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Starch that is not digested in the small intestine is known as
Resistent Starch
The primary nutritional function of the large intestine is
Absorption of water
One benefit of keeping a record of everything you eat, and drink in a day is
Increased awareness of personal food patterns
The major focus of nutritional recommendations in this century has shifted to
Prevention and control of chronic disease
The value that controls the passage of chyme from the small intestine to the cecum is the
ileocecal valve
One of the major reasons why carbohydrates play a major role in nutrition is because they
Provide a ready source of vitamins and minerals
The end products of digestion of macro nutrients include fatty acids amino, acids, and
The actions involved in the process of digestion are
Muscular and chemical
Exchange Lists for Meal Planning groups foods that are equivalent in their
Macronutrient Content
Contain 3 to 10 monosaccharides
Bacteria found in the colon are important because they
Synthesize important vitamins
The best source of nutrients is provided by
A variety of foods
To prevent symptoms of fatigue, dehydration and energy loss, the recommended minimum intake of carbohydrates should be
130 g
A major purpose of the dietary guidelines is to
Prevent chronic disease and promote health
The most important monosaccharide in human nutrition include glucose fructose and
The type of acids that form the basic building blocks of proteins are
Amino acids
The primary function of carbohydrates as a food source is to
Supply energy
Absorption of most nutrients occurs in the
Small intestine
The enzyme produced by the parotid gland is
Salivary amylase
An observation that provides evidence that a person has good nutritional status is
Normal weight to height ratio
The rate of gastric emptying depend on the
Composition of food consumed
Storage sites for glycogen in the human body include the liver and the
The type of carbohydrate that helps maintain normal blood glucose levels during fasting period is
It has been generally excepted that the percentage of total daily Kcalories supplied by fats should be no more than
20% to 35%
Ingredients necessary for photosynthesis to occur include carbon dioxide water, and
The lining of the stomach and intestine is protected from self digestion by
Micronutrients include
Signs of malnutrition can appear when
The number of calories provided by 15 g of protein is
A major function of glucose is to
produce energy
The professional primarily responsible for application of nutrition science in clinical practice settings is the
Registered dietitian
Mucus is produced by the salivary glands and the
Intestinal glands
The factor most likely to stimulate digestive secretions is
Smelling, or seeing food
The percentage of total Kcalories intake for a healthy person that should be supplied by carbohydrate is
45% to 65%
Carbohydrate is stored in the body in the form of
The end products of digestion of macro nutrients include fatty acids amino, acids, and
The sum of all chemical processes inside living cells of the body that sustain life and health is known as
Sufficient dietary carbohydrate intake prevent formation of excess
A mineral that helps strengthen tooth enamel and prevent dental caries is
Fiber can lower blood levels of
The body of scientific knowledge related to nutritional requirements of human growth, maintenance activity and reproduction is known as
Nutrition science
Nutrients interact in the body to regulate metabolic processes, to build and repair tissue, and to
Provide energy
Carbohydrates are composed of a combination of carbon, hydrogen, and
The process of photosynthesis is responsible for the synthesis of
The hormone that asked to lower blood sugar levels is
The small-finger like projections into the intestinal lumen are called
Fibers capacity to hold water is related to its ability to decrease development of
High blood cholesterol levels
The main body storage form of carbohydrates is
Macronutrients include
The sugar to which all other sugars are converted during human metabolism is
Sugar alcohols are likely to be found in
low calorie foods
The rhythmic contractions that propel food through the intestinal track are called
An age group that is very vulnerable to malnutrition is
The tolerable upper intake level is
The highest amount of a nutrient that can be safely consumed
Are the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands are found in the
A person with lactose intolerance should limit the intake of
The action of biting, chewing, and breaking up ingested food into smaller particles is called
The substance that serves as a vehicle for fat transport in the bloodstream is
Fructose is the sugar found in
honey and fruit
Weight gain occurs when
Calorie intake, exceeds energy expenditure
Obesity is associated with increased risk of
The number of different amino acids that make up the human proteins is
Another name for conscious control of food intake to maintain stable weight is
Restrained eating
A protein that contains all the essential amino acids in the proper proportion is called
Complete protein
Are infections are common in people who have an adequate protein intake because of an insufficient quantity of
The hormone responsible for stimulating the gallbladder to contract and release bile is
The caloric value found in food composition tables should be a determined by
Direct calorimetry
The prevalence of obesity is higher in
Women than men
After digestion and absorption food provides an available source of energy to tissues, if it is converted into
Factors that increase BMR include
The term that describes the amount of energy needed by the body for maintenance of life while at rest is
Basal Metabolism
The lipoprotein that helps slow the progression of atherosclerosis is
High density lipoprotein
The primary function of proteins in the diet is to
Build and repair tissue
Diets that contain less than 10% of K calories as fat or not recommended because
intake of essential fatty acids would be too low
The form of fatty acids in naturally occurring fats is generally
The effect of trans fatty acids on blood cholesterol is similar to that of
Saturated Fatty Acids
Excessive intakes of dietary protein can
impair kidney function
A high blood cholesterol level appears to be associated with the development of
coronary heart disease
A person is most likely to have a diet with good protein if they
consume a variety of foods
Amino acids are absorbed by
Active transport
Amino acids that can be synthesized by the body in sufficient amount are known as
The important factor in determining whether a person is fat or lean is the persons
Body composition
An important function of cholesterol is to
Form bile salts
An example of behavioral therapy is
Rewarding yourself by going to a movie after walking five times a week for a month
A triglyceride is a compound of glycerol and
Fatty acids
Dietetic professionals working with clients who need to lose weight should work toward
permanent lifestyle changes
The best food source of essential fatty acids are
Vegetable oils
The tissue that has the highest rate of protein turnover is the
Intestinal mucosa
The recommended dietary intake of protein for adults
To promote weight loss diet plans should be
Individualized for each client
An example of a complete protein is
The major portion of chemical digestion of lipids occurs in
Small intestine
People with prediabetes may avoid development of full-blown type two diabetes if they lose
5% to 10% of their body weight
The digestive enzyme lecithinase acts in the small intestine to digest
The endogenous supply of cholesterol is synthesize, mainly by the
An example of electrical energy in the body is
Transmitting nerve impulses
Proteins are bills from simpler organic compounds called
Amino acids
An important type of metabolic chemical that is not used up in the reaction that causes is
A persons total energy requirements are determined by adding the BMR, amount of daily activity, and the
Thermic effect of food
One reason that obesity is increasing in children is because many of them
Spend large amounts of time watching television