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Change in the heritable characteristics of a population over time.
Lamarck’s theory
Organisms acquire traits during their lifetime and pass them onto offspring, which is not supported by genetics.
Darwin’s theory
Variation in a population leads to natural selection of individuals with favorable traits that contribute to survival and reproduction.
The field of biology that studies genes, genetic variation, and heredity in organisms.
Homologous structures
Similar physical features in organisms that share a common ancestor but serve different functions.
Analogous structures
Structures in different species that serve similar functions but do not share a common ancestor.
Convergent evolution
The independent evolution of similar traits in species that do not share a recent common ancestor.
The formation of new species through evolution.
Reproductive isolation
A barrier that prevents individuals from reproducing, which is necessary for speciation to occur.
Geographical isolation
Physical separation of populations that prevents interbreeding due to geographical features.
Allopatric speciation
Speciation that occurs due to geographic isolation.
Sympatric speciation
Speciation that occurs without geographic isolation, often due to behavioral or temporal isolation.
Behavioral isolation
Reproductive isolation that occurs when two populations develop different behaviors affecting mating.
Temporal isolation
Reproductive isolation due to differences in mating times among populations.
Adaptive radiation
The evolution of a single ancestral species into several species as they adapt to different environmental niches.
The variety of life in a particular habitat or ecosystem.
The offspring of two different species.
A condition in which an organism has more than two complete sets of chromosomes.
Prezygotic barriers
Barriers that prevent mating or fertilization between different species.
Postzygotic barriers
Barriers that occur after fertilization, affecting the viability or fertility of hybrids.
Hybrid inviability
A postzygotic barrier where hybrid offspring do not survive to maturity.
Hybrid infertility
A postzygotic barrier where hybrid offspring are produced but are unable to reproduce.
Hybrid breakdown
A postzygotic barrier where first-generation hybrids can reproduce, but their offspring are sterile.
Pentadactyl limbs
Limbs with five digits that are homologous structures in various species, indicating a common ancestor.
Natural selection
The process by which individuals with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.
Selective breeding
The human practice of breeding animals or plants for specific traits.
Homologous structures examples
Examples include the forelimbs of mammals like whales, bats, and humans, which have different functions but a similar structure.
Darwin's theory evidence
Supported by variation present in populations due to alleles.
Common ancestor
An ancestral species from which two or more species have evolved.
Desirable traits
Traits chosen by humans in selective breeding to encourage specific characteristics in offspring.
Brassica oleracea
A single plant species that has been selectively bred to produce kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage.
Species extinction
The end of an organism or group of organisms, resulting in no surviving members.
Divergent evolution
The process by which two or more related species become less similar as they adapt to different environments.
A common example of a hybrid that is sterile, produced by crossing a male donkey and a female horse.
Knotweeds example
A group of plants that commonly exhibit polyploidy, leading to immediate speciation.
An error during meiosis that can lead to polyploidy in organisms.
Ecological isolation
A prezygotic barrier where species live in different habitats and do not meet.
Mechanical isolation
A prezygotic barrier arising from physical differences preventing mating.