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a security control where data is encoded or scrambled so it is unreadable by unauthorised people
Types of Encryption
Symmetric Key Encryption, Asymmetric Key Encryption
Symmetric Key Encryption
where the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data such as RC4, Blowfish
Asymmetric Key Encryption
where the data is encrypted using a public key, but is decrypted using a private key, known only by the receiver. Such as RSA
Use of Encryption
to protect sensitive data (credit card numbers, personal details) and to prevent any unauthorised access to the system.
the method of proving that a user has the right to access the system.
Types of Authentication
Single Factor authentication, Two Factor authentication, Multi factor authentication
Single Factor Authentication
involves ‘something you know’, typically a username and password, to enter into a system.
Two Factor Authentication
involves ‘something you know’ and ‘something you have’. At least two pieces of evidence is required to sign in. Such as a verification code sent to your phone.
Multi Factor Authentication
requires the user to provide 3 or more pieces of evidence to prove their identity. These involve ‘something you know, have and are’. The third element typically uses physical characteristics known as biometric data to further verify your identity.
Data Collection
The act of collecting data help determine project scope, functional and non-functional requirements and constraints.
Methods of Data Collection
Survey, Interview, Report, Observation
a set of questions asking the user to select from different answers
Advantages of Survey
Inexpensive, immediate results, large sample size.
Disadvantage of Survey
if open ended questions are asked data analysis may take time. Interest may be lost
A face-to-face meeting for consultative purposes.
Advanatge of Interview
Insightful, primary and in-depth information is collected.
Disadvatge of Interview
Time consuming
A document that provides a summary of findings.
Advantages of Report
Quick, easy and cheap to find.
Disadvantge of Report
Might be unreliable and biased.
Physically observing how a system operates and how it is used.
Advantage of Observation
Provide an unbiased view. Does not need interaction with people.
Disadvantage of Observation
Time consuming, expensive, people might change behaviour
Functional Requirements
are directly related to what the project will do. E.g. Perform a calculation.
Non Functional Requirements
things that the program should have but does not affect what the program does. These include Usability, Reliability, Portablility, Robustness, Maintainability
how easy the system is to learn and use.
how much it can be depended on to function as designed.
How easily it can be used in different operating environment
How well it responds to errors
How easy it is to look after a software once made
Factors that may limit or restrict solution requirements such as economic, technical and Non technical
Economic Constraint
Time and money
Techincal Constraint
technological reason for interuptions in the project
Non technical Constraint
Social, Legal, Usability
Outlines what the project will and will not do. (Requirements/constraints)
Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
comprises all the elements in the analysis stage, requirements, scope and constraints.
Use of SRS
provides all of the required info about the proposed system in one place. It ensures that the client’s needs are understood, and potential issues have been identified.
Use Case Diagram
Method of describing how a user interacts with a system
Context Diagram
Data Flow Diagram
Indicates the data that is passed in and out of a system.
Convergent thinking
involves coming up with a single, well-established answer to a problem. The design ideas are based on other proven ideas.
Divergent Thinking
involves exploring many possible solutions, using spontaneous free flowing techniques.
is the process where ideas are presented in a non- judgemental, spontaneous and unstructured way.
Consult End users
Consult those who will be using the product
Generating design ideas
Brainstroming, Consult End users, Mindmapping, Graphic Organisers
Mind Mapping
involves quickly generating and linking ideas
Graphic Organisers
are visual methods of organising ideas. E.g. PMI
Evaluating Deisgn Ideas
Criteria for choosing best design could include ease of use, time it will take, cost, scope for modification, requirement satisfaction etc.
concerns how much time, cost and effort has been applied to the achieve the intended results
how well a solution achieves its intended goals
Criteriia for Effectiveness
Completeness, Readability, Attractiveness, Clariity, Functionality, Accuracy, Accessability, Timeliness, Report Formats, Relavence, Usability, Communication of message
were all functional and non functional requirements met
Can every part of the software be easily read by users, including font size and colour choices
Are the colours chosen nice looking and work together
are the language chosen age appropriate and are headings and labels used throughout
does the system react well to user input errors
is data stored accurately, are calculations made 100%
how well the system can be used by those with disabilities
does the softwarre respond to requests within an accepetable timeframe
Report formats
Are all the search/sort reports produced by the system appropriate their context
is all the information provided and shown by the software relavant
is the software easy to use
Communciation of message
have approprate conversions/time been used for sppecific places
User Experience (UX)
focuses on providing a relevant and meaningful experience for all users.
User Interface (UI)
focuses on appearance
Factors that influence design and UI/UX
Usability, Affordance, Security, Interoperabilty, Marketabilty
ptoviding possible actions for the users
refers to factors such as consent and privacy
the abilty of the software tow work across different operating systems
refers to the appeal marketing abilty
Elements of UI
Clarity, Concise, Familiar. Responsive, Consistent, Attrative, Efficient, Tolerant
Provide enough guidance
Recognise how features work
Quick loading and software giving feedback
Develop patterns of use and use in different context
Waterfall Model
has identified stages of production and there is no going back once a stage is completed. This is best for small, well-defined projects as the process cannot be altered
Agile Model
allows for flexibility and simplicity as there are ‘sprints’ of each stage and they are repeated multiple times and improved after each cycle. This is best for changing projects, and it also reduces risks.
Spiral Model
has repeated iterations of processes and aims to eliminate risks. This is best for uncertain clients as risks can be prevented with quick responsive actions.
Project Management
The process of planning, organising and monitoring a project to ensure that it is completed on time, within budget, and in scope
Gant Chart
graphical representation of a project plan. That lists all tasks in order to show dependiecies allowing people to be allocated and able to track progress
Use of Gantt Chart
used to outline each stage and task within a project so that that progress could be monitored, and changes could be made accordingly
Milestones in Gantt Chart
represent the completion of a significant stage. Indicated with a diamond.
also known as predecessors, are tasks that must be completed before another task can be started. Indicated with arrows.
include task identification, sequencing, critical path and documentation
Crtitical Path
indicates tasks that will delay the whole project if they are delayed.
help define an organisation’s purpose, assist its growth and achieve its financial objectives.
Organisational Goal
how an organisation intends to go about achieving its mission.
System Goal
how the specific role of an information system will help in achieving an organisational goal.
small, achievable tasks undertaken to complete a larger task
Privacy Act 1988
protects personal data of individuals around australia from governments and organisatiosn woth a turnover more than 3 million.
How many Austalian priavcy principles are there
Open and transparent management of personal infromation
gives individuals the option of being anonymous or using a fake name
Collection of solicitied personal info
How entities must deal with unsolicited info
Must notify individuals when perosnal information has been collected
Use or diclosure of information
Organisation may only use or dislcose information fro marketing purpose if certain conditions are met
Outliens steps to protect info before it is dislosed overseas