FSU Cell Structure and Function Su '23 exam 2
transcriptional control
mRNA degradation control
Dimerization = allows two transcription regulators to bind together to increase the specificity of the sequence they bind to by lengthening the sequence required by an order of magnitude
Homodimer = two of same transcription regulator binds together
Heterodimer = two different transcription regulators bind together
strand of DNA with multiple coding genes together under the control of a single promoter.
genes are transcribed together into one single mRNA strand → are generally functionally related to each other
unique to prokaryotes
The tryptophan operon
Low trp concentration = operon is ON, trp is synthesized
High trp concentration = trp binds to trp repressor which binds to operator binding site, turning OFF operon → no trp synthesized
Lac operon
high glucose, high lactose → operon off
high glucose, low lactose → lac repressor binds to operon, stops processing of lactose
low glucose, low lactose → both activator and repressor binds to operon, no lactose is processed
low glucose, high lactose → operon is ON, lactose is processed
allows general transcription factors and the polymerase to assemble
cis-regulatory sequences (enhancers)
transcription regulators bind to control the rate of the gene activation.
Histone remodeling → Nucleosome sliding
Histone removal
Histone replacement → histone variants
Specific pattern of histone modification
elements on either sides of the cis-regulatory sequence and its gene
bind together to form a loop and stops interactions with other genes
dosage compensation
mechanism to ensure that the same amount of most of the X-chromosome gene products is made in both male and female cells
happens because of transcriptional inactivation of one of the two X-chromosomes in female somatic cells → X-inactivation
RNA interference is caused by short single-stranded RNAs that selectively bind to the bases of other RNAs in a cell leading to…
inhibiting its translation
catalyzing its rapid destruction
directing the formation of repressive chromatin on its attached DNA template to block further transcription
They base pair to specific RNAs and fine tune their translation and stability
synthesized by RNA pol II and are 5’ capped and polyadenylated
used to form RISCs
miRNA assembles with a set of proteins to form a RISC
seek their complementary base-paired mRNA
if there’s enough of a match, the mRNA is sliced
if base-pairing between the miRNA and the mRNA is less extensive, translation of the mRNA is repressed by the recruitment of deadenylase enzymes—which shorten the poly-A tail—and other proteins that directly block access of the mRNA to the proteins
short siRNAs produced by the Dicer protein are assembled with a group of proteins to form an RITS (RNA-induced transcriptional silencing) complex.
Complex binds complementary RNA transcripts as they emerge from a transcribing RNA pol II.
complex then attracts enzymes that covalently modify nearby histones and DNA causing the formation of a “constitutive” form of heterochromatin.
hydrophyllic (polar) heads
hydrophobic (non-polar) tails
Three-carbon glycerol backbone
Two long-chain fatty acids (linked through ester bonds to the glycerol)
glycerol is attached to a phosphate group (is linked to one of several types of head group)
Glycolipids = resembles sphingolipids, but have sugars attached
found exclusively in monolayer facing away from cytosol (inside organelles and outside of cell)
made of sphingosine in animals
help protect membrane against harsh conditions, cell-recognition, and electrical charge
Rigid ring structures related to steroids but containing a single polar hydroxyl group and a short nonpolar hydrocarbon chain.
act as a buffer, maintain fluidity of membrane
mainly found in animals
cholesterol = main sterol in animals
The ordering of water molecules around hydrophobic molecules increases the entropy of the system (not favorable).
To minimize the number of water molecules affected, hydrophobic molecules cluster together in aqueous environment. to…
minimize exposure of their hydrophobic tails to water
maximize exposure of their hydrophilic heads to water.
Spherical micelles
formed by cone-shaped amphiphilic molecules with one hydrophobic tails
Double layered sheets
classic lipid bilayer shape, formed by cylindrical amphiphilic molecules with two hydrophobic tails
lateral diffusion
flip-flops (rare)
Creates a difference in charge between one side of the membrane by confiding phosphatidylserine in inner layer of membrane
Converting extracellular messages to intracellular
Distinguish between live and dead cells
presence of phosphatidylserine on outside of cell indicates cellular death
epithelial cells
Enzymes on the plasma membrane are found either on the top surface (apical) or on the bottom and side surfaces (basal and lateral) of cells. Additionally, the lipid compositions of these two areas of the membrane are different
The barriers set up by a specific type of intercellular junction (called a tight junction)
Insertion of hydrophobic protein domains or attached lipid anchors into leaflets of lipid bilayer → increasing area of one leaflet bends protein
Forming rigid scaffolds to deform the membrane / support already bent membrane
Manipulation of specific lipids strategically bends the proteins
Size → the smaller the molecule, the easier it diffuses
Hydrophobicity → the more hydrophobic/nonpolar the molecule is, the easier it will diffuse across
Each one often transports specific molecular species/class
Coupled transport
ATP-driven pumps
Light-driven pumps
Symporters → couple transfer of second molecule in the same direction
Antiporters → couple transfer of second molecule in opposite direction
P-type pumps
ABC transporters
V-type pumps
3 NA+ lost, 2K+ gained
electrogenic → drives net current acrosss membrane
pores that allow water to move rapidly in and out of cells
disallow ions
allow single water molecules to pass through, too narrow for hydrated ion
two asparagines bind to O atom of H2O to pull string of water molecules
change in voltage (voltage-gated)
mechanical stress (mechanically-gated)
ligand binding (ligand-gated)
providing increased membrane area for biochemical RX
creating functionally specialized spaces within cell
assembles soluble and integral membrane proteins for cell exterior/ organelles
produces most cellular lipids and sterols
acts as storage for Ca2+ ions
the ancestral cells might have initially increased by plasma membrane protrusions to increase the capacity to metabolites exchange with the environment
Symbioses and membrane expansion increased resource availability allowed cells to grow larger.
the network of spaces between protrusions would have become sealed off from the surrounding environment.
Protein translocation
gated transport
vesicular transport