GCSE geography 10 - ecosystems

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living and non-living components in an environment and the interrelationships that exist between them

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non-living component (e.g. soil, water, sunlight)

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living component (plants, animals, bacteria)

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where deserts are found

in discontinuous bands [1] around Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn [1]. Often found in continental interiors [1]. Examples are Sahara desert in northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula [1]

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where tropical rainforests are found

in discontinuous bands [1] between Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn with a main focus on the equator [1]. Tropical rainforests are found in South America, central Africa, and northern Australia [1].

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where temperate rainforests are found

in a discontinuous band [1] found only above the Tropic of Cancer [1] found across northern Europe and the north of North America

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major tropical rainforests around the world

Amazon, Central American, Congo River Basin, Madagascan, South East Asian and Australasian

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major coral reefs around the world

Great Barrier Reef, Red Sea Coral Reef, New Caledonia Barrier Reef, Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, Florida Reef, Andros Coral Reef

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coral reefs are found where the water is clear and shallow

allows sunlight to reach the coral and photosynthesise

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humans farm arable crops in temperate grassland regions

arable crops rely on sunlight and rain to help them grow and photosynthesise. humans eat the arable crops

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inuits use caribou skin to remain warm in polar regions

inuits rely on caribou skin to insulate them and allow them to survive harsh weather conditions

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trees quickly remove nutrients from the soil in tropical rainforests

trees rely on nutrients found in the soil to survive. due to the many trees in the rainforest there is a lot of competition for the nutrients

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how close you are to the equator

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how close you are to the sea

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how high you are above the sea level

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GAC (global atmospheric circulation)

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convection rainfall

occurs when the sun’s energy heats the surface of the earth and at the equator the sun’s heat is more concentrated.

causes air to warm and rise and water to evaporate. the air cools and condenses to form clouds

if process continues rainfall will occur

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