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What are the dunes of Titan thought to be made of?
Its a small active moon that hides a global ocean under its icy crust
What is so special about Enceladus?
Hydrocarbon particles that cause Titan's atmosphere to be orange
N2, CH4, H2
What elements make up Titan?
Does Titan have Seasons?
Methane Ice
What are the mountains on Titan made of?
Liquid Ethane
What are the rivers on Titan carved from?
Great lakes of natural gas
What bodies of liquid do we see on the surface of Titan and what are they made of?
It's too cold for most liquids and water
What is the problem with the surface temperature of Titan?
Dunes, surface liquid, and lakes
What are the major surface features of Titan?
solid to gas
What is Saturn's biggest moon?
It closely resembles earth with its global oceans
What is so special about Titan?
Orbiter around Saturn and Titan
Probe on Saturn and Titan
Large continent-sized bright spot on Titan
90,000 years
In theory, how long did it take for the Dunes of Titan to form?
Tidal heating and some internal heat source
How is Enceladus heated?
Does Enceladus have an atmosphere?
What moon does Enceladus's terrain closely resemble?
What do the volcanoes on Enceladus erupt?
Ice particles from Cryovolcanic activity on Enceladus
What causes the E Ring of Saturn
What is the 3rd largest moon of Saturn?
Two hemispheres have different colors
What is so special about the colors of Iapetus?
-Early convective activity
-It consumed one of Saturn's rings
-Asteroid impact
What are the theories to explain the formation of the equatorial ridge?
Moon of Saturn, called the Death Star moon
Atlas and Pan
Moons of Saturn, UFO Moon
Powerful gravitational forces from Saturn
How did Atlas and Pan get their shape?
Its tilted, looks like its tipped on its side
What is so special about Uranus's axis?
Impact with an Earth sized object
What caused Uranus's axial tilt?
Eternal sunlight, other side gets eternal darkness
What happens to the northern hemisphere of Uranus during the summer?
H2, He, CH4
What elements make up Uranus's atmosphere?
What causes the blue color of Uranus and Neptune?
What is Uranus mainly composed of?
What is the core of Uranus made of?
It is tilted off axis and is off center from the the planet
What is so unique about Uranus's magnetic field?
Methane rich mixes of ices and dust
What is Uranus's rings mainly composed of?
How many rings of Uranus are there?
Epsilon Ring
What is the brightest ring of Uranus called?
The passage of one body in front of another, temporarily blocking its light
Shepherd moons that flank the ring
What causes the shape of the epsilon ring?
Verona Rupes
Cliff on Miranda
What is Uranus's largest moon?
Water Ice, Methane Ice, and Silicate Rock
What is Titania made of?
Messina Chasma
Largest canyon on Titania, comparable to Valles Marineras on Mars
Which moon of Uranus is tidally locked and has the most craters?
prominent canyons
H2, He, CH4
What is the atmosphere of Neptune made of?
Does Neptune have seasons?
There's 16 hours in a day
What factor of Neptune contributes to its oblate shape?
Urbain Le Verrier
Who predicted Neptune's location using gravity disturbances?
Hydrogen, Helium, and Methane
What makes up Neptune's atmosphere?
Convecting gas rising from the interior
What causes the Great Dark Spot on Neptune?
What are the clouds of Neptune made of?
Are Neptune's winds slow?
The hydrogen rich atmosphere
What causes the mantle of Neptune to be Water, methane, and ammonia slush?
What planet does Diamond Rain occur on?
Immense pressure in the atmosphere
What causes Diamond Rain?
Its tilted and offset from the center planet
What is so strange about Neptune's Magnetic Field?
How many moons does Neptune have?
Kuiper Belt objects
Where are the moons of Neptune thought to come from?
Non-spherical shape and NO geologic activity
What are some unique features about Proteus and Larissa?
What is Neptune's largest moon?
Which moon orbits backwards?
Originally a planetesimal and was captured by Neptune
How did Triton end up as a moon?
Volcanoes on Triton
Active and spew liquid nitrogen
Which moon has an astronomically low atmospheric pressure?
H2O, CH4, N2, and CO2
What is Triton composed of?
Ice caps of frozen nitrogen and methane
What is located across the Southern Hemisphere of Triton?
Trans Neptunian Objects
Any minor or dwarf planet that orbits the sun at a greater average distance than Neptune
What planet is the Kuiper Belt located beyond?
Kuiper Belt
Where is the potential location of short-period comets?
Astronomers think its remnants left over from the formation of the solar system
How was the Kuiper Belt formed?
Roman god of the underworld
Where does Pluto get its name from?
Its tilted and elliptical
What is so unusual about Pluto's orbit?
Does Pluto have an atmosphere?
Sunlight sublimating ices on surface
What can cause Pluto to have an haze?
What makes Pluto red?
Does Pluto have a magnetic field?
Mainly nitrogen ice, with methane and carbon monoxide ices also present
What is Pluto's surface made of?
Tombaugh Regio
The heart of Pluto
Sputnik Planitia
Smooth western lobe of Tombaugh Regio
Mountains of Nitrogen, Methane, and Carbon Monoxide
What feature is on the Eastern lobe of the Tombaugh Regio?
-During the day, a thin layer of this nitrogen ice warms and turns into vapor.
-At night, the vapor condenses and once again forms ice.
The cycling of nitrogen across Tombaugh Regio is...
"Brass Knuckles", Spaced out dark regions that are intersected by topographic highs
Cthulhu Macula
The largest Macula on Pluto
Tholins mixing and creating ices
What causes the dark color of Macula on Pluto?
Mountains of ice found on Pluto
Tenzing Montes / Norgay Montes
Highest mountain range on Pluto, made of water ice
What is Pluto's largest moon?
It is tidally locked
What is unusual about Charon's orbit around Pluto?
What causes the red regions on Charon?
Canyon systems, of which Serenity Chasma is the largest
In a moat, cryovolcano
Where does Kubrick Mons sit and what is it?
From two separate progenitor objects that formed over time from a rotating cloud of small, icy bodies.
How did Arrokoth form itself?
dwarf planet similar to pluto
Oort Cloud
A spherical region of comets that surrounds the solar system
Small nudges from gravitational pulls
How can comets enter the inner solar system?
Hundreds of Thousands of Years - Millions of Years
How long is the orbit of most comets?
Short period comets
Comets that take less than 200 years to orbit the sun