provides the history and relationship between each theory
differentiates and organizes the large amount of content
economic growth and diversity
increase in industrialization
social institutions become more stratified and specialized
legislation is more acceptable in adjusting laws bc of political development
courts now mediate conflict
administrative statuses are bureaucratized
laws and court decisions are enforced by clearly differentiated and organized police forces
legislative, judicial, and executive functions are separate and distinct
law in any given society is a reflection of natural law
natural law was largely displaced by historical and evolutionary interpretations of the law
natural law must be radically different in its conceptualization in law and society
laws a result of physical environment, antecedents
laws are relative; none are good or bad in abstract
law is a product of evolving economic forces
law is a tool used by a ruling class to maintain its power over the lower class
in a communist society, law as an instrument of social control will disappear
the rule of law is not consistent with authority
the rule of law means total subjection to all classes
individual rights derive from court precedents rather than constitutional codes
law is embedded in patriarchal ideas and relations
the law reflects and reproduces gender inequality
racism is constitutive of society and the law
law reflects dominant white interests
voices of oppressed groups essential to expose racial inequality and racism
categorizes Indigenous people as a "racial group" to separate them from Europeans
defines settler authority as "lawful" and Indigenous ppl as "unlawful"
restricts status vs. non-status based on misogyny and racialization
defines who is registered as Indian and who can live and pass on their reserves
status vs. nonstatus
remove status rights from indigenous women