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origin of pec major
head - medial end of clavicle head - sternocostal end
insertion of pec major
lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus
nerve supply of pec major
lateral and medial pectoral nerves
action of pec major
adducts and medially rotates humerus
origin of pec minor
ribs 3, 4, 5
insertion of pec minor
coracoid process of the scapula
nerve supply of pec minor
medial pectoral nerve
action of pec minor
stabilises scapula, accessory respiration muscle
origin of subclavius
1st rib and costal cartilage
insertion of subclavius
inferior aspect of clavicle
Nerve Supply of Subclavius
subclavian nerve
action of subclavius
depression and protraction of shoulder
origin of serratus anterior
external surfaces of ribs 1-8
insertion of serratus anterior
anterior (costal) surface on medial scapular border
nerve supply of serratus anterior
long thoracic nerve
action of serratus anterior
protraction and rotation of scapula
origin of trapezius
nuchal line, nuchal ligament of spinous processes of C7-T12 vertebrae
insertion of trapezius
lateral 1/3 of clavicle anteriorly acromion and spine of scapula posteriorly
innervation of trapezius
spinal root of accessory nerve (CN XI) cervical nerves C3 and C4
action of trapezius
elevation, rotation and retraction of scapula
origin of latissimus dorsi
spinous process of T7-T12 vertebra
insertion of latissimus dorsi
intertubercular groove of humerus (between pec. major and teres major)
innervation of latissimus dorsi
thoracodorsal nerve
action of latissimus dorsi
extension, adduction and medial rotation of humerus
origin of levator scapulae
transverse process of C1-C4 vertebrae
insertion of levator scapulae
medial border of scapula (above spine of scapula)
innervation of levator scapulae
dorsal scapular nerve
action of levator scapulae
elevation of scapula rotation of scapula — tilts glenoid cavity inferiorly
origin of rhomboids
slope obliquely from C7-T5 vertebrae
insertion of rhomboids
deltoid tuberosity of humerus
innervation of rhomboids
dorsal scapular nerve
action of rhomboids
elevation of scapula rotation of scapula — tilts glenoid cavity inferiorly
origin of teres major
inferior lateral border of scapula
insertion of teres major
medial lip of intertubercular groove
innervation of teres major
lower subscapular nerve
action of teres major
adduction and medial rotation of the arm
origin of teres minor
superior part of the lateral scapular border
insertion of teres minor
greater tubercle of humerus
innervation of teres minor
axillary nerve
action of teres minor
lateral rotation of arm at shoulder joint
origin of deltoid
lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
insertion of deltoid
deltoid tuberosity of humerus
innervation of deltoid
axillary nerve — branch of brachial plexus
action of deltoid
anterior — flexion arm, assisted by pec. major middle — abduction of arm, initated by supraspinatus posterior — extension of arm, assisted by latissimus dorsi
origin of supraspinatus
supraspinous fossa
insertion of supraspinatus
greater tubercle of humerus
innervation of supraspinatus
suprascapular nerve
action of supraspinatus
adduction of arm to 15 deg assists deltoid muscle in initiation
origin of infraspinatus
infraspinous fossa
insertion of infraspinatus
greater tubercle of humerus
innervation of infraspinatus
suprascapular nerve
action of infraspinatus
lateral rotation
origin of subscapularis
subscapular fossa
insertion of subscapularis
anterosuperior surface of humerus at lesser tubercle
innervation of subscapularis
upper and lower subscapular nerves
action of subscapularis
medial rotation of arm adduction of arm
origin of biceps brachii
long head — supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula short head — coracoid process of scapula
insertion of biceps brachii
radial tuberosity
innervation of biceps brachii
musculocutaneous nerve
action of biceps brachii
flexion at the elbow joint supination of the forearm
origin of the brachialis
anterior surface of midshaft of humerus
insertion of the brachialis
ulnar tuberosity
innervation of the brachialis
musculocutaneous nerve
action of the brachialis
(main) flexion of the forearm
origin of coracobrachialis
coracoid process
insertion of coracobrachialis
mid-shaft of humerus
innervation of coracobrachialis
musculocutaneous nerve
action of coracobrachialis
(weak) flexion at the shoulder joint adduction of the arm
origin of triceps brachii
long head — infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
medial head — posterior surface of humerus, inferior to radial groove
lateral head — posterior surface of humerus, superior to radial
insertion of triceps brachii
olecranon process
innervation of triceps brachii
radial nerve
action of triceps brachii
extension of forearm long head — stabilises head of humerus when arm is abducted
muscles in the superficial layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm
pronator teres flexor carpi radialis palmaris longus flexor carpi ulnaris
muscles in the middle layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm
flexor digitorum superficialis
muscles in the deep layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm
flexor pollicis longus flexor digitorum profundus pronator quadratus
origin of pronator teres
medial epicondyle of humerus
insertion of pronator teres
mid shaft of humerus
innervation of pronator teres
median nerve
action of pronator teres
pronation of forearm
origin of flexor carpi radialis
medial epicondyle of humerus
insertion of flexor carpi radialis
base of 2nd metacarpal bone
innervation of flexor carpi radialis
median nerve
action of flexor carpi radialis
flexion at wrist joint abduction at wrist joint
origin of palmaris longus
medial epicondyle of humerus
insertion of palmaris longus
central aponeurosis of palm
innervation of palmaris longus
median nerve
action of palmaris longus
flexion at wrist joint
origin of flexor carpi ulnaris
medial epicondyle of humerus
insertion of flexor carpi ulnaris
pisiform hook of hamate and 5th metacarpal bone
innervation of flexor carpi ulnaris
ulnar nerve
action of flexor carpi ulnaris
flexion at wrist joint adduction at wrist joint
origin of flexor digitorum superficialis
medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna and anterior border of radius
insertion of flexor digitorum superficialis
middle phalanges of the medial 4 digits
innervation of flexor digitorum superficialis
median nerve
action of flexor digitorum superficialis
flexion of the middle phalanges at proximal interphalangeal joints flexion of proximal phalanges at metacarpophalangeal joints
origin of flexor pollicis longus
anterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane
insertion of flexor pollicis longus
base of distal phalanx of thumb (pollex)
innervation of flexor pollicis longus
median nerve
action of flexor pollicis longus
flexion of the phalanges of thumb
origin of flexor digitorum profundus
proximal anterior surface of ulna