when India gained independence
Indian Uprising
British Gov take control from East India Company
Indian National Congress formed
first partition of Bengal
Morely reforms make concessions to nationalism
1st world war begins
Amrisar massacare
wall street crash leads to start of great depression
East India Company
______ created trading posts along the coast of India and then gradually encroached inwards
princely states
Areas that remained under the control of heredity Indian rule who the British signed treaties with
British admin/officials that ruled India in place of a king
Benefits the British brought
efficient administration
Judicial systems
Western education for some (wealthy)
James L
stated that the British must rule their asiatic subjects because British were their natural superiors
Thomas Metcalf
British regarded the cast system as a concrete measure that could fit people into a hierarchy
Could be quantified by reports and surveys
British benefits of controlling India
tax money
Raw materials
India was a mass importer of British goods
Source of indentured servants
Thomas Metcalf
the plight of Indians was critical stimulant to Indian nationalism
Jawaharla Nehru
British rule was about superiority of the “master race”
Indians as individuals and as a nation were subject to insult, humiliation, and contemptuous treatment
Indian National Congress
formed by wealthy Hindus
Mainly used petitions
At first represented interests of wealthy middle class and didn’t have mass support
Didn’t want end to British rule, rather wanted more representation
Muslim League created to represent their interests
Bengal petition
British wanted to petition Bengal to make it easer to rule
Divided Bengal by religion and language
Seen as a move to undermine Hindu position and weaken Bengal nationalism
Amritsar masacar
nationwide strikes and protests
Croudd of 5000 gathered at Amritsar where British fired into the crowd and killed unarmed children and women
Dyer (the general) was hailed home as a hero
Wall Street crash
indias exports declined
Loss of jobs and industry
Gov. Of India act
agriculture, heath, education given to Indian ministries
Only 10% given suffrage