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Repeated purposeless behaviors often indicative of anxiety.
Drumming of fingers, twisting locks of hair, pacing, rocking, or tapping the foot.
Pyschomotor retardation
Overall slowed movement.
Purposely imitates movements by others.
Waxy flexibility
Maintenance of posture or position over time even when it is awkward.
Extreme form of negativism; inability or refusal to speak when client is aware of environment.
May occur from conscious or unconscious reasons.
Beating around the bush; giving unnecessary detail that delays meeting a goal or stating a point.
May be evidenced if the client gives unnecessary
details or strays from the topic but eventually provides the requested information.
A client eventually answers a question but only after giving excessive unnecessary detail
Persistent adherence to a single idea or topic; verbal repetition of a sentence, word, or phrase; resisting attempts to change the topic.
Flight of ideas
Continuous flow of verbalization in which the person jumps rapidly from one topic to another.
Flight of ideas
Excessive amount and rate of speech composed of fragmented or unrelated ideas
Loose associations
Fragmented or poorly related thoughts and ideas.
Loose associations
Disorganized thinking that jumps from one idea to another with little or no evident relation between the thoughts (vague to no connection)
Thought blocking
Sudden cessation of thought
Thought blocking
Stopping abruptly in the middle of a sentence or train of thought; sometimes unable to continue the idea
Thought broadcasting
A delusional belief that others can hear or know what the client is thinking
Thought insertion
A delusional belief that others are putting ideas or thoughts into the client's head—that is, the ideas are not those of the client
Thought withdrawal
A delusional belief that others are taking the client's thoughts away and the client is powerless to stop it
Repeating exactly what is heard.
Inventing words only the client understands.
The stereotyped repetition of words or phrases that may or may not have meaning to the listener.
Pressured speech
Unrelenting, rapid, often loud talking without pauses.
Clang associations
Change of words is governed by sound; rhyming.
Word salad
Group of words that are grouped together randomly, without any logical connection.
Wandering off the topic and never providing the information requested
Stilted language
Use of words or phrases that are flowery, excessive, amd pompous.
Poverty of speech
Inability to formulate and articulate thoughts that are relevant to the discussion; very limited vocabulary.
A fixed false belief not based in reality
Disturbance in thought process and content
Sensory perceptions that have no external stimuli.
Perceptual disturbances
Misperception or misinterpretations of an external stimuli.
Magical thinking
Belief that thoughts or behavior have control over specific situations or people.
Magical thinking
Normal in preschool
Extreme suspiciousness of others and of their actions or perceived intenrions.
Excessive demonstration of or obsession with religious ideas and behavior.
Irrational fear of a specific object or situation.
Maladaptive persistent patterns or thought, images, or feelings that generate anxiety.
Maladaptive urges to act on impulse (ritualistic behaviors)
Inappropriate affect
Facial expressions which are incongruent with mood or situation.
Blunted affect
Showing little or a slow-to-respond facial expression.
Restricted affect
Displaying one type of expression, usually serious or somber.
Labile mood
Unpredictable and rapidly changing mood (from depressed to crying to euphoria)
Lack of concern or disinterest; inability to generate a normal responses to people, situations or environment.
Removal from conscious awareness of painful feelings, memories, thought or aspects of identity.
Co-existence of opposite emotions toward the same object, person, or situation.
Inability to experience joy or pleasure.