the relationship between organisms, their biotic and abiotic environment, and humans
one view of ecology
people separate from organisms and their environment, industrial capitalism and colonialism
another view of ecology
people, organisms, environment all related
biomes and climate
biomes depend approximately on climate
temperature increases at low latitudes
because they receive more solar radiation
precipitation decreases at mid-latitudes
because of hadley cell air circulation patterns
temperature decreases at higher elevation
rising air expands and cools, falling air compresses and warms, lapse rate: every 1000 m elevation increase causes a 5-10 degree C decrease (depends on moisture and other phenomena)
precipitation increases at high elevation on westward side of mountains
west (windward side) : cool air flow, precipitation at high elevation
east: rain shadow, leeward side of mountains
earth’s tilt and seasons
the earth’s tilt causes seasons
oceans buffer climate
water warms and cools quickly, so climate extremes are stronger in the interior continents
effects of elevation/latitude on biome are similar
rainfall wet at equator, dry at 30, wet at 40-60, temp seasonality greater at higher latitude and less near ocean
long-term weather patterns
combinations of climate and species with similar ranges
expresses quantitatively the perceptions of hotness and coldness
condensation of water vapor from the atmosphere due to gravitational pull of clouds
height above or below a fixed reference point
coordinate that specifies north south position of a point on the surface of the earth
maritime climate
occurs in regions where climatic characteristics are conditioned by their position close to a sea or ocean
continental climate
middle latitudes, temperatures not moderated by oceans
hadley cell
low latitude overturning circulations that have air rising at the equator and air sinking at roughly 30 latitude
mediterranean climate
hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters, located between 30 and 45, western sides of continents
species distributions overlap within biomes
geographic distributions (ranges) vary across species
what sets limits to species distribution
all occur simultaneously: can species disperse to a location, are the abiotic and biotic environment suitable for the suitable for the survival, growth, and reproduction of the species
humans can influence or shift any of these limits, behavior can influence any of these limits
the movement of individuals or gametes away from (& potentially back to) their original location
dispersal via several mechanisms
animal vector (ingested/excreted), mobile, wind, water, animal vector (exterior)
dispersal often limits species distributions
dispersal event increases species range, demonstrates that distributions were limited by dispersal rates, and NOT by environmental limits
non-living components
living components of the environment, some parts of the environment, such as soil and natural waters blend of both
biotic factors
can influence dispersal, can influence abiotic limits
species limits are partially set by geographic distribution of abiotic and biotic gradients
temperature, elevation, storm risk, predation risk
types of gradients
physically continuous: ex. gradient in temp moving from bottom to top of a mountain
patchy: range of environmental conditions
species distributions along gradients
species often occur where performance is highest along an environmental gradient, species distributions are often limited at one end of the range by abiotic environmental factors and at the other end by biotic environmental factors
measuring species presence and diversity to access stream health
presence of one or many bioindicator species at a site can tell us about environmental conditions there
assuming dispersal or biotic environment do not affect distributions, can assume water quality
the surroundings and conditions in which an organism operates
the way in which an animal or human reacts to a particular situation
environmental gradient
change in abiotic factors over time
indicator species
an organisms whose presence, absence or abundance, reflects the specific environmental condition
spatial scale, set of organisms, what do you mean by diversity
scales of diversity
spatial grain: the characteristic at which measurements are reported
spatial extent: the overall region in which the measurements are made at the selected spatial grain (ex. entire state)
diversity metrics
abundance - number of species (total or per species), richness - total number of species, evenness - relative similarity in abundance of species, composition - identities of which species are present (think of individuals as diff m & ms, diff species are diff colors, bowl = scale of measurment)
counting number of species
we can stack species range maps like pancakes and count species richness at each location (same grain) within the overall extent of interest
latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG)
pattern of changes in species richness with latitude, generally highest species richness near the equator, observed to exist across taxonomic groups
leading explanations for the LDG
environments are less stressful in the tropics meaning more species can survive (warmer/wetter), more energy available in the tropics meaning more ways to differentiate niches/ support more species, higher temperatures in the tropics biochemically drive higher mutation rates and thus speciation rates, more competition in the tropics more net speciation, more time to evolve new species in the tropics (no ice sheets), more land area supports more species in the tropics
ldg in the past
absent , diversity peaks at latitudes with greater land area
biomes found in different locations in the past
antartica had warm forests, warm temps around 20, no ice sheets, atmospheric co2 concentrations higher, forests in complete darkness during long polar winters
larger area
higher richness
island biogeography
islands closer to mainland get more immigration of species than farther islands, larger islands have lower extinction rates (more ways for species to survive)
equilibrium richness on island
determined by the balance between immigration and extinction, and thus by island size and distance from mainland
longer time since disturbance
higher richness, tree richness also higher in wetter environments, general trend for plants too
more agricultural intensification
lower arthopod richness
more land clearance
lower abundance and richness
agroforestry systems
can maintain higher biodiversity than intensive/ plantation agriculture
(practices involving maintaining natural landscape fragments, intermixing species being cultivated, etc), preserve traditional knowledge and cultural practices
more indigenous land use
higher richness of culturally important plants, ade: amazonian dark earth, a type of nutrient-rich soil thought to have been created through intensive land use and fertilization by indigenous peoples of the amazon, more ade higher richness of edible plants
less poverty
higher species richness in cities
a group of individuals of a single species in a certain area, may interact with each other, area be quite diffuse if the organisms are mobile
species distributions/ range limits often emerge from population growth rate variation across space
a species is absent in a location when an extent population cannot persist (due to all (dispersal, biotic, and abiotic environmental factors)
if dispersal is not limiting, the range limit is set by where zero or negative population growth rates occur
populations can grow or shrink over time
the study of the vital statistics of a population and how they change over time
births, deaths, immigration, emigration
bide model
Nt+1 = Nt + B + I - D - E
the number of individuals in a population at time t (time interval usually one year for plants and animals but depends on the population we are studying)
the number of births in the next time interval
the number of immigrants in the next time interval
the number of deaths in the next time interval
the number of emigrants in the next time interval
Nt+1 = Nt + B - D
the size of a population in a given year is the size in the previous year plus the number of new individuals born and minus the number of individuals that died
geometric growth
assume B-D is a constant fraction - change r of Nt
B-D/ Nt = change r - means each individual’s birth and death probability is constant and does not change over time Nt + 1 = Nt + change r (Nt)
Nt+1 Nt = change N / change over time = change r (Nt)
when to use exponential model
reproduction happen continuously, continuous, N0 x e^rt, a population of bacteria that reproduce at any time
when to use geometric model
reproduction happen at discrete times, discrete, Nt = (1+ change r) ^t x N0, a population of annal plants that reproduce once every winter
can exponential or geometrical growth continue forever
eventually our assumption that “each individual, on average has a rate of reproduction in the population equal to r regardless of the size of the population” breaks down, growth slows down as populations become bigger, need more complex model to describe reality
thomas malthus
argues population ultimately will be kept in check either by increases in death rate (war, conflict) or decreases in birth rate (gov policy, eugenics, sterilization)
evidence on a graph of N vs t that indicates that an exponential or geometric model is NOT a good description of the system
decrease in population, line would not be linear when y is logged, mass immediately extinctions, rate of change changes from year to year so the graph fluctuates up and down, population plateau
exponential growth cannot continue forever
populations can become limited as they grow
eventual equilibrium reached
per capita population growth rate
1/N (dN/dt) rate of population growth divided by population size
a metric of the average rate of population change for an average individual in the population
density dependence
changes in per-capita population growth rate with population size
negative density dependence means that per-capita population growth rate decreases when the population is larger - a necessary condition for a population to stop growing
a population comes to equilibrium when 1/N (dN/dt) = 0
typically, birth rates show negative density dependence and death rates show positive density independence
equilibrium reached when b = d
why is negative density dependence common
life usually becomes more challenging in denser populations, reducing birth rates and increasing death rates, fewer resources per individual (if total resource pool is fixed), more competition among individuals, fewer available mates, more disease and parasites, more predation risk (easier to be hunted when common)
no density dependence in exponential growth model
growth rate of population calculated on a per-individual basis, no density dependence
adding negative density to the exponential model
deriving the logistic model
1/N dN/dt = r (1 - N/K) r = constant value as in exponential model, 1 - N/K line with negative slope (new in logistic model)
properties of the logistic model
r = intrinsic growth rate, constant number, describes how quickly population size will increase starting at very low density, ‘intrinsic’ in relation to the species biology and the environmental context
carrying capacity, a constant number, population size at which N comes to equilibrium
per capita growth rate is highest when the population is small, and is small, and is identical to in the exponential model
population comes to equilibrium when N = K
logistic growth
S shape, carrying capacity
dN/ dt
rate of population growth in time ^-1
1/N * dN/dt
per capita rate of population growth in time ^-1
intrinsic growth rate in time ^-1
carrying capacity
density dependence
when the per capita rate of population growth varies with N
density independent factors can influence the population size at which births equal deaths
dN/dt at any instant is limited by something unrelated to the size of the population
external environment aspects: cold winters, droughts, storms, volcanic eruptions
populations display erratic growth patterns because density independent factors change over time
density independent factors can increase or decrease parameters like r and K over time, though we often cannot measure effects directly
examples of density independent factors
affecting k
changes in temperature, changes in moisture availability, changes in land area
examples of density independent factors
affecting r
changes in temperature, changes in moisture availability, change in allele frequencies
most populations do not actually display exponential or logistic growth
population fluctuations are common
density independent factors that vary over time, variation in immigration and emigration
populations collapse can sometimes occur
common misconception: collapse always occurs if a population temporarily exceeds carrying capacity - smaller fluctuations are most likely in most scenarios
life histories are linked to population growth
life history: suite of traits related to a species’ life cycle and the timing of major events
ex. age at first reproduction, average lifespan
life histories vary across species
principle of allocation
individual organisms have limited amount of resources to invest in different activities and functions, resources invested in one function are not available for another (trade-off)
in life cycle, resources must be allocated among growth, survival and reproduction
reproduction size-number tradeoffs
species can have smaller or fewer bigger offspring
costs of reproduction
more reproduction in one year means less reproduction the next year
some life-history traits are coordinated along a “fast-slow cntinuum”
fast-slow continuum explains about 35% of the life history trait variation we see across organisms
fast: few reproductions per lifetime but many per reproductive episode, no parental care, small offspring or eggs vs slow: many number of reproductions but few per reproductive episode, often extensive parental care, large offspring or eggs