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Medical Jurist
Sees injury or disease from the perspective of cause, often involved in legal cases.
Ordinary Physician
Focuses on treatment and diagnosis of injuries or diseases.
A rule of conduct, just and obligatory, laid by legitimate power for common observance and benefit.
Civil Law
Regulates relationships among family and members of society for private interests.
Criminal Law
Defines crimes, treats their nature, and provides for their punishment.
Statutory Law
Written laws produced by legislative bodies, defined and codified.
Common Law
Unwritten laws based on customs and judicial precedents.
Prima Facie Evidence
Proof that warrants the filing of a case, requiring no further evidence unless contested.
Direct Evidence
Proves a fact in dispute without any inference or presumption.
Circumstantial Evidence
Proof from which the existence of a fact may be inferred as a necessary or probable consequence.
Preponderance of Evidence
In civil cases, the burden of proof lies with the party that establishes their case as more convincing.
Expert Witness
A qualified individual who provides expert opinions based on specialized knowledge in a legal context.
Deception Detection
Methods used to determine the truthfulness of statements made by suspects or witnesses.
A device used to measure physiological responses to determine truthfulness.
Expert Evidence
The opinion of a skilled witness regarding scientific, artistic, or trade-related matters.
Preservation of Evidence
The actions taken to maintain the integrity of physical evidence collected during an investigation.
Traces of Evidence
Physical material that may assist investigators in linking a suspect to a crime.
Witness Recollection
The ability of a person to remember and testify about relevant events.
Manikin Method
Using miniature models to represent scenes or human injuries for evidentiary purposes.
A state of heightened suggestibility where the subject may reveal information but is not considered reliable for legal purposes.
Scientific Interrogation
A systematic approach to questioning that seeks to gather truthful statements from suspects or witnesses.
The process of preserving a human body from decay, often for legal or medical purposes.