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biblical theology
biblical studies+theology studies
Merriam Webster's definition of Theology
the study of religious faith, practice, and experience Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary
Fisher Humphreys definition of theology
Thinking about God.
Theology incorporates _______
Exegetical Theology
study of the text related subjects aiding its restoration, interpretation an illustration
Historical Theology
traces the history of God's people in the Bible and of the church since the time of Christ
Systemic Theology
arranges the findings of exegetical and historical theology in logical order under the headings of theological study
(organizing or combining exegetical and historical and making sense of them
Practical Theology
applying theology in the regeneration, sanctification, education, and service of people
- an emphasis on application-- for the sanctification of the people of God
Old Testament primarily written in ________ small portions are in ______
Hebrew; Aramaic
______ is the first official translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew to Greek
LXX (The Septuagint)
preserve meaning, and the objective is clarity
The New Testament is written in _______
Koine Greek and some Aramaic
Greek translated to Latin is the _________ in ______ Century AD
Latin Vulgate; 4th
When was the Geneva Bible published?
Preserves wording, objective and precision; ALWAYS involves a change of Language
Dead Sea Scrolls
oldest copies of the Old Testament Books no chapters and no verses
Archbishop Stephen Langston
Who is responsible for Chapter Divisions in Old and New Testament?
Who is responsible for verse divisions in the OLD TESTAMENT
Who is responsible for verse divisions in the New Testament
Higher Criticisms
focus is on meaning and method of composition can be compared to a telescope
Lower Criticism
textual criticism; spelling wording (syntax) can be compared to looking through a microscope
original reading
Lower Criticism- the purpose is to recover and reconstruct the ________ ___________
the original/the self writing
Oldest Copy of OT: Dead Sea Scrolls found in
100 BC
Masoretic Text; 900 AD
Prior to the DSS the ________ was the oldest Copy of OT literature
The Reading that is to be preferred is
shorter, harder, explains other variations, best fits with context, comes from the best manuscript
list, standard, measure, *reed
The canon is a collection of sacred writings that are regarded as __________
Jewish Bible; our Old Testament
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Dueteronomy
Torah (law)
"Prophets"; the second section of the Hebrew scriptures, made up of historical and prophetic books
Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings
Former Prophets
Major Minor and Ketuvim
The latter prophets consist of
Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekial
What are the Major Prophets
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephania, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
What are the minor prophets?
writings; 13 Books
Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim
the three parts of the Tanakh
Past (history) of the Old Testament
Job- Psalm
Present (daily living) Old Testament
Isaiah- Malachi
Future of Old Testament
1st is Jesus' life and ministry (gospels)
2nd Jesus' followers (acts)
3rd letters of Paul
Letters to individuals
General Letters or Catholic Letters
James, Peter, John, Jude
New Testament Divisions:
disputed books
James, 2 and 3 John, Jude, 2 Peter
external criteria
Hebrews is disputed because of __________ _________
internal criteria
James, 2 and 3 John, Jude, Peter are disputed among scholars due to _________ _______________
Hermeneutical Gap
the distance between the "then and there" of the original text and the "here and now" of our own life setting.
interpretation; the art and science of interpretation
to lead out of; good bible study(context, history)
exegesis & application
two steps of interpretation
to lead into... placing your own ideas and beliefs into the text
criticisms can be
oral tradition
Before the text was ever written down it was passed orally a oral critic will study what was it before it was ever written down
Form criticism
concerned with the study of literary form in the Bible compares like with like, determines the characteristic features of a particular type of literature, suggests reasons for these features
Sitz im leben
setting in light
Redaction Criticism
determines how the editor (redactor) of a biblical book utilized his sources, what he omitted and what he added and what his particular bias was
Source Criticism
attempts to discover and define the written material that the different biblical writers used
Synoptic Problem
The problem of explaining the similarities and differences between the three Synoptic Gospels.
German, Mosaic, source-documentary
___________________ redaction critics reject ___________________ authorship and propose the ______________ ____________ hypothesis described as multiple hands with multiple sources over multiple centuries
textual critic
looks at tiny details: spelling, wording, etc
higher criticism
looks at meaning and method
two differing accounts of the same event
Two-Source Theory
Matthew = Mark + Quelle ("source")
Luke = Mark + Q
Four Source Theory
Matthew = Mark + Q + M(unique to Matthew)
Luke = Mark + Q + L(unique to Luke)
JEDP Theory
Germans proposed a hypothesis called _______________ and their are 5 steps and four sources in this theory
Weaknesses of the JEDP theory
It is a hypothesis, therefore, it assumes a lot of things and the methodology is not precise
There are a lot of source theorists studying and reacting to this theory and they are all coming up with different conclusions.
JEDP violates the unity of the text
judah/yahweh source
the J source of JEDP
elohim/ephraim source
the E source of JEDP
deuteronomy source
the D source of JEDP
priestly source
the P source of JEDP
isaiah 1-39
proto isaiah
isaiah 40-66 or 40-55
deutero isaiah
isaiah 56-66
trito isaiah
adjective form of "exile"; begins with the fall of Jerusalem & ends with edict of cyrus
Before the exile
post exilic
after the edict of cyrus
before the resurrection of Jesus; the historical Jesus
after the resurrection of Jesus; the christ of faith
the doctrine of God
the doctrine of Christ
the doctrine of the Holy Spirit
study of the church
doctrine of man
doctrine of salvation
doctrine of last things: heaven, hell, end times, the second coming
answers "what is reality?"
the study of being
believes reality is ideas
believes the gist of reality is human reason
answers "what is knowledge? what is truth?"
Postivism; Subjectivism
___________ a natural phenomenon where as ____________ is beyond the physical
faith seeking understanding
Neither biblical theology nor Systematic Theology is an end in itself.. BOTH move in the direction of faith seeking understanding and the goals are not differing in principle but distinct in the area of concentration, division of labor
Biblical Theology
belief grounded in the Bible
What the text meant
what the text means
What is an example of Systematic Theology
Apostles' Creed
right belief and doctrine that are categorically ordered
What did systematic theology used to be called?
Characteristics of Dogmatics
Reliance on philosophical studies and apologetics (a defense of the faith) used to articulate what is correct belief
Use of non biblical terminology
Relating the study of the Bible to the subject matter of the Christian life in the modern world
What is the definition dilemma of Biblical Theology?
Theology contained in the Bible (descriptive or historical) theology of biblical authors (more in line with Biblical Theology)
or Theology that accords with the Bible (normative, theological) theology compatible with the Bible (more in line with systematic theology)