Prenatal diagnoses
________ can be obtained with either chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis.
________: a prenatal test in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is removed from the sac surrounding the fetus for testing.
________: abnormal development in regions of the brain involved with language, cognition, and social communication leads to abnormal connections with other parts of the brain.
________ is conceptualized within a model that is dependent on many factors (genetic and environmental)
________ genes are linked to an increased risk for autism.
Down ________ can be diagnosed by prenatal screening tests.
________- affected children at 1- 2 years old show abnormal growth of the brain.
________ (Genome wide association studies) in dyslexia have identified genetic variants that only account for <1 % of risk.
________ impairs normal function to a significant degree in different settings:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
________ (ADHD): Characterized by excessively inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive behaviors.
Down syndrome
________ is associated with around 50 physical /developmental characteristics.
Dyslexic readers
________ have functional inefficiency in an extensive neural system in the posterior portion of the brain.
Chorionic villus sampling
________ (CVS): obtaining a sample of the chorionic villi in the placenta to get the fetuss DNA.
________ is guided by an increased understanding of how the brain normally reacts to learning, bonding, and social challenge as it develops.
DS babies
________ develop as much as typical children but at a slower rate.
sample of amniotic fluid
The ________ is removed through a fine needle inserted into the uterus through the abdomen, under ultrasound guidance.
Prefrontal circuits
________ need an optimal level of catecholamine stimulation.
________: unexpected difficulty in speaking & reading in children & adults who otherwise possess the intelligence, motivation, and schooling necessary for accurate fluent reading.
Down ________: caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
________ is typically diagnosed based on behavior in children around 3 years old.
________ has a strong genetic influence.
________ affects 80 % of learning disabled individuals.
abnormal development in regions of the brain involved with language, cognition, and social communication leads to abnormal connections with other parts of the brain
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
A condition characterized by excessively inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive behaviors.
among friends, at school and home
at work and home
a part of the midbrain
stimulants (methylphenidate) and non-stimulant drugs
Down syndrome
A congenital condition caused by having an extra copy of chromosome 21.
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
Obtaining a sample of the chorionic villi in the placenta to get the fetus's DNA.
A prenatal test in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is removed from the sac surrounding the fetus for genetic testing.
An unexpected difficulty in speaking & reading in children & adults who otherwise possess the intelligence, motivation, and schooling necessary for accurate fluent reading.