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health psychology
A subfield of psychology that emphasizes psychology’s role in establishing and maintain health and preventing and treating illness
stages of change model
the 5-stage model of change that includes the stages precontemplation, contemplation, preparation/determination, action/willpower, and maintenance
the individual is unaware or unwilling to acknowledge the problem
the individual is aware of the problem and the desired change
individuals are preparing to take action
individuals commit to making a behavioral change and enact a plan
individuals are successful in continuing their behavior change over time
physical and mental response to a threatening or challenging situation
whatever it is that is stressing you out
flight or fight response
the body’s immediate response to stress. This response is triggered by epinephrine
general adaption syndrome
Seyle’s term for the common effects of stressful demands on the body, consisting of three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
a temporary state of shock during which resistance to illness and stress falls below normal limits
glands throughout the body manufacture different hormones that protect the individual. During this stage the body can fight off infection with remarkable efficiency
the stage that is entered when the body’s all out effort to combat stress fails and stress persists. In this stage, wear and tears takes a toll on the person
primary appraisal
individuals interpret whether an event involves harm or loss that has already occurred, a threat of some future danger, or a challenge to be overcome
secondary appraisal
people evaluate their resources and determine how effectively they can be marshaled to cope with the event
Impact of stress on physical health
Experiencing stress has a direct impact on immune system, which can lead to having a higher chance of developing certain diseases. Along with the direct impacts of stress, stress can also impact our health through the methods we use to cope. Drinking alcohol, doing drugs, smoking, and eating unhealthy can also lead to illness
Type A
competitive, impatient, driven
Type B
noncompetitive, easygoing, and relaxed
Type C
low emotion, agreeable, may feel helpless
Type D
negative emotion, anxious, pessimistic
managing taxing circumstances, expending effort to solve life’s problems, and seeking to master or reduce stress
PERMA Model of Wellbeing
Proactively working on the components of PERMA increases aspects of wellbeing AND decreases psychological distress.
P: positive emotions
E: engagement
R: relationships
M: meaning
A: Achievement
problem-focused coping
the coping strategy of directly facing one’s troubles and trying to solve them
emotion-focused coping
the coping strategy that involves responding to the stress that one is feeling—trying to manage one’s emotional reaction—rather than focusing on the root problem itself
positive reappraisal
reinterpreting a potentially stressful experience as positive, valuable, or even beneficial
a personality trait characterized by a sense of commitment rather than alienation and of control rather than powerlessness; a perception of problems as challenges rather than threats
hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something
Alice F. Chang
Her parents were political refugees from China. She grew up in New Mexico. She helped create the Marana Community Mental Health Clinic that serves Yaqui Indians, migrant workers, and indigent people in the rural communities of Tucson. She had a private practice and taught psychology classes at the University of Arizona and Chapman University in California. She founded the Academy for Cancer Wellness in Tucson. She was passionate about providing counseling, social support, and financial support to people dealing with cancer. She was the first ethnic minority woman to serve on the American Psychological Association Board of Directions.