writing e config→ types of electrons
full is based off atomic #
condensed is valence electrons
inner electrons are the electrons which get replaced by a noble gas
atomic size
*transition metalls increase down but dont really change ACROSS
ionization energy
energy required to remove e
exceptions to ionization energy trend
nitrogen: 1s2 2s2 2p3
stable half-filled structure
Taking an e— from N would make it less stable (higher energy)
Oxygen: 1s2 2s2 2p4
one e— beyond stable
Taking an e— from oxygen would make the atom more stable (lower energy)
It is easier to remove an e— from O (creating stability) than it is to remove one from N (destroying stability)
True for Be/B, N/O, Mg/Al, P/S, Ca/Ga, As/Se
Successive Ionization Energies
For a given element, IE1, IE2, and so on, increase because each electron is pulled away from a species with a higher positive charge
This increase includes an enormous jump after the last valence electron has been removed because much more energy is needed to remove an inner (core) electron
ID an element from its IEs
identify the largest increase in IE
occurs after last Ve is removed
that increase identifies Ve
period X (will be given) element which has that # valence electron