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The president's constitutional power of __________ allows him/her to reject acts of Congress.
the president is given this right as part of the system of checks and balances.
Congress can override a veto with a __________ vote of each house.
A filibuster can occur only in the __________.
Senate. Because of its more flexible rules, a filibuster is possible only in the Senate. A filibuster is a tactic used to delay legislation.
A lengthy speech designed to delay or kill the vote on a bill; used only in the Senate
The presiding officer of the House of Representatives is the __________.
elected by the full House
The __________ Committee decides the order in which House bills come up for vote.
House Rules
House Rules Committee
the committee that determines how and when debate on a bill will take place
Caucuses are informed groups of Senators or Representatives who __________ opinions, interests, or backgrounds.
a private meeting of party leaders to choose candidates for office
Pocket Veto
president's power to kill a bill, if Congress is not in session, by not signing it for 10 days
The House of Representatives consists of __________ members.
The costs associated with social welfare programs such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children (welfare), Social Security, and Medicare are known as __________.
social welfare program that people are "entitled to" if they meet certain eligibility requirements
power to bring charges against Pres; A formal document charging a public official with misconduct in office.
Who impeaches the president?
House of Representatives
The process of reallocating seats in the House of Representatives every 10 years on the basis of the results of the census.
Presidentialist View
mplies that the president takes an active role in policymaking
Congressionalist View
President should execute Congress' laws and nothing more
The fact that American public policy is largely determined by compromise between competing groups reflects the __________ theory of American politics
pluralist view
view that competition among all affected interests shapes public policy
The __________ of the legislative branch of the US government is an example of bicameralism.
Presidents sometimes try to avoid the Congressional "advise and consent" requirement with regard to treaties and trade agreements by entering into an __________ with foreign governments.
executive agreement
executive agreement
A formal agreement between the U.S. president and the leaders of other nations that does not require Senate approval.
While many presidents have generated notoriety by brokering treaties with foreign countries, the power to ratify foreign treaties lies with the __________.
__________ mandates are laws passed by the federal government for the states to follow--i.e. environmental standards, but does not provide additional funding at the same time.
In the US v. Nixon, 1974, the Supreme Court ruled against president Nixon, stating that __________ did not allow him to refuse to comply with a court order to produce material for a criminal trial.
executive privilege
The War Powers Act passed in 1973, limits a president's authority to send troops to hostile areas without __________ approval.
Stewardship theory
Calls for assertive presidency that is confined only at specific points defined by law.
Taftian Theory
The president is limited to those powers enumerated in the Constitution
executive office
Agencies that perform staff services for the president but are not part of the White House, helps the president oversee the federal bureaucracy.
Jefferson invoked the concept of __________ powers to justify the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.
inherent powers
powers that can be inferred from specific powers granted by the Constitution
line item veto
to veto specific portions of a bill without vetoing the entire bill. unconstitutional
ways and means
House committee that handles tax bills, oversees the budget
In the case of a tie vote in the Senate, the __________ is afforded the tie-breaking vote.
Vice President
The Senate has the power to try all impeachments including that of the president. In such trials, however, it is the __________ that shall preside over the trial.
chief justice
All bills passed in relation to __________ must originate in the House of Representatives.
While the president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, it is the domain of the __________ to declare war.
ex post facto law
law that makes an act punishable as a crime even if the action was legal at the time it was committed
the president has the power to appoint __________ justices.
supreme court
Each of a President's cabinet members has both a loyalty to the President and to his/her own __________.
In the Senate, the __________ leader has the power to appoint members and chairs of committees.
How is the senate elected?
selected by a caucus of majority party members
standing committee
where proposed bills are sent for review
senatorial courtesy
A President will often allow a State's senators to suggest persons for nomination.
While it is made up of __________ of all major government agencies, the cabinet is not a board of directors with any collective power.
congressional oversight
Congress has the authority to conduct hearings, investigations, and budget reviews of the actions by the executive branch.
money that Congress has allocated to be spent
whip system
a communications vehicle in each congressional house; polls party members
dissenting opinion
A statement written by a justice who disagrees with the majority opinion, presenting his or her opinion
conference committee
responsible for resolving any differences between the House and Senate versions of a bill
congress members making agreements to support each other's bills
prior restraint
government prevents materials from being published in the first place. unconstitutional
drawing of legislative districts so that it favors one party over another.
House of Representative: years per term
2 years
Senate: years per term
6 years
the work that a lawmaker does to help constituents with a problem
the fact that being in office makes it easier to get reelected
A Congressman's privilege to mail official correspondence to his/her constituents without purchasing postage
how often do elections occur for the Senate and House?
every two years
a representative who votes based on based on their best judgement for his or her constituency
representatives should vote in the way their constituents want, even if it conflicts with their own judgement.
An elected representative who acts as a trustee or as a delegate, depending on the issue
party caucus
a closed meeting of the members of each party in each house
A committee that is drawn from both houses of Congress for a special purpose, such as an investigation, is called a __________ committee
ad hoc committee
a committee created for a specific short-term purpose
pork-barrel legislation
Legislation that is specifically designed to benefit a legislator's home district
An agreement by two or more lawmakers to support each other's bills
With a __________ , a Senator can request to be notified before a bill is brought to the floor.
General Accounting Office
conducts audits of government spending
The __________ veto is when Congress can disallow an act by the president or executive agency.
The president and vice president must be natural-born citizens and at least __________ years old
The __________ of the US is the presiding officer of the Senate.
vice president
The Secretary of State is an officer found in all of the states. In many states he/she has important duties in connection with __________.
Rewards and favors given to political supporters is called __________
includes the federal agencies that help administer the executive branch of government.
Spoils System
firing supporters of the opponent and replacing them with one's own supporters upon election.
Job placement in the federal government is based on a _____ system
interstate commerce commission
an agency that sets the laws for all the companies that do business across state lines
clientele agency
a department of government whose mission is to promote, serve, or represent a particular interest
-ex: department of education
independent executive agency
A federal agency that is not part of a cabinet department but reports directly to the president.
-ex: CIA
Federal Employees Political Activities Act
Federal employees are now allowed to run for office in nonpartisan elections
Once a law is passed, the __________ is responsible for its implementation.
iron triangle
alliance between an agency, a congressional committee, and an interest group
An issue network is a group of people, agencies, Congressional committees, etc. who __________ for a particular issue.
band together
A bureaucracy can settle __________ between parties through a process called administrative adjudication.
One way that the Congress uses the bureaucracy is through its investigatory __________, in which it directs an agency to study a particular problem.
A __________ is funding provided by the federal government to the states.
Regulations govern the operation of a government __________ and have the force of law.
The Cabinet, a presidential __________ group, has no basis in the Constitution.
The Federal Reserve System sets the country's __________ policy
Which President was it that signed the Americans with Disablities Act?
George HW Bush
Idea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs.
__________ of the Constitution establishes and empowers the judicial branch of the national government.
Article 3