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What is cognitive appraisal?
Experience emotions from given situations based in our interpretation of a given situation and our expectations of the situations
What is physiological perception?
Subconsciously assign emotions to past experiences that we had and how are body felt and changed in response to those situations
What is emotional literacy/ intelligence?
Ability to -read (identify) -label -understand -act upon the feelings of oneself and others in a healthy and socially acceptable manner"
What is the first step toward developing empathy?
emotional literacy/ intelligence
When working on emotional literacy, what is important to remember to not assume?
can't assume that what every you first expect someone to be feeling is what they are actually feeling
Why do feelings hurt?
In brain scans social pain and physical brain light up in the same place
what are two wants to develop emotional literacy/ intelligence
What does RAIN stand for?
-Recognize -Accept -Investigate -Nurture
What does RULER stand for?
-Recognize -Understand -Label -Express -Regulate
What are two strategies to be self-aware and be able to emotional regulate?
-cognitive reappraisal -acceptance
What is cognitive reappraisal?
-reframing -"How else can I think about this situation"
Do does the acceptance strategy work?
Ok-pause So what? - accept Now what? - decide how to respond
What are the stages of grief?
-denial -anger -bargaining -depression -acceptance
Are the stages of grief always linear?
Is grief limited to just death?
What is someone's usual initial reaction to grief?
What does denial do?
Gives clients some time to gather strength
What is a common sign of denial?
Will have an explanation for everything
What are strategies to deal with denial?
-use objective data -allow questions
If denial goes on for to long, what might happen?
becomes a block in therapy
What is common in the anger phase?
Why might someone in the anger phase show frustration?
-Lack of ownership, choices -Envious of, "lucky ones"
What are some strategies for dealing with anger?
-Do not be defensive -Validate feelings -Keep an open environment for clients to discuss feelings
What do clients do in the bargaining stage?
-usually a prayer to a higher power -clients promise to give up something of value or change lives to be better
What are common questions asked int he bargaining stage?
-what if -if only
What are strategies for dealing bargaining?
-make clients aware that they are within this phase -Tell clients that while prayer may be helpful to people who believe, there really are no bargains to be made
while bargaining may show hopefulness, what should you be aware of?
What does someone show int he depression stage?
extreme apathy and lack of purpose
Is depression a difficult stage to work through?
What type of strategies do you use for depression?
strategies for discouragement
What is acceptance (the stage of grief)?
-target stage -realization that condition is real
Is acceptance complacency? explain
Not complacency, but acceptance of realistic therapy and willingness to engage
If someone is in the acceptance stage what are they ready for?
Not complacency, but acceptance of realistic therapy and willingness to engage
When is acceptance best met?
when you are closest with yourself
What is important to remember with acceptance?
-Grief is not linear -someone can get to acceptance but that some days still might go back to other stages
What does David Kessler classify as the sixth stage of grief?
finding meaning
What is finding meaning?
not moving on but moving forward
_______ knows how to grieve, but the ______ doesn't
-heart -brain
What does David Kessler believe to be the best gift you can give someone who is grieving? why?
-ask them about their loved one, and then truly listen -helps them not forget their loved one
What is the goal of finding meaning?
Goal is grief with love, not grief with pain
What does the CI matrix do?
create and sustain motivation
CI matrix clients will display different characteristic depending on the quadrant they are in. what are some Q1 characteristics?
-energized -excited -enthusiastic -cooperative -curious -confident -impatient
CI matrix clients will display different characteristic depending on the quadrant they are in. what are some Q2 characteristics?
-Frustrated -de-energized -negative -unhappy -defeated
CI matrix clients will display different characteristic depending on the quadrant they are in. what are some Q3 characteristics?
-complacent -unconcerned -critical -detached -uninvolved
CI matrix clients will display different characteristic depending on the quadrant they are in. what are some Q4 characteristics?
-comfortable -stimulated -controlling -changeable -ready
Will everyone is the same quadrant be feeling the same way?
You must assess emotions accurately to ________ most effectively
How are motivated clients connected to goals?
purpose, growth, ownership
How do you know if a goal has become a purpose?
-worth time and energy -goals are destination
What is the first step to achieve purpose?
first place clients on CI matrix
Purpose connection allows firmer _________
Change is not _________ and clients must commit to __________
-neutral -growth
How should challenges be to achieve growth?
balanced between too easy and too hard
clients use ______ the process or make it their _____
-own -own
You cannot force a goal onto a client, why?
it is their therapy process
How should you purse growth, what should you do?
Pursue growth as a team and check ownership throughout therapy
What are the steps to determine clients; emotions?
-determine where they are in CI matrix
-make purpose, growth and ownership connections
-Monitor all these steps on a continuing basis and adapt counseling to match
How do you make a growth connection?
-Clarify challenges clients will meet -Have clients commit to the change.
What is a good way to help someone make ownership connections?
give choices
What are some emotions that hinder progress?
-apathy and boredom -resistance -discouragement -denial
What is counseling all about?
purpose growth and ownership
What is apathy?
-lack of feelings or emotions
What usually causes apathy?
a disconnection with purpose
What might you notice with apathetic clients?
-De-energized -Unwilling to make effort or practice -Exhibiting procrastination -Tuning out during sessions
What might boredom look like?
What does boredom mean?
Means there is not a connection to growth and improvement
What are some questions that often show that someone is bored?
-"Why is this process so slow?" -"This is too easy." -"This is too hard."
If someone is bored but still connected to purpose, what should you do?
reconcile issues with challenge of task
What might clients show with resistance?
exhibit push-back or opposition
What are causes of resistance?
-confused or lack of purpose -needs or positive feedback or results -other outside of therapy
If someone is confused or lack clarity of purpose, what should you do?
make sure goals and processes are clear
If someone needs more positive feedback or results, what should you do?
Make sure clients know how they are doing, that they are making progress
If someone's resistance may be related to things other than therapy, what should you do?
check on occurrences in client's lives
What are common sources of resistance?
-obsession -being overwhelmed -being frustrated
Who might be responsible for obsession?
Why might someone become resistant if they try to accomplish too much in too little time?
-they do not yet possess the skills -too much all at once
If someone does not possess the skill yet, what should you do?
backtrack and work on the skills
If someone is trying to do too much at once, what should you do?
trim expectation
Where does frustration come from?
lack of control
why does frustration come from a lack of control?
-loss of ownership -loss of personal power
When addressing resistance clients can exhibit high emotions, what should you do?
-stay calm, let them vent, listen, be empathetic
What is the latin root of courage mean?
If addressing discouragement then the client have "lost their ________"
If a client is feeling discouraged, what is our job?
to encourage or enhearten
Discouragement might look like apathy and boredom, but there is __________
How is discouragement different from apathy and boredom?
Difference is that clients aren't feeling a sense that therapy is worthless but that it's worthless to try
When addressing discouragement, what should you keep in mind?
ego impedance
When addressing discouragement, what should you avoid?
-cliches -"i know you can do it" -telling them they are wrong -scold them for feeling sorry for themselves
When addressing discouragement, what should you stress?
what you know they accept
When addressing discouragement, what is important to make sure the client knows?
you believe in them
Should you maintain dialogue when addressing discouragement?
What is the opposite of discouragement?
When addressing denial, what should you all clients to do?
pretend they do not have a problem
When clients are in denial, what quadrant are the often in? where do we want them to move?
-Q2 -must move toward Q1
When addressing denial, what should you remember?
-REBT -clients must observe their irrational thoughts -convince clients to think differently
When addressing denial, what strategies should you use?
strategies to make progress towards more rational thought
When addressing denial, what should you define?
rational and irrational and categories their beliefs
When addressing denial, what should you ask clients?
-what they are afraid of when discussing their disorder -what will ahppen if they take no actions steps (if nothing, go from there)
When addressing denial, what should you use?
circle of power
Clients with communication disorders are often ________