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What has Kings Cross experienced since 2001?
change, urban transformation
What has Angell Town experienced since 1981?
change, urban transformation
What do different stakeholders perceive?
How were the characteristics and perceptions of Kings Cross before the regeneration?
What are the characteristics of Kings Cross like now?
Google headquarters
Where is Kings Cross?
Camden, North London
Kings Cross in an example of?
Mixed-use transport hub, includes principles of urban space
Kings Cross historical heritage has been....
Why did Kings Cross need regeneration?
Needed new housing, had become area for drugs and prostitution, unused land in the heart of the city and dereliction.
What was Kings Cross like in 1806?
St Pancras= field, yet to be urbanised
What was Kings Cross like in 1898?
Camden= urbanised
Kings Cross St Pancras= cut-cover railway, closed to public, just the railway
What did Charles Booth's poverty map in 1898 show?
Area of diversity
Red areas: well-to-do, middle class
Black areas: by the station, semi-criminal area
What was Kings Cross like in 1939-44?
Bomb damage: rail terminal at Kings Cross
What is Kings Cross like now?
Private public space
2 railway stations
Diversity of use: commercial, educational and recreational
What urban transformation has Kings Cross undertaken from 2001 to 2018?
2001: derelict
2018: Thomas Heatherwick building/ Samsung building
Redevelopment of brownfield sites such as Granary Square and Coal Drops Yard
How did the local community in the Kings Cross urban change act as a player?
343 meetings for local people to voice what they wanted
How did the national government in the Kings Cross urban change act as a player?
Gave the site to the property designers as long as it became a hub for the flow of people coming through
How did the local council in the Kings Cross urban change act as a player?
Camden council provided Argent with an area to develop
How did businesses in the Kings Cross urban change act as a player?
Argent: property developer worked with the local authorities on the regeneration
What are examples of Brownfield sites in Kings Cross?
1851 Granary Building
Where is Angell Town?
Brixton, Lambeth= south London
How much was invested in the Angell town regeneration?
£60 million
What did the Angell Town regeneration focus on?
young people
How was Angell Town perceived before the regeneration?
Hub for violent crime especially knife crime, gangs e.g Guns and Shanks
What were the goals of the urban transformation in Angell Town?
Mixed- use, serve all generations
Strong emphasis on not displacing, but to better serve the community
How did the local community in the Angell Town urban change act as a player?
They paired up with donors to make a change to the disadvantages housing state= giving £400,000
How did the national government in the Angell Town urban change act as a player?
Provided £200,000 for the expansion of other estates
How did the local council in the Angell Town urban change act as a player?
Lambeth council gave £100,000 and provided national governments and charities with a place to redevelop
How did businesses in the Angell Town urban change act as a player?
Local businesses provided training and jobs for those seeking employment
How many grassroot groups were funded in the Angell Town development?
What happened to the community centre in Angell Town in 2012?
Closed town due to gang activity
Before the urban change in Angell Town what problems were associated with a lack of facilities?
No shops
No community centre
No primary school
What reopened in 2016 in Angell Town?
St John's Angell Town CofE primary school
How many people live in Angell Town?
What proportion of the Angell Town population are from a BAME background?
What is poverty like in Angell Town?
More than ½ of the population is living in poverty
In top 10% most deprived IMD ranking
What is the crime rate in Angell Town?
x2 the London rate
What proportion of households in Angell Town are social rented?
What is the population density in Angell Town?
2.7 x the London average
What is the male life expectancy in Angell Town?
73 (5 years lower than the London average)
What did the reputation of Kings Cross deter?
How much was invested in the Kings Cross urban transformation?
£3 billion
What is the main principle of an urban city?
Mixed urban use
How many people visit Kings Cross every day?
30,000 daily visitors
What was the scale of the regeneration?
27 hectare regeneration
How many acres of green space in the Kings Cross regeneration?
26 acres
What stakeholders were involved in the Kings Cross regeneration?
Local community, local council, national government, property developers e.g Argent + TNCs e.g Google
What were perceptions of Kings Cross like before?
Dereliction, drug use, prostitution
What economic improvements have been seen in Kings Cross?
It is estimated that 35,000 jobs were created by 2020 e.g by Google which has its headquarters in Kings Cross.
TNCs attracted, bring investment to Kings Cross
Google's headquarters has brought 3,000 new jobs and Guardian has brought 1,000 new jobs
Kings Cross + St Pancras transport hub- interchange connects to Paris: encourages tourists and businesses
What J can be made about economic improvements in Kings Cross?
Jobs from TNCs are not from the local area as they require high-skilled workers
Transit hub: it increases congestion and is too expensive for most.
What social improvements have been seen in Kings Cross?
2000 new homes: helps to meet demand and reduce pressure on housing crisis
2 schools including the Frank Barnes school for deaf children + a university using Brownfield site
What J can be made about social improvements in Kings Cross?
Only 37% of homes are affordable= what is affordable?, too exclusive, doesn't serve entire local community
Exclusive= public/private space e.g Granary square by Argent= shrinking public space?, favouring business owners?, who is it serving?
Signs like: "Please enjoy this private estate considerately."/ shrinking public space creates tension= e.g Argent security using facial recognition across Kings Cross= not democratic
What demographic improvements have been seen in Kings Cross ?
UAL: attracts young people + youth mix means young people buy homes and spend money in the local area: sense of community in local area
Social mix: multiple uses: recreational, educational, commercial uses
What J can be made about demographic improvements in Kings Cross?
Schools and university attract students from all over the UK, it is not only for locals.
Specialist schools don't serve entire community
What environment improvements have been seen in Kings Cross?
10 new public squares and parks e.g Gas holder parks
26 acres of open space
Improved environment, air quality and quality of life
Green spaces e.g Skip gardens= compost sites and beehives
20 restored historic buildings, brownfield sites e.g 1851 Granary building
What J can be made about environmental improvements in Kings Cross?
Much of land privately owned
Still high levels of congestion + poor air quality
What impact has the regeneration had on violent crime in Kings Cross? (J)
Lack of data to suggest the regeneration has had a reduction on violent crime
Fluctuation in crime rates from 2014-19
Crime rate: 182/1000
Crime count: 2,230 from 2014-19
What impact has the regeneration had on flat prices in Camden?
Disproportionate increase in house prices in Camden
Camden: 117% increase in flat prices from 2006-2019
What percentage increase in flat price did Camden experience from 2006-2019?
117% increase
What percentage increase in flat price did London experience from 2006-2019?
98% increase
What percentage increase in flat price did Brixton experience from 2006-2019?
98% increase
What does a sharp increase in flat prices in Camden suggest?
When was the Angell Town estate built?
the 1970s
What is the scale of the Angell Town regeneration?
What economic improvements have been seen in Angell Town?
Income from the rent of studio office helps fund the communal training facilities: organised by the Angell Town Community Project
Football pitch installed: costing £31,000
Lambeth Council gave £50,000