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to accept that something is true or exists; przyznawać; to tell someone, usually in a letter, that you have received something they sent you; potwierdzać to let someone know that you have seen them, usually by saying hello; zauważać, zwracać uwagę na
to spend a lot of time worrying about a decision; nie móc się zdecydować, bić się z myślami
laugh quietly; chichotać
the way someone behaves; zachowanie to organize or do something; przeprowadzać
the feeling of being happy or satisfied; zadowolenie
feeling disappointed because something is not as good as you thought it was; rozczarowany
to laugh in a nervous or silly way; chichotać
to show pleasure at your success or at someone else's failure; triumfować, chełpić się
disappointed or unhappy, and quiet; ponury, przbity
to make your face show an expression of pain or unhappiness; wykrzywiać się, grymas
to smile a big smile; uśmiechać się, szczerzyć zęby
If there is inertia, a situation remains the same or changes very slowly; bezwład, inercja
a movement that needs care or skill; manewr to move with care or skill; manewrować
to laugh at someone or something in an unkind way; kpić (z)
to secretly look at something for a short time, usually through a hole
to look carefully or with difficulty; przyglądać się badawczo
radować się
to feel angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like; czuć się urażonym
determined in character, action, or ideas
a smile that expresses satisfaction or pleasure about having done something or knowing something that is not known by someone else; uśmiechać się ironicznie
to cause something that is thin to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking sound; pękać
administrować, kierować, sprawować rządy, podawać lek
to give a weak form of a disease to a person or animal, usually by injection, as a protection against that disease
nursing home
dom spokojnej starości
prevent(at)ive medicine
medicine that emphasizes a healthy lifestyle that will prevent poor health before it occurs
sick leave
zwolnienie lekarskie
black out
suddenly become unconscious; make a place dark by turning off all the lights
come out in
become covered in spots
come round
become conscious again after being unconscious; happen again; go to a place where someone is, to visit them; be persuaded to change your opinion or decision
cotton on
begin to realise or understand something
crease up
laugh a lot, or make someone laugh a lot
follow up
check the health of someone who has received medical treatment; try to find out more about something
get down
make someone feel sad or lose hope
get over
start to feel happy or well again after something bad has happened; solve or deal with a problem
go down (well/badly) (with sb)
produce a particular reaction
lash out
try to hit or attack someone suddenly and violently; speak angrily to or against someone
pass away/on
die (used to avoid saying 'die' when you think this might upset someone)
play up
cause difficulties or pain for someone; behave badly
pull through
manage to stay alive after you have been very ill or very badly injured; succeed in a very difficult situation, or help someone do this
shrivel up
become smaller and thinner and not look fresh and healthy; become weaker or smaller
summon up
manage to produce a quality or a reaction that helps you deal with a difficult situation
ward off
do something to prevent someone or something from harming you
put on an act
to behave or speak in a false or artificial way; udawać
get your act together
to start to organize yourself so that you do things in an effective way; zebrać się w sobie, wziąć się w garść
on your best behaviour
to behave extremely well and be very polite on a particular occasion
cry yourself to sleep
to cry for a long time until you start to sleep
cry on sb's shoulder
to tell someone about all the things that are making you sad or upset. The person you are talking to is a shoulder to cry on
a far cry from
to be completely different from something; coś zupełnie innego, coś zupełnie odwrotnego
drop dead
a rude way of telling someone that you are annoyed with them and want them to go away or be quiet
dead (set) against (doing)
to be completely opposed to something
dead and buried
zarzucony, dawno zapomniany, nie wart wracania do czegoś
dead and gone
od dawna na tamtym świecie
dead ahead
na wprost, tuż przed, tuż na wprost; przed dziobem (statku)
adverse/beneficial effect
odwrotny/korzystny skutek, efekt
feel your way
to judge where you are going by touching with your hands instead of looking; iść po omacku
health hazard/risk
may cause or suspected of causing serious health effects; zagrożenie dla zdrowia
kind regards
z pozdrowieniami, z uszanowaniem
have the last laugh
to finally be successful, often after an argument or disagreement; śmiać sie ostatnim
for a laugh
If you do something for a laugh, you do it for enjoyment
a laugh a minute
very funny, or enjoyable. This expression is usually used in a humorous way to show that you really think someone or something is not funny or enjoyable
take your own life
to commit suicide
that's life
said after something bad or unlucky has happened, to express your feeling that such events will sometimes happen and have to be accepted
this is the life
said to mean that you are very much enjoying the situation you are in
can live with
used for saying that you can accept something
live and let live
said to mean that people should accept the way other people live and behave, especially if they do things in a different way; żyj i pozwól żyć innym
you live and learn
said when you hear or discover something that is surprising; człowiek uczy się przez całe życie
live a lie
to live in a way that is dishonest because you are pretending to be something that you are not, to yourself or to other people
live beyond/within your means
to spend more than you earn/to spend less money than you receive as income
live to tell the tale
to successfully deal with or continue to live despite a difficult situation or experience
medicine cabinet
a small cabinet, usually with a mirror on the front, that is attached to the wall in a bathroom; apteczka (półka na lekarstwa, np. w łazience)
trigger a reaction
wywoływać reakcję
adverse/gut/immediate reaction
negative, unpleasant, or harmful - reakcja niepożadana/ something that you feel or believe strongly without stopping to think about it - instynktowna reakcja / happening without any delay
sick as a parrot
very disappointed; być do głębi rozczarowanym
worried sick
extremely worried; być chorym ze strachu
sick bag
torebka na wymioty
be in for a treat
czekać na atrakcję, być podekscytowanym (czymś, co ma się stać)
cry over spilt milk
waste time feeling upset about something bad that has happened and cannot be changed
fly off the handle
suddenly become extremely angry without a good reason
give sb a taste/dose of their own medicine
treat someone in the same bad way they treat other people
give sth a miss
decide not to do sth that you usually do
grin and bear it
accept a difficult situation without complaining or showing how you feel
keep a straight face
remain serious and not laugh
keep your hair on
used for telling someone not to get angry or upset
kick yourself
be very annoyed because you have made a mistake, missed an opportunity, etc.
let off steam
shout or do something that allows you to get rid of anger
let sleeping dogs lie
leave a person or situation alone if they might cause you trouble
never/don't look a gift horse in the mouth
if you are given something good, you should not complain about it or try to find things that are wrong with it
up in arms about
angry and complaining about something
to put something into action, especially to make something law
to reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect; przeciwdziałać
a person who is opposed to political or social change or new ideas
the act of avoiding something or someone; unikanie
a feeling of being unhappy and not satisfied with the situation you are in; niezadowolenie
to get something from something else; czerpać
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