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Founding Date
March 16, 1936
DKA is a
National, Honorary, Values-Bases, Professional, Co-Educational Fraternity
DKA was originally founded as
a Professional Cinematography Fraternity for Men
The letters DKA mean
Dramatic, Kinematic, Aesthetics
Chosen for the reverse initials of Allan K. Dallas, founding president
Started in June 1936, served many purposes including fraternity news, filming techniques, film reviews, ads for film equipment, etc.
Each colony/chapter puts out at least one issue per term to connect with Executive Office
National CineJournal
a newsletter printed annually and includes reports from colonies/chapter, National Council, National Committees, Executive Office Staff, and Foundation Trustees
Fraternity housing tradition
Herbert E. Farmer
the "Wizard" of DKA because he could build/fix anything without much time or money
Allen K.
William A.
John W.
Robert V.
The Farmer Tripod
1)Selflessness and Loyalty; 2)Constant Learning and Adaptability; 3) "Do-It-Yourself" Inventiveness and Problem Solving
10 Jewels
Curious, Creative, Enthusiastic, Generous, Honest, Humble, Proactive, Reliable, Respectful, Resourceful
Mission Statement
The mission of Delta Kappa Alpha is to foster lifelong character, collaborative and creative storytelling, ethical and productive business practices, philanthropic action, and fraternal bonds by and between students of the cinematic arts.
Vision Statement
The vision of Delta Kappa Alpha is to be recognized as the premier institute of upstanding entertainment industry leaders.
The Creed
I believe in Delta Kappa Alpha, its principles, and its traditions. I will be loyal to my my college, my chapter, and my Fraternity by keeping strong ties and retaining the spirit of youth. In helping other follow their bliss, I shall ask for no reward, I shall seek no glory. I will put character above wealth and my actions will follow my word. I will preserve the history of Cinema and the heritage of my Fraternity. I say with all sincerity; Delta Kappa Alpha has given me honor and distinction; the bond of our fellowship is reciprocal, I will endeavor to so develop myself and so conduct myself that I will ever be a credit to our Fraternity.
What is a chapter's Board of Governors (B.O.G.) and why are they important?
An alumni/volunteer advisory board assigned to each chapter's resident council. They ensure the continuity of each chapter through officer transitions and changing university climates.
The role of bylaws
is to ensure the success of operation and the conduct of policy and procedure
The role of constitution
organized National Organization into multiple corporations and allows there to be unity between chapters, structure for alumni participation and leadership, and the ability for all aspects to the Fraternity to not only survive, but to grow beyond the prominence they once had during the Golden Age of Hollywood.
The role of committees in DKA
is to divide work amongst the members to carry out certain aspects of chapter business.
Structure of Resident Council (in relation to national organization)
Made up of undergraduate DKA members, consisting of the Executive Council, the Administrative Council, and the general Membership
Graduate Council (in relation to national organization)
All the members who have graduated of left the school in good standing. The officers are: president, vp, secretary-treasurer, convention delegate, alternate, and any others deemed necessary
B.O.G. (in relation to national organization)
three graduate council volunteers and two resident council officers as well as non-member volunteers. Minimum of BOG risk management advisor, BOG financial advisor, BOG scholarship advisor, with one BOG member serving as chairperson
Housing Corporation
local volunteers to oversee the financial, physical, and safety aspects of the residence
DKA Executive Office
the branch of the fraternity that oversees chapter operations, management, and resources
National Council
three undergrad members who serve two-year terms and six grad members who serve staggered six year terms, the National President, National VP, immediate past National President, the President of DKA Foundation (or their delegate), and an additional representative from the foundation
National Convention
the supreme legislative body of the fraternity.
DKA Foundation
A public charitable organization. The Foundation Board of Trustees manages the general operations of the Foundation and a professional staff oversees day-to-day activities.
The chairperson
is the person in charge of a committee
The Mascot
The symbol
Film Camera
The flower
White Carnation
The call, the response, and their purpose
(Assay is a test of merit)
The slogan
Cinematic Artists of Character
The colors
Deep Royal Blue and Old Gold
The equation for DKA
Values X Actions
The National Service Partner
SeriousFun Children's Network
Leadership Academy
One and two day conferences that combine practical chapter management and officer training; camp-like setting prompts members to thing critically about Fraternity and chapter issues
Regional Conferences
assists with specific needs and issues; scheduled at chapter's request
Presidents Academy
Helps president learn new role and becoming and effective leader
The Conclave
off-convention year assembly to allow for discussion on broader legislative and fraternal issues; all chapters across the nation attend
The National Convention
supreme legislative body of the fraternity; all chapters attend; vote for elected officers
Building Artists of Character Retreats
are two day programs that focus on strengthening fellowship, internal communication, and operations at the chapter level
Founders Month of Service
is March
Good to great retreats
executive council retreats that quip a chapter's leadership with the three disciplines: disciplined people, using disciplined thought, and taking disciplined action
Cinematic Arts Appreciation Day (CAAD Day)
is DEC 28 that honors the birth of cinema, when the Lumière Brothers screened their first film. Members screen their favorite films from that year and other cinematic things
The McClelland Challenge
sets the standards for chapters
Risk Management
was created to reduce risk and educate the membership of the Fraternity and its chapters
the corporation's risk management policy does Delta Kappa Alpha follow
is any action or situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule
Signs of alcohol poisoning and proper action when it occurs
Mental confusion, vomiting, seizures, slow breathing, hypothermia
Know the Danger! Don't Wait! Call 911!
is a little camera that used 35 mm film and intermittent mechanism modeled on that of the sewing machine
is the phenomenon that creates the illusion of movement
Persistence of Vision
is a phenomenon that allows us to see consistent images in motion pictures without the gaps in between frames
is the opening where each frame stops so that it can be exposed behind the shutter
Film Loop
it allows in the film path slack so that the film can advance, stop, be pulled from the bottom as it is pushed from the top, stop and continue 24 times every second.
Pressure Plate
holds the film flat in the gate
Pull Down Claws
Pulls each frame of film into place
1 Gavel Rap
means silence
2 Gavel Raps
means sit
3 Gavel Raps
means rise
24 hours
How long should it take your to reply back to?
The member pins
doubled as a pocket watch key to be practical back in old Hollywood filmmaking
The Hero's Journey
was identified and coined by Joseph Campbell; it was a quest for growth and passage; separation from the comfortable and initiation into awareness, skill, and responsibility
The Ultimate Boon is...
The achievement of the goal of the quest.
Parent's Club
The best way that DKA parents can get involved in the Fraternity
The female form of alumnus
Money or a Job
Two things you should never ask alumni or industry professional for
National Fraternity, The Foundation, and Housing Corporation
The corporations that are in DKA
DKA members call the National Headquarters
DKA Foundation
The education corporation of the Fraternity, they give scholarships and finance educational initiatives for members of Delta Kappa Alpha
Farmer, Order of the Dragon, Basic
The tiers of the standards program listed from highest to lowest
Time and/or Resources
The two ways alumni can support Delta Kappa Alpha
Leadership Academy, Presidents Academy, Regional Conferences, Building Artists of Character Retreat
The Building Artists of Character programs
"Your chapter is many things. It is a _______, a college within a college, and a family."
The Vice President is the chair of which department?
Which position complies all reports required by the National Fraternity?
Cinematic Affairs (Chair)
Which position oversees all the matters that deal with the learning and practicing of cinematic arts?
Which position maintains order and accountability within the chapter by enforcing all rules, policies, and Ritual of the Fraternity? They are also chair of the Standards Board.
Which position educates and promotes the values of the fraternity and safeguards the secrets of the Ritual from non-initiated members?
Every day / 365 days / all year
How often do member participate in recruitment?
What does the "S" in SMARTER Goals stand for?
What does the "M" in SMARTER Goals stand for?
What does the "A" in SMARTER Goals stand for?
What does first the "R" in SMARTER Goals stand for?
What does the "T" in SMARTER Goals stand for?
What doe the "E" in SMARTER Goals stand for?
What does the second "R" in SMARTER Goals stand for?
What is "The Call to Adventure"?
Person receives information and journeys into unknown