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reasons why businesses join together
entering into a licensing contract with another firm to use its brand, IP or produce its product in return for a fee
long term co-operative relationship
franchisor contracts franchisee to run business
main foreign investment routes for international companies = cross-border M&A
spreading risk and economies of scale
spreading risk:
trying and protecting a firm from consequences of crises by locating in markets where risks are less likely to occur
economies of scale:
growing rapidly in size to reduce costs
entering new markets and trade blocs
M&A as a shorter route to international growth
firms tap into growing markets
may be difficult to gain access
acquiring national and international brand names/patents
used to become a global player in the international market
brand recognition and patents help prevents other businesses from copying its products or producing similar products
purchasing a brand/product = gains quick access
M&A and joint ventures = effectively gain strong reputation and IP
strong brand recognition
brand loyalty
limits competition
doesn’t face issues of launching a new product (high risk, cost and uncertainty)
important to ensure employee confidence and customer satisfaction post merger
developing IP internally = time consuming, financial risk
protection of IP through:
easier to gain access to IP through acquisition or joint venture than establishing it
securing resources or supplies
secure resources or supplies further back in the supply chain
backward vertical integration
resources used may be rare or hard to get - reliability
inputs stay at a suitable quality or price
maintaining or increasing global competitiveness
bigger markets
cost savings
improves pricing power over customers and suppliers
helps a firm become a dominant global player
cross-selling product ranges
increase overall sales
lower internal costs
geographically diverse collaboration
improves tax position
improves competitive position for further investment
reducing competition
often a motive for cross-border M&A
watched by industry regulators
blocked if it acts against public interest
conditions attached
making use of local knowledge
for particular companies lacking knowledge and expertise to enter a foreign market
reduced risk as a result of existing knowledge
joint ventures, partnerships, alliances
government or legal requirement
protect local businesses from foreign businesses entering domestic markets and dominating them
insistence to enter market in partnership with domestic operators
ensure benefits are shared with domestic companies
accessing supply chains and distribution networks
acquisition of operations in different product stages = vertical integration
acquisition of supply chain = backward vertical integration
acquisition of distribution network = forward vertical integration
supply chains
guarantees supply
reduces uncertainty
helps maintain quality
gets rid of suppliers profit margin
maintains higher ethical standards
distribution networks
guarantees outlets for produce
reduces risk
sell output immediately
moves profit margins to manufacturer
improves bottom line
sharing costs and risks
share costs and risks of business ventures
reduces unfamiliarity
may reduce potential profits
reduces costs and risks and losses