Argue that the industrial society is divided into a two class system: the capitalist class who own the means of production and the working class forced to sell their labour paper to the capitalists.
The base and superstructure model - the SS is how institutions all function in a way that maintains the power of the rich and exploits the workers. The base shapes and maintains the SS, composed of means of production and relations of production.
used the term ‘petty b’ as opposed to Marx’s petit bourgeoisie to mean a class with limited influence over the means of production.
MC shares things in common with ruling and working classes because they experience a sense of contradiction and dissonance because of the complexity of their position in society.
Status refers to the differences in prestige that they are accorded by others.
Markers and symbols of status include types of housing, dress, manner of speech and occ.
He argued that status varies independently of class sometimes. He refers to ‘genteel poverty’ which is when someone still reaps the benefits of their aristocratic family history.
influencing the process of law creation puts you in a considerably powerful position.
e.g) status groups such as the British medical association which exists to protect the social status of healthcare workers.
inequality is an inevitable feature of society
conflict between diff social groups is managed by a common value system which recognises the appropriateness of unequal levels of reward.
despite legislation, women are still less likely to be found in positions of power and influence.
She notes how statutory maternity pay for women far outweighs the ten days that men receive.
Patriarchal is not a universal concept. younger women less likely to experience and some ethnicities more than others.
Paid work
mass media
violence against women
marxist fems don’t explain fact that patriarchy has existed in all known societies, not just capitalist
MIRZA - black british women have the added dimension of racism so their experience of life is DIFFERENT.
he is concerned with the image people project through the choices they make as consumers.
Pick and mix identity - consumer choice has now overridden the old divisions of gender, ethnicity and class.
we are seduced into conspicuous consumption by advertising
PM strat is about lifestyle choices