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Structured inequality between groups, where some have more resources than others
Social Structure
The boundaries people confront as they make decisions about their individual and collective actions
The social and political context that shape how you see the world
Preconceived beliefs, attitudes, or opinions about members of a group
Widely shared perceptions about personal characteristics, tendencies, or abilities of a particular group
Treating people badly based on implicit bias, prejudice, or stereotypes
A system that humans created to classify and stratify groups of people based mostly on skin tone and other phenotype characteristics, such as nose eye shape, nose shape, and hair texture
Common culture, religion, history, or ancestry shared by a group of people
A set of beliefs, ideologies, or institutional practices that are based on the idea that one racial group is biologically or culturally inferior to another group and that reproduces racial domination and exploitation
White Supremacy
The belief that the white race is inherently superior to to other races
Racial Ideology
How people think about race
Social Class
A group of individuals who share a similar economic position based on income, wealth, education, and occupation
How much money someone earns in a year
Total money a person would have if they sold all their assets
Ascribed Status
One you are born with, or take on involuntarily later in life
Achieved Status
At least in part through your achievements, abilities, or efforts
Social Mobility
Moving from an ascribed social class to a new achieved social class
Upward Mobility
Moving from a lower social class to a higher social class
Downward Mobility
Moving from a higher social class to a lower social class
American Dream
The idea that anyone who works hard can succeed
Myth of Meritocracy
The idea that hard work and talent alone leads to success
A system where personal responsibility and individual efforts are the sole determinants of success
GINI Index
Statistical measure that shows level of inequality within a region/country; used to compare inequality across countries
Cumulative Advantages
Build up benefits and resources
A metaphor for understanding the ways that multiple forms of inequality of disadvantage sometimes compound themselves
Biology and physiological characteristics of males and females
Socially-constructed distinctions associated with men/masculinity and women/femininity
A person’s capacity for sexual feelings - can refer to identity, attraction, and/or behavior
Sex assigned at birth corresponds to gender identity
Sex assigned at birth does not correspond to gender identity
Sex at birth doesn’t fit either male or female sex characteristics (due to genetic, hormonal, or anatomical differences)
Falls outside the binary gender/sex system
Gender Fluid/Genderqueer
Gender identity is not fixed
Gender Roles
Society’s concepts of how men/boys and women/girls should behave
Learning how to behave through interactions
Treating cisgender and heterosexual experiences as the “normal” default
A collection of movements that advocate for equality for all sexes and gender
A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
Assigning value to people’s bodies and minds based on socially constructed ideas of normality, productivity, desirability, intelligence, excellence and fitness