Unit 2: Ancient Mediterranean: 3500 BCE–300 CE

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  • Buttresses spaced across the surface; tapers downward so that rainwater washes off

  • Resembles a mountain

  • Bent-axis plan

White Temple and its ziggurat

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  • Different heights; hands are folded - gesture of prayer; huge eyes; arms and feet cut away

  • Placed in a temple to pray before a sculpture of a god.

Statues of votive figures

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  • wood inlaid with shell, lapis lazuli, and red ­limestone

    • broad frontal shoulders; bodies in profile; twisted perspective

  • Reflects extensive trading network.

  • Has two sides: War Side and Peace Side

Standard of Ur

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Law Code of Hammurabi, Mesopotamia | Obelisk Art History

  • Written in cuneiform, Akkadian language

  • One of the earliest law codes; 300 entries

Code of Hammurabi

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  • Human-headed winged animal guardian figures

  • Meant to hold up the walls and arch of a gate

    • ward off enemies both visible and invisible

  • Carved from a single piece of stone


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  • Built for lavish receptions and festivals

  • Proudly proclaim this complex as the seat of a great empire

  • Built by Darius I and Xerxes I

    • Destroyed by Alexander the Great

Apadana of Darius and Xerxes

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  • Represents the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under one ruler

  • Schematic lines delineate the muscle structure

  • Hieroglyphics identify him in the cartouche

    • used to prepare eye makeup; commemorative

Palette of King Narmer

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  • Not a pharaoh

  • High cheekbones, hollow cheeks, and a distinctive jawline

  • Created for a tomb at Saqqara as a provision for the ka

Seated Scribe

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  • Giant monuments to dead pharaohs

  • Preservation of the body and tomb contents for eternity

    • Served as the king’s palace in the afterlife

Great Pyramids

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  • Carved in situ from a huge rock

  • Body of a lion, the head of a pharaoh/god; protecting the pyramids behind it

Great Sphinx

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King Menkaure (Mycerinus) and queen

  • Two figures attached to a block of stone

    • seem to stride forward; simultaneously are anchored to the stone behind

    • a receptacle for the ka of the pharaoh and his queen.

King Menkaura and queen

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Temple of Amun-Re and the Hypostyle Hall, Karnak

  • Axial Plan

  • Pylon Temple

  • Hypostyle halls, Massive lintels, columns

  • Temple for the worship of a god

    • Temple represents the beginnings of the world

Temple of Amun-Re

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  • A sandstone partly carved into a rock cliff

  • Three colonnaded terraces and two ramps

  • Long horizontals and verticals of the terraces and colonnades repeat the patterns of the cliffs behind; patterns of dark and light in the colonnade are reflected in the cliffs.

Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut

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Kneeling Statue of Hatshepsut (Illustration) - World History Encyclopedia

  • Made of red granite

  • Male pharaonic attributes

    • Hatshepsut is a acting queen for her son, presentented with male attributes in most artworks

  • Wears the white crown of Upper Egypt. Depicted in male costume of a pharaoh

Kneeling statue of Hatshepsut

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  • Private piece

  • Akhenaten is known for his religious revolution, introducing the worship of Aten, the sun disc.

  • The art depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and their three daughters often shows them in a loving and intimate family setting.

  • The art of Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and their daughters reflects the radical changes in artistic style during the Amarna Period.

Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and three daughters

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Ancient Egypt

  • A gold with an inlay of enamel and semi-precious stones

  • Smooth, idealized features on the mask

  • Holds a crook and a flail, symbols of Osiris; buried with 143 objects

Innermost coffin of King Tutankhamun’s tomb

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  • Narrative on a uniform register

  • Illustration from the Book of the Dead

  • Top register - white at left before a row of judges; main register - Anubis leads the deceased into a hall

Last judgment of Hunefer

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The peplos kore - Acropolis museum Athens Greece

  • Hand emerges into the viewer’s space

  • Breasts revealed beneath drapery; Indented waist

  • Broken hand was fitted into the socket

    • she is the goddess, either Athena or Artemis

Peplos Kore

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Doryphoros - Wikipedia

  • Represents Polykleitos’s ideal masculine figure

  • Marble Roman copy of a bronze Greek original

Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)

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Helios, Horses and Dionysus Flashcards | Quizlet

  • Figures seated in the left-hand corner of the east pediment of the Parthenon

    • contains figures who are present at the birth of Athena, which is the main topic at the center of pediment

  • Part of the Parthenon sculptures, also called the Elgin Marbles.

Helios, Horses, and Dionysus (Heracles?)

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Plaque of the Ergastines

  • Part of frieze from Parthenon

  • Scene from Panathenaic frieze; first time in Greek art that human events are depicted on a temple

  • Contains a religious procession of women dressed in contemporary drapery and acting nobly

Plaque of the Ergastines

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Athena Nike adjusting her sandal, c.420-420 BC (marble)

  • Part of the balustrade on the Temple of Athena Nike, a war ­monument

  • One of many figures on the balustrade

    • Not a continuous narrative but a sequence of independent scenes.

Victory adjusting her sandal

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  • Grave marker

  • Use of contrapposto in the standing figure

  • Text includes name of the deceased

Grave stele of Hegeso

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  • Large heroic figure of Nike placed above the marble prow of a naval vessel

  • Monumental figure

  • Made to commemorate a naval victory in 191 B.C.E

Winged Victory of Samothrace

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  • Describes the battle between the gods and the giants

  • The gods’ victory over the giants offers a parallel to Alexander the Great’s defeat of the Persians

    • acts as an allegory of a Greek military victory by Eumenes II.

Athena, from the Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon

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041 – Seated Boxer – AP Art History Go!

  • Rare surviving Hellenistic bronze

  • Older man, past his prime, looks defeated

    • eye contact involves the viewer

  • May have been a good luck charm for athletes. Nude fighter; hands wrapped in leather bands

Seated Boxer

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A plaza at the base of the Acropolis in Athens with commercial, civic, religious, and social buildings where ceremonies took place.

Athenian Agora

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  • Architects: Iktinos

  • Interior built to house a massive statue of Athena; also included the treasure of the Delian League. Greek predilection for algebra and geometry is omnipresent in the design of this building. Constructed under the leadership of Pericles

  • ”Part”


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  • Architect: Kallikrates

  • Amphiprostyle

  • Ionic Temple

  • Built to commemorate the Greek victory over the Persians in the Battle of Marathon

Temple of Athena Nike

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  • Altar is on an elevated platform at the top of a dramatic flight of stairs

  • A frieze 7.5 feet high and more than 400 feet long wraps around the monument

  • Altar dedicated to Zeus and Athena

Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon

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  • First time in vase painting that isocephalism

  • For ceremonial use

  • The killing of Niobe’s ­children is depicted on one side

Niobides Krater

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  • Extremely complex interweaving of figures; spatial illusionism through foreshortening

  • Use of tesserae instead of previously used pebbles

  • A copy of a mural made by Philoxenos of Eretria for King Cassander.

Alexander Mosaic

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  • Temple raised on a podium; defined visible entrance

  • Deep porch places doorways away from the steps

  • Dedicated to Athena (Minerva)

Temple of Minerva

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  • Ancient convention of men painted in darker colors than women

  • Painted tomb in an Etruscan necropolis

  • Named after an ancient Roman dining table, which appears in the fresco

Tomb of the Triclinium

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Sarcophagus of the Spouses - Wikipedia

  • Full-length portrait

  • Great concentration on the upper bodies, less on the legs

  • A married couple, whose ashes may have been placed inside

Sarcophagus of the Spouses

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Apollo of Veii - Wikipedia

  • One of four large figures that once stood on the roof of the temple at Veii

  • Part of a scene from Greek mythology involving the third labor of Hercules

    • May have been carved by Vulcan of Veii, the most famous Etruscan sculptor of the age.

Apollo from Veii

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  • Private citizen’s home in Pompeii

  • Originally built during the Republic with early imperial additions

  • Two brothers owned the house; both were freedmen who made their money as merchants.

House of Vettii

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  • meant for wild and dangerous spectacles

    • gladiator combat, animal hunts, naval battles. Accommodated 50,000 spectators

  • 76 entrances and exits circle the facade

The Colosseum

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  • Large central plaza flanked by stoa-like buildings on each side

  • Originally held an equestrian monument dedicated to Trajan in the center

  • Built with treasure collected from Trajan’s victory over the Dacians.

Forum of Trajan

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  • Law courts held here

    • apses were a setting for judges

  • Grand interior space (385 feet by 182 feet) with two apses

Basilica of Ulpia

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  • Semicircular building held several levels of shops

  • Main space is groin vaulted; barrel vaulted area with the shops

  • Multilevel mall. Original market had 150 shops

Trajan Markets

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Trajan's Column comes to life in Rome - Wanted in Rome

  • A 625-foot narrative cycle (128 feet high) wrapped around it150 episodes, 2,662 figures, 23 registers

    • Continuous narrative

    • Scenes depict the preparation for battle

  • Visitors who entered were meant to wander up the interior spiral staircase to the viewing platform at the top

Column of Trajan

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Pantheon Rome | Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres

  • it was built as a Roman temple dedicated to all the gods

  • It may have been dedicated to a select group of gods and the divine Julius Caesar and/or used for court rituals

  • “Pan” = whole


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  • A chamber in the Palace of Knossos that features a fresco depicting the mythological story of King Pentheus of Thebes

  • Pentheus is shown being torn apart by his own mother and other women, who were under the influence of the god Dionysus

  • The room is believed to have been a place for ritualistic activities related to the worship of the god.

Pentheus Room

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  • A marble sculpture dating back to the 1st century CE, depicting the head of a Roman patrician

  • Showcases the idealized facial features of a wealthy and powerful Roman nobleman, with a strong jawline, prominent nose, and deep-set eyes.

Head of a Roman patrician

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  • A marble statue of the Roman emperor Augustus

  • Depicts Augustus in military attire, with his right arm extended and his left hand holding a scepter

  • Shows the emperor's power and divine status.

Augustus of Primaporta

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  • Roman sarcophagus depicting a battle scene

    • Possibly the Battle of Romans and Goths

  • Made in the 3rd century AD

Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus