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What shift occurred in the 18th century regarding punishments?
There was a shift away from brutal punishments toward the idea that punishment should fit the crime and help criminals build better lives.
What alternative to the death penalty was introduced in 1678?
Banishment through transportation was introduced as an alternative to the death penalty.
Where were convicts transported to in the 18th century?
Convicts were sent to British colonies in North America and the West Indies.
How was transportation viewed in relation to other punishments?
Transportation was seen as a 'middle' punishment between execution and whipping or the stocks.
When was a formal system of transportation introduced?
A formal system of transportation was introduced in 1717 with sentences of 7 years, 14 years, or life.
Why was transportation introduced as a punishment?
For several reasons, including:
Hanging was the only punishment for theft, so judges often let offenders off.
Building enough prisons would be expensive.
Workers were needed in the overseas Empire.
Criminals could be reformed by hard work (the pardon system).
Dangerous people were removed from the country.
How many prisoners were transported to North America between 1717 and 1776?
Over 30,000 prisoners were transported to North America.
What ended the transportation of convicts to North America?
The American War of Independence ended the transportation of convicts to North America.
How did Britain cope with overcrowded prisons after losing North America?
Britain used hulks (old warships and merchant ships) as emergency prisons, though conditions on board were terrible.
Where was the new destination for transportation after the American War of Independence?
Australia became the new destination for transportation.
When did the first fleet of convicts arrive in Australia?
The first fleet arrived at Sydney Cove (Botany Bay) on 26 January 1788.
How many convicts were transported to Australia between 1788 and 1868?
165,000 convicts were transported to Australia.
How many convicts were transported from Wales, and for what crimes?
2,200 convicts were transported from Wales, most for stealing horses or sheep, burglary, or theft.
Who was Frances Williams, and what was her crime?
Frances Williams sailed on the first fleet to Australia. She was found guilty of stealing freshly ironed laundry from Moses Griffith's home.
What were the conditions for convicts in Australia?
Conditions were harsh, with convicts working for private individuals or sent to penal settlements like Norfolk Island for hard labor.
What was the "ticket of leave"?
A "ticket of leave" allowed convicts to work and live in a specific area after serving part of their sentence.
What was a conditional pardon in the Australian penal system?
A conditional pardon could be granted after 5 years, allowing convicts to stay in Australia but not return to Britain.
When was transportation to New South Wales stopped?
Transportation to New South Wales was stopped in 1840.
When did Tasmania and Western Australia stop accepting convicts?
Tasmania stopped accepting convicts in 1852, and Western Australia stopped in 1868.
What led to the end of transportation to Australia?
A Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry in 1838, changing attitudes toward punishment, the cost of the system, and growing resentment from Australia led to the end of transportation.