a set of spatially isolated populations linked by dispersal of individuals or gametes
metapopulations are characterized by repeated _______ and _______ of the small individual populations
extinctions, colonizations
the number of individuals that disperse to other populations is greater than the number of migrants they receive (place where population is doing well)
emigration > migration
receive more migrants than the number of individuals that disperse to other populations (where organism goes to die pretty much)
migration > migration
metapopulation dynamics (high migration)
causes the metapopulation to behave as a single, large population
metapopulation dynamics (intermediate migration)
colonization of patches left open by subpopulation extinction, mosaic of occupied and unoccupied patches
metapopulation dynamics (no migration)
each subpopulation becomes isolated and at risk of extinction
dp/dt = cp(1-p) - ep
extinction and colonization of patches
p = proportion of habitat patches occupied at time t
c = patch colonization rate
e = patch extinction rate
c > e for metapopulation to persist
isolation by distance
when patches are too far apart
effect of patch size
small patches may be hard to find and have high extinction rates
rescue effect
High rates of immigration that protect a population from extinction
extinction can be caused by what two reasons for metapopulations?
Patchiness in habitat makes dispersal from other populations difficult
Environmental conditions changing rapidly + in unpredictable manner
T/F All populations form metapopulations
What happens if e/c > 1 what will happen in metapopulation?
metapopulation will go extinct
Habitat Fragmentation example
Spotted owls became Northern spotted owl, Mexican spotted owl, and California spotted owl because of isolated patches
Isolation by distance + effect of patch size example
Skipper butterflies- cows stopped grazing leading to loss of grass land leading to smaller + isolated patches making them less likely to be colonized by more butterflies to persist
effect of patch size example (unaffected by isolation)
Shrews- live on islands in lakes, island occupancy is strongly affected by island size, but unaffected by isolation because they are such strong swimmers
habitat fragmentation
Breakup of a habitat into smaller pieces, usually as a result of human activities, turns populations into metapopulations and into isolated populations no longer linked by dispersal
life history characteristics
-age and size at sexual maturity
-amount and timing of reproduction
-survival and mortality rates
overall pattern of life history:
growth, reproduction survival
What do differences in life history come from?
genetic and environmental variation
optimal life histories maximize _________
Ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment
abrupt transition in form between larval and juvenile stages
-different body forms, habitats, and food
ex: caterpillar to butterfly, tadpole to frog
phenotypic plasticity
our genotype produces different phenotypes under different environmental conditions
phenotypic plasticity example
trees in the desert grow shorter and with smaller leaves than in cool, moist climates
The existence of more than one form of a genetic trait.
example of morphs
omnivore morph- grow slowly, metamorphose later w/ higher chance of survival, permanent ponds
carnivore morph- grow faster, metamorphosize earlier, temporary ponds
asexual reproduction
cell division (binary fission) done by all prokaryotes and most protists
sexual reproduction
most plants, animals and many fungi + protists
3 disadvantages of sexual reproduction
-an individual transmits only half of its genome to the next generation
-population growth rate is only half that of asexually reproducing species
-recombination and chromosome assortment during meiosis can break up favorable gene combinations
advantage of sexual reproduction
recombination promotes genetic variation and increased ability of populations to respond to environmental challenges
the cost of males meaning
asexual reproduction produces twice as many offspring as sex
species that reproduce only once
species can reproduce multiple times
intrinsic rate of increase of a population
carrying capacity of a population
selection for high population growth rates; an advantage in newly disturbed habitats and uncrowded condition
-short life spans
-rapid development
-early maturation
-low parental investment
-high reproductive rates
selection for lower growth rates in populations that are at or near K; an advantage in crowded conditions; efficient reproduction is favored
-long life spans
-develop slowly
-late maturation
-high parental investment
-low reproductive rates
gradient between r and K species
oysters ---> frogs ---> gorillas
life history trade-offs
large investment in offspring but few offspring
lots of offspring but little parental investment and lower survival
large offspring but few offspring
small offspring but many offspring
if there is a trade-off between reproduction and growth rate, then:
the more offspring you produce, the shorter your lifespan
trade-off between reproduction and survival
higher fecundity = lower survival
population abundance
number of individuals
population density
Number of individuals per unit area
on a 20-hectare island, there 2500 lizards. What is the population density?
125 hectare^-1
isolated patches can be linked by ________
dispersal / gene flow
clones are formed by
budding, apomixis (unfertilized eggs), horizontal spread (likes trees, offspring produced as organism grows)
abiotic factors that limit distribution
water, temperature, pH, sunlight, nutrients, etc.
biotic factors that limit distribution
predation, parasitism, competition, disease
dispersal limitation
A situation in which a species' limited capacity for dispersal prevents it from reaching other areas
group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area
geographic range
the entire geographic area over which a species is found including all of its life stages (migration)
Nearly Regular Distribution
due to competition for resources
Random distribution
due to short dispersal distances or targeted resource availability
Clumped distribution
due to short dispersal distances or targeted resource availability
-ex: trees clumped around water source
absolute population size
the actual number of individuals in a population
relative population size
number of individuals in one time period or place relative to the number in another
area-based counts
individuals in a given area or volume are counted and averaged to estimate population size
-usually quadrats
-for immobile organisms (ex: coral)
40, 10, 70, 80, and 50 cinch bugs are counted in five 10 cm x 10 cm (0.01 m2) quadrats. What is the population density per m^2?
5000 m^2
(40 + 10 + 70 + 80 + 50) / 5 = 50 / 0.01 m^2 = 5000 m^-2
distance methods
distances of individuals from a line or point are converted into estimates of abundance
-used for large area
line transects
Observer travels along line and counts individuals and their distance from the line
mark-recapture studies
A subset of individuals is captured and marked or tagged, then released.
At a later date, individuals are captured again, and the ratio of marked to unmarked individuals is used to estimate population size.
-used for mobile organisms (ex: fish)
-more organisms recaptured is an indicator of small population size