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the study of how society manages its scarce resources
economic system
the structure of methods and principles that a society uses to produce and distribute goods and services
units of production
firm & household
division of labor based on gender roles
placed into several separate tasks to be performed by different workers that can be dependent on the age or gender of the person
gender specialization
-Women generally tend crops, gather wild foods, care for children, prepare food, clean house, fetch water, and collect cooking fuel
-Men usually hunt, build houses, clear land for cultivation, herd large animals, fish, trap small animals, and serve as political functionaries
the exchange of resources, goods, and services among people of relatively equal status; meant to create and reinforce social ties
generalized reciprocity
balanced reciprocity (kula ring)
negative reciprocity
generalized reciprocity
a mode of exchange in which the value of the gift is not calculated, nor is the time of repayment specified
balanced reciprocity
a mode of exchange in which the giving and the receiving are specific as to the value of the goods and the time of their delivery
negative reciprocity
exchange conducted for the purpose of material advantage and the desire to get something for nothing
Kula Ring
A mode of balanced reciprocity that reinforces trade and social relations among the seafaring Melanesians who inhabit a large ring of islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean
a form of exchange in which accumulated wealth is collected from the members of the group and reallocated in a different pattern
A ceremonial feast used to display rank and prosperity in some Northwest Coast tribes of Native Americans, such as the Kwakiutl
market economy
an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services
special purpose and multipurpose money
capitalist system
Exchanging products or services with others by agreeing on their values without using money.
leveling mechanism
a cultural obligation compelling prosperous members of a community to give away goods, host public feasts, provide free service, or otherwise demonstrate generosity so that no one permanently accumulates significantly more wealth than anyone else
spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of purchases of new housing
a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.