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1200-900 BC
900-725 BC
725-580 BC
580-480 BC
480-300 BC
300-100 BC
mummy of zagreb, liber linteus, 225-150 BC, religious etruscan text, 500 words
name + name of paper+ date + 2 characteristics
romulus hut, palantine, 8th BC, excevation & reconstruction
name + location + date + what is the picture
hut urn, 9th-8th BC, villanova
name + date + characteristic
pozzo pit graves, 9th-8th BC and later, villanova
name + date + characteristic
regolini galassi tomb, 660-625 BC, cerveteri, princely grave
name + date + location + characteristic
gold pectoral and fibula, 660-625 BC, from gassi tomb
name + date + characteristic
banditaccia necropolis, 9th-3rd BC, cerveteri
name + date + location
burial mounds, 7th-6th BC, banditaccia necropolis
name + date + location
tomb of shields and chairs, 575-550 BC, banditaccia necropolis
name + date + location
Murlo, 575-550 / 530 BC, poggio civitate, archaic, monumental residency
name + date roof + location + 2 characteristics
murlo cowboy, 575-550 BC
name + date
terracotta plaques, 575-550 BC, murlo, assembly, horse, also banquet
name + date + location + 3 characteristics
greek-roman tile system, 7th-early modern BC, big = kalypter hegemon, long = imbrex, tile = tegula
name + date + 3 characteristics
belvedere temple, 5th BC, orvieto, classic etrusco-italic temple
name + date + location + characteristics
ridgepole apollo, 510 BC, portonaccia temple veii, minerva temple
name + date + location + characteristic
temple B, 500 BC, pyrgi, for astarte
left name + date + location + characteristic
temple A, 475 BC, pyrgi, for ino leucothea
right name + date + location + charasteristic
pyrgi tablets, 500 BC, etruscan and phoenician texts, by thefarie velianas for astarte
name + date + 2 characteristics
pediment relief temple A, 475 BC, athena and zeus in the seven against thebes
name + date + whats happening
liver of piacenza, 100 BC, haruspicy
name + date + characteristics
helmet urn, 9th-8th BC, impasto pottery, villanova
name + date + 2 characteristics
canopic urn, 625-600 BC, chiusi
name + date + location
tomb of the bulls, 560-540 BC, achilles attacking son of priamus
name + date + characteristics
tomb of the augurs, 530 BC, funeral games, augurs / bird priest
name + date + characteristics
tomb of hunting and fishing, 510 BC, tarquinia, diver
name + date + location + characteristic
sarcofago degli sposi, 525 BC, cerveteri, roman and parisian copy
name + date + location + characteristic
tomba del tuffatore, 480 BC, paestum
name + date + location
tomb of the leopards, 475-450 BC, tarquinia
name + date + location
lupa capitolina, 1021-1153 CE or 5th BC, late 15th
name + 2 dates wolf + date babies
rome 7 hills, 6th-mid 4th BC
name + date
temple jupiter optimus maximus, 509 BC, capitolium, tarquinius superbus
name + date + location + characteristics
cloaca maxima, 6th or 5th BC
name + date
servian wall, 386 BC, rome, attributed to servius tullius
name + date + location + characteristics
sarcophagus of consul lucius cornelius scipio barbatus, 200 BC, 298 BC, family tomb
name + date + when was he consul + characteristic