begins with only one cell that reproduces by mitosis and accumulates gene disruption that make it more likely to divide
cells divide continuosusly and loose the ability that keep mitosis from happening at wrong times
cancer becomes invasive and moves to other parts of the body (metastasis)
can run in families
the older the person is the higher chance of cancer
the older we get the more chances for random gene mutation accumulate in a single cell driving toward metastasis
the morphology of a cell is altered
Points during the cell cycle where biochemical signaling ensures that DNA is stable enough to duplicate, that the duplication went well and that the cell is ready to divide
G1 G2 and M checkpoints
code for proteins that when they are working correctly, maintain the cell cycle in check
loss of function leads to unchecked growth
150 strains
40 can pass from direct skin to skin contact
most common STD
80% of sexually active individuals at some point
causative agent in cervical cancer, penile cancer, testicular cancer, and oropharyngeal cancer
10-20 years from inial HPV infection until tumor forms
protects against HPV
reduces infection, reduce risk of cancer
get it from 11-12
2 doses from optimal protection
30 % of cervical cancers will not be prevented by vaccines
25% of breast cancers have this gene amplified
aggressive tumors
also used for metastatic stomach or gastresophageal cancers
preformed “linkage studies” to identify regions of the genome that passed on more frequently in familial breast cancers
autosomal Dominant
8 in 10 risk developing breast cancer by age 70