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Allostatic Load
Cumulative wear and tear on biological systems after repeated or chronic stressful events
Anticipatory Coping
Coping before onset of future stressor
Produces antibodies that attach themselves to foreign agents and mark them for destruction
Biopsychosocial Model
Influences on human mental life and behavior are biological, psychological, and social-contextual
Buffering Hypothesis
Other people can provide direct emotional support in helping individuals cope with stress
Chronic Stress
Ongoing challenges
Coping Response
Any attempt made to avoid or minimize a stressor
Creation of Positive Events
Giving positive meaning to normal events
Daily Hassles
Small, daily issues
Discrimination-Related Stress
Stress experienced by marginalized groups
Caused by negative events
Downward Comparison
Comparing to those worse off
Emotion-Focused Coping
Type of coping where people try to prevent an emotional response to stress
Caused by positive events
Fight-Or-Flight Response
Psychological preparedness to deal with danger by fighting or fleeing
General Adaptation Syndrome
A consistent pattern of responses to stress that consists of the alarm, resistance, and exhaustion stage
Health Behaviors
Actions people can take that promote well-being and healthiness
Health Disparities
Differences in health outcomes between groups of people
Health Psychology
Application of psychology to promote health and well-being
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis
Slow body system involved in stress response
Immigrant Paradox
First generation immigrant in the US have better health than their future generations
Immune System
Body’s mechanism for dealing with invasion
Specialized white blood cells that make up the immune system
Major Life Stressors
Changes that strain central areas of lives
Metabolic Syndrome
High block sugar, insulin resistance, and heart disease
Natural Killer Cells
Kill viruses and attack tumors
Primary Appraisals
Part of coping that involves making decisions about whether a stimulus is stressful, benign, or irrelevant
Problem-Focused Coping
Type of coping where people take direct steps to solve a stressor
Rational Coping
Face stressor and work to overcome
Finding new way to think about stressor to reduce threat
Repressive Coping
Avoid/ignore thoughts of stressor
Secondary Appraisals
Part of coping involved in evaluating options and choosing coping behaviors
Socioeconomic Status
Relative standing in society as a function of resources
Type of response that involves an imbalance and an unpleasant state
Something perceived as a threat producing stress
Assist in attacking intruders and increase immune strength
Tend-And-Befriend Response
Tendency to protect and care for offspring and form social alliances rather than fight or flee
Type A Behavior Pattern
Pattern of behavior characterized by hostility, competitiveness, etc.
Positive state involving striving for optimal life health and satisfaction
Actor/Observer Discrepancy
Tendency to focus on situations to explain own behavior but dispositions to explain others behavior
Any behavior that involves the intention to harm
Providing help when needed without an apparent reward
People’s evaluations of other things
Explanations for why things occur
Bystander Intervention Effect
Failure to offer help to someone in need when others are present
Companionate Love
Strong commitment based on friendship, trust, respect, and intimacy
Tendency to agree to things requested by others
Altering one’s behaviors to match others or their expectations
State of reduced individuality and self-awareness when in a group
Differential treatment of people due to prejudice
Elaboration Likelihood Model
Persuasive messages lead to attitude changes through the central route or the peripheral route
Explicit Attitudes
Attitudes that a person is aware they have
Fundamental Attribution Error
Tendency to overemphasize personality traits and underestimate situational factors when describing others behavior
Group Polarization
Initial attitudes of groups become extreme over time
Tendency of a group to make a bad decision under pressure to preserve the group
Implicit Attitudes
Attitudes that unconsciously influence a person
Inclusive Fitness
Explanation for altruism that focuses on benefit of transmitting genes over own survival
Informational Influence
Tendency to conform when they assume others are responding correctly
Ingroup Favoritism
Tendency to evaluate ingroup members better than others
Mere Exposure Effect
Greater exposure to a stimulus leads to greater liking for it
Modern Racism
Subtle prejudice that coexists with rejection of racism
Nonverbal Behavior
Facial expressions and movements of communication
Normative Influence
Tendency to conform to fit in
Following orders of an authority figure
Outgroup Homogeneity Effect
Tendency to view outgroup members as less varied than ingroup members
Passionate Love
State of intense longing and desire
Personal Attributions
Explanations of people’s behavior that refer to personal characteristics
Conscious effort to change an attitude through a message
Negative feelings and opinions associated with a stereotype
Prosocial Behaviors
Actions that benefit others
Situational Attributions
Explanations of people’s behavior that refer to external events
Social Facilitation
Idea that presence of others generally enhances performance
Social Identity Theory
Ingroups consist of individuals who perceive themselves to be members of the same social category and have pride in that
Social Loafing
People work less hard in a group
Social Norms
Expected standards of behavior
Stereotype Threat
Fear of confirming negative stereotypes about own group
Where people belong
Where people don’t belong
Treating others as others treat them
People share friends opinions of others
Reciprocal Helping
Helping someone who may return the favor in the future
Diffusion of Responsibility
People expect other bystanders to help
Central Route
Motivated to process information
Peripheral Route
Information is minimally processed
Foot in the Door
If you agree to a small request, you are more likely to comply to a larger one
Door in the Face
If you refuse a large request, you are more likely to comply to a smaller one
When you agree to buy a product to a certain price, you are likely to comply with a request to pay more
Use of substance continues despite negatives and desire to quit
Anxiety disorder marked by fear of being in an inescapable situation
Anorexia Nervosa
Eating disorder marked by excessive fear of becoming fat and extreme intake limiting
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Personality disorder marked by socially undesirable behavior and lack of empathy
Anxiety Disorders
Psychological disorders characterized by excessive fear in absence of danger
Examination of a person’s functioning to diagnose possible disorders
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Disorder characterized by restlessness, inattentiveness, and impulsivity
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Developmental disorder characterized by impaired communication, restricted interests, and impaired social interaction
Binge-Eating Disorder
Eating disorder characterized by extreme eating that causes distress
Bipolar I Disorder
Disorder characterized by extremely elevated moods during manic episodes and frequent depressive episodes
Bipolar II Disorder
Disorder characterized by alternation depression and elevated mood
Borderline Personality Disorder
Personality disorder characterized by disturbance in identity, affect, and impulse control
Bulimia Nervosa
Eating disorder characterized by alternating between dieting, binging, and purging