Where was monkeypox first identified?
Which are the two clades of MPX?
West and Central Africa
Why are these clades the most important, what do they tell us about the origins?
the 1st observation, and the severity in different regions
If an individual walked into your clinic w/ symptoms suspected to be human MPX, what would you look for?
Rash and fever, pustules, ask about travel history
How does the smallpox vaccine cross-protect against monkey pox?
They share antigen features
Briefly discuss the epidemiology of MPX
Many reservoir host but humans and monkeys are primary host
Describe the transmission cycle of monkey pox
Direct/ Indirect contact w/ animal, aerosol transmission, human-human
How would you expect the progression of MPX to take place in an infected individual?
Fever, rash, headache, swollen lymph nodes
How did the first monkeypox outbreak happen in the US?
From Ghana 2003
Do you think that the cessation of smallpox vaccination is driving the monkey pox outbreaks globally?
Yes because cross protection antibodies protect antigen
How would you diagnose monkeypox?
Test IgM/IgG, culture, electron Microscopy test, and pcr test
What is the treatment for moneypox?
No treatment, supportive care
As an epidemiologist, what are some ways you could prevent community transmission
Give health care workers smallpox vax.
Don’t name virus after geographic region
Don’t discriminate
True or False? Diagnosis of poxvirus infections is made based on the appearance of the lesions concentrated on the palms and soles.
How long is the prodomal period for smallpox?
2-4 days
True or False? The extracellular virion (EV) form of the vaccinia virus contains one membrane wrapped around a large linear dsDNA genome.
Which property of viral RNA polymerases contributes to the rapid evolution of RNA viruses?
Lack of proofreading ability
How was monkeypox first introduced into the United States
Import of infected Gambian rats to a pet store in Texas
Which virus is a serious threat to fresh fish in the Great Lakes region of the United States?
Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus
The HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C epidemics localized in central China in the late 1980s and early 1990s were caused primarily by
contaminated blood supplies
True or False? DNA viruses possess higher mutation rates than RNA viruses.
True or False? The spread of the Zika virus has been aided by air travel and global trade.
True or False? The sudden loss of honeybees in the United States was concluded to be caused by invertebrate
True or False? The use of immunosuppressants makes one more susceptible to adenovirus infection.
Which of the following viruses has not been shown to cause cancer in humans?
Simian virus 40
Temin and Baltimore shared the 1975 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for:
discovering reverse transcriptase
What disease does HTLV primarily cause?
Adult T cell leukemia
What is mainly responsible for the reduction in the incidence of HBV cancers worldwide?
Availability of an HBV vaccine
What explains the high incidence of scrotal and testicular cancer among 18th-century chimney sweeps?
Exposure to carcinogens
True or False? About 20% of human cancers are associated with viruses.
True or False? Progressive telomere shortening is a normal part of aging in humans.
True or False? An optimized oncolytic virus should be capable of being administered intravenously.
Match the scientists with their respective scientific discovery concerning cancer.
a. Demonstrated that filterable agent caused sarcomas in healthy hens
Ans: Rous
b. Demonstrated that oncogenes were cellular genes hijacked by viruses from cells
Ans: Bishop and Varmus
c. Discovered reverse transcriptases
Ans: Baltimore and Temin
d. Developed the Pap smear test for cervical cancer
Ans: Papanicolaou
Who tasted and tested hundreds of plants for their medicinal properties?
Which of the following is not typically used as a vector for gene therapy?
What antimicrobial substance did Alexander Fleming discover in tears?
What complication following gene therapy resulted in the death of Jesse Gelsinger?
Adult respiratory distress syndrome
True or False? Waiting lists for kidney and liver transplants are the longest.
True or False? The molecule alpha-1,3-galactose is responsible for hyperacute rejection of pig organs in human recipients.
True or False? Monkey organs are suitable for human transplants because they are similar in size to human organs.
True or False? Hippocrates believed that there was a rational explanation for all physical ailments.
Which of the following is not a known route of prion transmission?
30. Which stage of Kuru is defined by severe tremors, incontinence, difficulty swallowing, and deep ulcerations?
31. True or False? Kuru was more common in women than in men of the Fore people of Papua New Guinea.
32.Match each prion disease with its respective host.
a. Scrapie Ans: Sheep b. Chronic wasting disease Ans: Elk c. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Ans: Cattle 7. Feline spongiform encephalopathy Ans: Domestic cats
33. Which of the following is not one of the ways plant viruses can be transmitted?
34. What percentage of global food production is lost to plant disease annually?
35. True or False? Plant viruses can be transmitted from parent to offspring.
36. True or False? The Dicer enzyme functions to cleave viral dsRNA into short-interfering RNAs (siRNAs).
37. What infection did d’Herelle famously treat with bacteriophage therapy at the League of Nations quarantine station in Egypt?
C) Bubonic plaque
38. What population is the focus of the global Phagoburn clinical trial?
B) Serious burn victims
What population is the focus of the global Phagoburn clinical trial?
Serious burn victims
The lytic activity of marine bacteriophages is essential for the recycling of which nutrient into the marine environment?
Which of the following is not a potential site of biofilm formation?
Silver-impregnated catheters
. Which phage enzyme creates pores in the inner membrane of the host cell so that lysis can take place?
A bacteriophage with a mutated repressor gene would be incapable of:
maintaining lysogeny.
What percentage of dairy product fermentation batches is lost to bacteriophage infection?
Which process do phages use to deliver their genome into the host cytoplasm?
Bacteriophages play a beneficial role in the commercial production of cheese.
The only gene expressed during the prophage state encodes the bacteriophage repressor protein.
The majority of bacteriophages contain a double-stranded DNA (dsRNA) genome
The coronaviruses that have caused the recent epidemic and pandemic outbreaks of diseases, including SARS, MERS, and COVID-19, in human populations belong to
Betacoronavirus (beta-CoV),
SARS-CoV-2 is closely related to which strains of SARA-CoV-2?
What strandedness are Coronaviruses?
Positive RNA
What receptor does SARS-CoV2 use to infect cells?
What is the gold standard diagnostic detection method for SARS-CoV2?
Molecular detection
What is the most effective method for a long-term strategy for prevention and control of COVID-19?
Which are the 2 COVID mRNA vaccine that were deployed in the US?
Pfizer and Moderna
Host cell binding and entry of SARS-CoV2 virus are mediated by the protein
The of the S protein contains the receptor binding domain that binds to the peptidase domain of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE 2)
S1 subunit
Once the person is given COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, the mRNA and spike protein last long in the body
Which of the following is not an immune evasion protein produced by poxviruses?
Which of the following statements concerning smallpox vaccination is not true?
The practice of variolation began in the early 20th century.
Virologists believe that smallpox is responsible for the selection of a mutated gene that confers resistance to what human disease?
How long is the prodomal period for smallpox?
2–4 days
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the poxvirus genome?
Nonessential genes located in the central part of the genome
An individual arrives at the clinic exhibiting a high fever and a vesicular rash on their face, palms, and soles. Which test should be performed to confirm a diagnosis of smallpox?
Electron microscopy
Poxvirus genome replication occurs in the nucleus
Smallpox suddenly emerged during the Industrial Revolution.
Attenuated poxvirus vectors have been engineered to undergo ____________, such that they express high levels of foreign antigens without forming full infectious particles
abortive replication
The smallpox vaccine is administered using a _____________ to create multiple punctures into the deltoid muscle.
bifurcated needle
What approach was taken to stop the spread of Nipah virus?
Culling of livestock
Which human activity has led to increases in Machupo and Lassa hemorrhagic virus infections in humans?
Agricultural practices
The HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C epidemics localized in central China in the late 1980s and early 1990s were caused primarily by:
contaminated blood supplies.
What usually determines the severity of West Nile Virus outbreaks in New York from one year to the next?
Severity of winter
Which poxvirus can be transmitted by sexual contact?
Molluscum contagiosum virus
Monkey pox virus:
Is part of the same family as variola, the virus that causes smallpox.
Which of the following statements is true about monkeypox virus transmission?
Monkeypox can be transmitted by touching items worn by someone with the virus.
Monkeypox vaccine strategies include which of the following statements?
JYNNEOS is an administered live virus vaccine
Previous small pox vaccination provides cross-protection against monkey pox
The spread of the Zika virus has been aided by air travel and global trade.
Which of the following is not one of the ways plant viruses can be transmitted?
Which of the following is not a feature of plant virus genomes?
Encode their own transcription factors
Which of the following is not characteristic of plant satellite viruses?
They rarely affect the health of the plant.
Which assay cannot be used to diagnose viral diseases in plants?
Plaque assays
Which vascular tissue is used by viruses to cause systemic infections in plants?
\n What population is the focus of the global Phagoburn clinical trial?
Serious Burn patients
The lytic activity of marine bacteriophages is essential for the recycling of which nutrient into the marine environment?
___________ is when a phage expresses genes that contribute to the virulence of the bacteria.
Lysogenic conversion
Birds are a major vector of plant viruses.