Specialized cell
Cells with specific functions or structures that are different to other cells and have specific roles or tasks.
The process by which cells become specialized to carry out specific functions.
A cell that does not have the specific structural or functional characteristics of any mature cell type.
A fertilized egg.
Stem cell
a special type of cells that have two main characteristics: the ability to self-renew and the potential to differentiate into various specialized cell types.
Stem cell niche
The micro environment within the organism in which the stem cells exist and receive their instructions.
A chemical in the cell the concentration gradient of which determines the fate of surrounding cells.
Totipotent stem cells
Cells that have the ability to divide to generate the entire organism.
Pluripotent stem cells
Cells that can generate multiple types of cells of an organism.
Induced pluripotent stem cells
Cells that can generate multiple types of cells of an organism.
Multipotent stem cells
Cells that can generate many cells of an organism.
Unipotent stem cells
Cells that can generate one cell type of an organism.
Cell aggregation
The process by which cells come together to form a group or a cluster.