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a state without government and laws
an institution through which leaders exercise power to make and enforce laws affecting the people under its control
a group of people united by bonds of race, language, custom, tradition, and sometimes, religion
a political community that occupies a definite territory and has an organized government
the supreme and absolute authority within territorial boundaries
speculation based on study
the idea that people are chosen by a god or gods to rule
Divine Right
one who engages in the pursuit of wisdom
theory that by contract, people surrender to the state the power needed to maintain order and the state, in turn, agrees to protect its citizens
Social Contract
a government that gives all key powers to the national or central government
Unitary System
a loose union of independent states
a government that divides the powers of government between the national government and state or provincial governments
Federal System
a plan that provides the rules for government
a government in which a constitution has authority to place clearly recognized limits on the powers of those who govern
Constitutional Government
controlling all aspects of citizens' economic, political, and social lives
a system of government in which the government has total control
a gathering
a system of government in which power is in the hands of one person who has total control
a system of government in which a small group holds power
a system of government in which a king, queen, or emperor exercises supreme powers of government
government in which the people rule
a government in which voters hold sovereign power; elected representatives, responsible to the people, exercise that power
establishment practice, or social organization
the study of how people and nations use their limited resources to attempt to satisfy wants and needs
rule or procedure that has the force of law
an economic system in which private citizens own and use the factors of production in order to generate profits
people who purchase and use goods and services
economic system in which buyers and sellers make free choices in the marketplace
Free Market
the opportunity to control one's own economic decisions
Free Enterprise
the philosophy that government should keep its hands off the economy
a system in which the government regulates private enterprise
Mixed Economies
an economic system in which the government owns the basic means of production, distributes the products and wages, and provides social services such as health care and welfare
a socialist who is committed to democracy but wants government involvement in the distribution of wealth
Democratic Socialist
an economic system in which the government controls the factors of production
Command Economy
capitalists who own the means of production
workers who produce the goods
an economic system in which the factors of production are collectively owned and the central government directs all major economic decisions
Most humans can not function and would not choose to live in _______ and _, where _ rule the land through ________ and _. This is ___.
chaos, turmoil, mobs, might, violence, anarchy
Governments Provide
Leadership, Order, Security and Defense, Public Services, and Economic Assistance and Economic Security
Governments set priorities and make decisions, and they maintain _________.
Nearly any group, people will _______ and some may take ________ of others
disagree, advantage
Provide some sort of ______ ________ force, _________ or __________ ________ to enforce laws and keep the peace
domestic security, police, national guard
Governments _______ public services and promote public health and safety
Governments provide things such as:
Create schools, build water lines, roads, hospitals
Governments provide National _________ to protect the people against _______ ________
security, external threats
Governments ________ the economic security of their people and may provide _____________ to those in need
protect, assistance
A state has sovereignty, which means that:
its government makes and enforces its own laws
States in today's political world share four essential features:
Population, Territory, Sovereignty, and Government
states must have people
a state must have established boundaries
the key characteristics of a state; means states have supreme and absolute authority within its boundaries
Some scholars believe that the notion of state evolved from the family. Ex: Abraham: "father to many nations"
evolutionary theory
States emerged when people needed to cooperate to survive but could become organized when one or more people took control
force theory
The idea that certain people are chosen by a god or gods. Particularly to European Monarchs in the 1600-1700's
divine right theory
Believed states existed to protect and serve the people without a state or Government, people would live in a "state of nature" and life will be nasty, brutish, and short
social contract theory
All governments reflect their societies _______ and ________
history, culture
All societies must _________ their governments to carry out important functions
3 Main Forms of Government
Unitary System Confederacy Federal System
Unitary System: the only powers that _________ or ________ governments have are those expressly given to them by the central government
states, local
Unitary System- Advantage: Disadvantages: Examples:
centralized power, less power given to localities. Japan, France, Bolivia
Confederacy System- Advantage: Disadvantage:
the power it gives to the states, weak central power
The United States developed a _______ ________ when it wrote its ____________
federal system, Constitution
Federal System- Advantages: Disadvantages:
It shares power among different levels of government while still having more centralized power than its confederated system, each level of government can make its own laws
The constitution sets out ________ that the people bound by the constitution believe in and share
The constitution establishes the basic _______ of government and details the government's ______ and ________
structure, powers, duties
The constitution provides the supreme ________ of the country
A Constitutional government is ________ because the constitution places limits on the powers of government officials
Constitutions are important but _________ guides to how a country is actually governed
Monarchy- Ancient time: Autocrats: Example:
was sanctioned by religion, Monarchs who maintained power through intimidation and or force, Swaziland
Democracies derive their power from the _______ and ________ of their people
consent, trust
Democracies can be ______ or _________
direct, indirect
A government in which all citizens cast a vote directly on government issues and laws
direct democracies
The people elect representatives and give them the power to make laws and conduct government
indirect democracies
representative, monarch, republic
In a true democracy, _________ is more than a right it is a duty and ______ citizen participation builds a _________ democracy
participation, effective, stronger
Democracy depends on a _______ transfer of ________ from one set of leaders to the next, so ________ the results of a free and fair election is essential
peaceful, power, accepting
Everyone must _______ the ________ and will be _____ accountable if they _______ it
obey, law, held, violate
_______ and _________ officials are responsible for their actions and have to be accountable to the people
elected, appointed
You can not have a democracy with one party, you have to have more than one
competing political parties
There is not enough of ______ for ________ to have everything they ______
anything, everyone, want
Governments play key roles in economics and every economy has _, _, _, ________, _, and ___________
producers, distributors, consumers, labor, resources, capital
People who make goods and services to sell
People who get products to buyers
People who purchase and use goods and services
The work people do or the worker themselves
Natural materials such as land and water, as well as human knowledge and labor needed to make something
The money or resources necessary to purchase or invest in production
Risk-taking individuals who use or combine the other factors that take the risk for the possibility of profits
Economic systems are ____ either by how the economics work or by the political _______ that is connected to the economy
classified, ideology
The goal of Capitalism is to create a _______ _______ where ________ and _________ are free to make their economic decisions
free market, buyers, sellers
________ _______ ________ like that under capitalism, government places no limits on the ________ of buyers and sellers to make their economic decisions
Free Market Economy, freedom
Origins of Capitalism
Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations
In capitalism the government takes a ____________ approach: "to let alone"
In capitalism the _______ _______ will move the market where it needs to go
Invisible Hand
You must have _______ to have capitalism
Sometimes, a country can shift from one type of _________ to another
The economic system of the United States has shifted as the _______ ________ has grown, has become more involved in _________ ____________ and has created programs to provide basic ________ security
Federal Government, regulating industries, economic
Under Socialism, the government determines the use of _, __ _________ and _________ and provides _______ ________ for its people
resources, distribute products, wages, social services
Socialist believe in political democracy but want _______ to regulate the distribution of ________
government, wealth
Under __________ _, citizens have basic _ rights, but the government makes economic decisions and may own _____ __________
Democratic Socialism, democratic, key industries