The process of accepting and creating space for different cultures when they come into contact.
Cultural changes resulting from the interaction of two different cultures.
The absorption of a minority culture by another culture, leading to the disappearance of the minority's cultural identity.
Variety of plant and animal species within an ecosystem.
The conditions or factors that affect a situation.
A group of individuals with shared identity and belonging.
Cultural content laws
Cultural content laws
Laws passed by gov. To prevent a group's cultural identity, including, artist, performers, songs, movies, etc. from being overwhelmed by media from a dominant culture.
Cultural diversity
Variety in cultures and identities.
Cultural revitalization
The affirmation and promotion of individual and collective cultural identity.
Digital divide
The gap between those who have access to modern digital technology and those who do not.
Economies of scale
Cost savings achieved through large-scale production, usage, and procurement.
The process of erasing differences, often referring to cultural similarities.
The combination of different elements to create something new.
Language laws
Laws that countries will set up to expect what languages are used with education, business, government.
Linguistic revitalization
Languages that are endangered/extinct that are being recovered by cultural groups that used it.
Linguistic rights
Rights of minorities and majorities concerning language.
Media concentration
The ownership of media by a few large corporations, leading to limited diversity of viewpoints.
Media convergence
Integration of different forms of media through electronic technology.
Pop culture
Current cultural trends disseminated by commercial mass media.
Spread of ideas and information with a specific goal in mind.
Role model
An individual looked up to and emulated by others.
Transnational corporation
A company operating in multiple countries, often with production and services in various locations.
The global spread of culture, trends, customs, and practices.