abnormal replication of cells causing new growth (benign or malignant)
Arises from bone
Epithelial origin
Radionuclide/isotope seeking scan
isotope is a tumor seeking chemical
Measures to prevent cancer
maintaining healthy weight
nitrate and nitrate additives are known to be cancer stimulators
alcohol moderation
Biological response modifiers
stimulate or suppress immune activity to try and control malignancy without effect on other cells
two types:
Interleukins = help immune system find and destroy cancer cells
-Interferons= slow division of cancer cells and stimulate natural killer cells
Help immune system find and destroy cancer cells
Slow division of cancer cells and stimulate natural killer cells
Eustachian tube
Connects middle ear with the throat
Romberg test
tests equilibrium
Age related eye changes
iris does not dilate (falls) -cataracts -dry eye
presbyopia = aging eye
If foreign body in eye
irrigate with tap water or saline
patch both eyes
Eye drop application
pull down on lower eyelid and put drops into conjunctival sac
Eye ointment application
apply a thin layer along the entire conjunctival sac
increase IOP causes optic nerve damage
narrow angle (build up of fluid) (acute) (angle closure)
open angle/wide angle (chronic) (slow over time)
Narrowing of vision common S/S
Retinal detachment
most common cause is DM
S/S common is curtain like vision due to detachment
Macular degeneration
most common eye disease
macula shows colors and central vision
Layers of skin
Dermis consists of
dense connective tisssue
Epidermis consists of
squamous epithelium
Subcut consists of
adipose to cushion bones.
Skin tears
category 1- better
Skin tenting
more than 8 seconds = dehydrated
Min urine output for adult
30 ml/hr
Steven Johnson syndrome
lesions on skin and mouth
painful lesions on nerve path
same bacteria that causes chicken pox (varicella)
shingles is not contagious but you can get chicken pox
chicken pox is super dangerous for fetus
you can get vaccine after having it once!
Skin cancer ABCDE
A-asymmetry B-borders (elevated border?) C-color (changing in color) D-diameter (getting bigger?) E-evolution (changing?)
Basal cell carcinoma
most common
rarely life threatening
Squamous cell carcinoma
rarely life threatening but more serious than basal cell
can be treated with topical imiquimod
Malignant melanoma
arises from pigment producing cells
Burns calorie requirement
Fluid resuscitation
Replacement of the extensive fluid and electrolyte losses associated with major burn injuries.