PM Borden
Prime minister that defeated Laurier in 1911
Conservative and against free trade
Franz Josef
Emperor of Austria 1848-1916
Queen Victoria
Queen of England 1837-1901
Napoleon III
President of France
Wilhelm I
Prussian king/German Emperor
PM of Prussia/Germany
Resigned in 1890
Prince Leopold
Hohenzollern prince
Elected Spanish king but removed by France
Czar Alexander III
Czar during the 3 Emperor’s league
Refused to renew the Dreikaiserbund
Fredrick III
German Kaiser 1888
Son of Wilhelm I
Married Princess Victoria, Princess Royal
Wilhelm II
German Kaiser 1888+
Disagreed with Bismarck and wanted consultation
Edward VII
King of Great Britain
Son of Queen Victoria
Martin Luther
Broke from the Catholic Church and created Lutheranism
Convinced North Germans of their superiority
Believed that each nationality has its own unique genius
Believed that the state gives dignity and freedom to man
Von Ranke
Believed that Germany had a God-given mission to develop German politics and society
German spirit is primordial, nobler and ineradicable
German Chief of Staff 1891-1906
Created the Schlieffen Plan
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Heir to the AUS Empire
Assassinated by Serbian Group Black Hand
General Field Marshal Conrad von Hotzendorf
Biggest supporter of AUS war against RUS and SER